文人画,literati painting
1)literati painting文人画
1.Impact of "literati painting" on the artistic ideology of Chinese classical garden design;文人画对中国古典园林设计艺术思想的影响
2.The Reconstruction of the Oil Painting Language under the Influence of Literati Painting Aesthetical Characteristics;文人画审美品格影响下的油画语言重建

1.New Scholar s Painting: Modern Transformation of Traditional Scholar s Painting;新文人画:传统文人画的现代性转换
2.On the new Literator s painting from the connotation of it;从“新文人画”的内涵评“新文人画
3.He broke through the traditional Chinese painting notion of the bamboo symbolizing modesty and the orchid indicating delicacy.他打破了传统文人画中画竹画兰的陈套。
4.Literati Painting Gives Many Negative Inpacts on Chinese Painting;古代文人画对中国画发展的消极影响
5.Analysis of Wang Wei s Painting Style and Scholar Paintings Cultural Hegemony from New Angle;新视角解读王维画风及文人画话语权
6.The Symbolism of Yuanti Drawing and Scholar Drawing in the Song Dynasty;浅谈宋代院体画与文人画中的象征性
7.To Repose one s Mind in Drawing --Essentials of Late Ming Dynasty s Drawing;以画为寄:晚明文人画美学的基本特征
8.Dong Qichang s view on Literay Painting and the reaction in the paintings of the same style of the Ming-Qing Dynasties;董其昌的文人画观与明清文人画的反拨精神
9.On the Generating Pattern of Literati's Drawings under the Influence of Literati in Northern Song Dynasty北宋文人画思潮影响下文人画形态的生成
10.The Research of the Aesthetic Culture Combining Seal and Painting with Chinese Literary Painting中国文人画中印画结合的审美文化研究
11.On the Moral Quality Spirit of the Chinese Literati Painters from the Perspective of the Painting Poem;由题画诗透视中国文人画家的人格精神
12.Qi Baishi had gone through dramatic changes to become a learned painter.齐白石从民间画工转变为文人画家,经过了"变法"。
13.Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, the painting style of the literati has constituted the mainstream of Chinese painting;自从宋元以后,随着文人画成为画坛的主流,
14.The Reconstruction of the Oil Painting Language under the Influence of Literati Painting Aesthetical Characteristics;文人画审美品格影响下的油画语言重建
15.The Concept of Scholars Painting in the Painting Education of the Northern Song Dynasty and Research on Its Origin;北宋“画学”教育中的文人画观念及其成因研究
16.Try to Argue Literati Painting Gives Many Practical Importance on Modern Chinese Painting;试论古代文人画对现代中国画发展的现实意义
17.Shallowly Discussed Two Song "the Courtyard Body" the Drawing and "the Painting of a Scholar" Gives the Later Generation the Influence;浅谈两宋“院体”绘画和“文人画”予以后世的影响
18.The Reflection of Chinese Traditional Literati Drawing and Western Modernism Painting;中国传统文人画与西方现代主义绘画的思索

scholar painting文人画
1.The Essence and the Contemporary Meaning of Scholar Painting;文人画的本质及其当代意义
2.The scholar painting is defined on the basis of the composing idea and aesthetic appeal,not on the form of expressin,of the painting.文人画是指创作思想和审美情趣而言 ,并不是指在表现形式上属于水墨还是工笔。
3)Literati paintings文人画
1.Experimental Plot of Literati Paintings──on the Bamboo & Stone Paintings in Yuan Dynasty;文人画的试验田──论元人竹石一科
2.The Flourish of Literati Paintings in the Middle and Late Ming Dynasty;文人画在明代中后期的缘起
3.In China,after Song Dynasty,the Literati paintings have been predominant over since Song Dynasty(960-1279).中国画自宋代以后,文人画一直占统治地位。
4)literary painting文人画
1.The literary painting, in creating the mood of a work of art, prominently shows the integrity of the poetic mood and painting mood.文人画在意境的营造上,突出地表现为诗境和画境的融合。
2.He made a brand - new breakthrough during the development of our country s literary painting in the Ming dynasty.他的绘画艺术是我国文人画发展到明代的一个新的突破。
3."pop art" scan the history of the literary painting again, probe intoConfucianism.本文以艺术社会学为方法论,借鉴潘诺夫斯基和里格尔的“艺术意志”和豪泽尔的“精英艺术”、“通俗艺术”等观念来重新梳理文人画发展史,探讨在不同历史阶段儒、道、佛三教对文人画形成与发展所构成的潜在影响,并促使其从萌芽期走入文化内涵定型期、笔墨形式大发展期以至最后的集成期,在这四个时期中又分别孕育出四位文人画家来转变、带动文人画的前进,使“气韵”、“意气”、“笔墨”等范畴趋于成熟定型。
5)scholars paintings文人画
1.Chinese traditional scholars paintings are unique in Chinese arts history,and thus comprehending these paintings are of great importance,This paper mainly illustrates forming and developing,main arts feature, and historical influence of these paintings.中国传统文人画是中国艺术史上极为独特的景观。
2.It plays an active role in scholars paintings.气韵生动为中国画“六法”之首 ,对文人画产生了积极的影响。
3.Calligraphy into paintings has pros and cons in the full development of scholars paintings.引书入画对文人画的成熟发展有利有弊。
6)scholar calligraphy and painting文人书画
