现代文化,modern culture
1)modern culture现代文化
1.Qu Qiubai s great contribution to Chinese modern culture;瞿秋白在中国现代文化上的重大贡献
2.In looking for a way to develop a new modern national culture,the paper puts forward the idea that identification of the common points of modern culture and national culture should be the breakthrough.在寻找有民族特色的设计文化道路的问题上,提出了以寻找现代文化和传统文化两者的共性作为突破点的方法,主动地迎接现代文化的挑战。
3.The author also point out two requisite advertent issues as follow: union of standardization and diversity;integration and collision of traditional culture and modern culture.新时期媒体和谐语言生活的构建需要关注两方面的问题:规范化与多样性的统一;传统文化与现代文化的碰撞与融合。

1.Modern Chinese Literature and Art Association香港现代文化美术协会
2.A Study on Ancient Chinese Literary Theory under Contemporary Modern Cultural Context;略谈现代文化语境下的古代文论研究
3.Women s Prose in the Structure of Modern Culture;现代文化建构中的中国当代女性散文
4.Mordenization of Mass Literature and Construction of Morden Cultural Markets;通俗文学的现代化与现代文化市场的创建
5.Post-modern Culture Is Specific Historical Period of Modern Culture--A Research on the Criterion of Distinguishing Modern Culture from Tradition Culture;后现代文化现代文化深化的特定阶段——现代文化和传统文化分期标准的研究
6.Chinese and west Culture and Modern Literature in China中西文化与现代文学
7.Xia-culture in the Modern Literature;现代文学中的侠文化——现代文人的文化改造思路
8.Western Culture & Chenise Modernizations西方文化与中国现代化
9.Modernity,Traditional Culture and the Modernization with Chinese Characteristics;现代性、传统文化与中国特色现代化
10.From culture politicalization to culture modernization--Culture development trend in China s modernization;从文化政治化到文化现代化——中国现代化中的文化发展趋势
11.The History of Battle between Chinese and Western Cultures in Modern China近现代中西文化论战史
12.The Post Modern Cultural Significance of Web2.0Web2.0的“后现代”文化意义
13.The "May Fourth" New Culture Movement and the Modernization of Traditional Culture“五四”新文化运动与传统文化现代化
14.Western Ethical Culture:from Pre-modernity to Modernity;西方道德文化:从前现代性到现代性
15.A Brief Discussion on the Ideological Trend of "Counter-modernity" in Contemporary China;略论现代中国的“反现代性”文化思潮
16.Contemporary Meaning of Traditional Cultural in the View of Post-Modern Design从后现代设计谈传统文化的现代意义
17.On Foreign Culture,Local Culture and the Modernization of Traditional Culture;试论外来文化、本土文化与传统文化现代化
18.On the Cultural Status and Academic Values of Modern Usage of Classical Style of Writing;论现代文言文的文化地位与学术价值

culture modernization文化现代化
1.On Culture Modernization of New China during the Past 60 Years新中国六十年文化现代化的思考
2.In recent years Chinese cluture modernization has been an academic best loved issue,but the study of the relationship between Chinese culture modernization and Marxism is comparatively less,and no enough attention is paid to it.近年来 ,中国文化的现代化一直是学术界比较关注的热点问题 ,但关于中国文化现代化与马克思主义的关系问题阐述得相对较少 ,没有引起足够的重视。
3.At present, the globalization has become the key word of the world study field, the Chinese culture modernization faces the large challenge.当前,在中国文化现代化积极推进的时候,西方文化发展出现了后现代化的问题,世界范围内全球化的浪潮也是声势浩荡,这一新形势下如何看待中国传统文化?中国文化现代化如何去进行?本文拟就这些问题作一点粗浅的回答。
3)cultural modernization文化现代化
1.The cultural modernization of Nanjing Nationalist Government between 1927-1937 was initiated under the situation of China s civil wars and foreign invasion.1927-1937年南京国民政府文化现代化是在"内忧"和外患下开启的。
2.The development of Chinese cultural modernization has passed a long historical period, in which the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics now we are undertaking is an important milestone.文化现代化是近现代以来中国文化发展的方向。
3.Based on the Proposed five Principles for the building of the evaluation system of the cultural modernization of Ningbo City, this paper develops 10 2nd-rate indexes and 24 3rd-rate indexes to evaluate the level of the cultural modernization of Ningbo City.文章提出了设计文化现代化指标体系的5条原则,设计了衡量文化现代化的10个二级指标与24个三级指标。
4)postmodern culture后现代文化
1.Now the impacts of postmodern culture on principles of developing educational media are discussed and principles of developing educational media are restructured.后现代文化思潮的兴起对教育技术这门学科产生很大的影响。
2.The paper discusses the principles of making literary versions classic, analyses all the views describing the characteristics of postmodern culture and advocates the conditions to make postmodern literary versions classic.文章讨论了文学文本经典化的原则,对描述后现代文化特征的各种观点进行了辩析,并提出后现代文学文本经典化的条件。
5)postmodernism culture后现代文化
1.Analysis on Negative effect of postmodernism culture on youth and its relevant revolution;后现代文化对青年的负面影响及其对策分析
6)Post-modern culture后现代文化
1.Social Life of"the Culture Revolution" and Influence on Post-modern Culture;“文革”时期的社会生活及其对后现代文化的影响
2.It explains Can Xue s novels again from the angle of region culture and post-modern culture.本文从追问残雪小说文本的晦涩和它的悬置状态入手,从地域文化和后现代文化的视角,对残雪小说进行了重新解读。

现代文化  工业社会以来新产生的文化。是与传统文化相对应的概念。现代文化产生于传统文化基础之上,又与之并存。每个民族的文化中既有传统的成分,又有现代的成分。从16世纪开始的宗教改革和文艺复兴运动以及18世纪的工业革命,是现代文化产生和发展的两大来源。此后的工业化、电气化、自动化则是现代文化在物质生活方面的具体表现;实现人的价值、追求人的彻底解放,是现代文化在意识形态领域里的主要表现。现代文化中的物质和非物质元素,多发源于欧洲,后传播到世界各地,并得到发扬光大。现代文化在一个民族文化中所占的比重,标志着这个民族的发展水平。