招贴设计,poster design
1)poster design招贴设计
1.The Creative Logo in Poster Design;图形创意在招贴设计中的作用
2.The method to construct Chinese elements full of modern style was put forward to fuse these elements into the poster design of 2008 Olympic Games.通过对民族传统文化中与其他民族不同的思维方式和独特风格的分析,并根据这些特点构建了富有现代风格的中国元素,使这些元素融入2008年奥运招贴设计中。
3.This paper analyzed three kinds of poster design methods and their meaning.通过分析当前招贴设计的三种设计方式及其所能传达的意义,再结合时代的美感要求,得出招贴设计需要将“少”作为其主要的设计思想。

1.Deconstructionism in Posters--Poster Design by Shen Haopeng;招贴中的解构主义——沈浩鹏的招贴设计
2.Picasso's Collage Style Impact on Modern Poster Design浅谈毕加索拼贴画风格对现代招贴设计的影响
3.Optical Illusion Sketch is Recruit to Stick the Application Study in the Design;视错觉图形在招贴设计中的应用研究
4.Representation of Appropriately Simple Image in Poster Design;招贴设计中图形简约合宜的方法表现
5.Research on Visual Semantics in Contemporary Japanese Poster Design;当代日本招贴设计中的视觉语义研究
6.Tentatively Talking about the Inheritance of the Traditional Cultural in the Poster Design;浅析在招贴设计中对传统文化的继承
7.Characteristic and Effect of Demo-design in Visual Communication Design;谈招贴设计在视觉传达设计中的特征与影响
8.Design of Individual Character and Mass Aesthetic──The Personality of the poster design;个性设计与大众审美──谈招贴设计的构成个性
9.My Own Remarks on the Thoughts of Post M odernism and Post-modern Placard Designing刍议后现代主义思潮与后现代招贴设计
10.The Restructuring of the Elements of Folk Arts in Chinese Contemporary Poster Design;论中国当代招贴设计对民间美术元素的再造
11.Chinese Expression of Humanity Olympics;人文奥运的中国表达——2008北京奥运会招贴设计
12.Application of Folk Art Colors in Modern Poster Design;民间美术色彩在现代招贴设计中的应用
13.Poster Design Language Explored by the Modern Art Movement;现代艺术运动对平面招贴设计语言的开拓
14.On the Art Level Structure and the Aesthetic Implication of the Design of Show Card;论招贴设计的艺术层次结构与审美意味
15.The influence of aesthetic concept of the traditional paintings on the design of modern advertising posters;传统绘画的美学观对现代广告招贴设计的影响
16.Traditional Aesthetics Has Influence on the Modern Advertising Poster;传统美学观对现代广告招贴设计的影响
17.Poster Design in Contemporary China Benchmarking Study of Chinese Ink Painting当代中国招贴设计对中国水墨画的借鉴研究
18.Inheritance and Innovation--Shan Hai Jing and the Abnormal Thinking of Poster Design传承与创新——《山海经》与招贴设计中的异形思维

poster advertisement招贴广告设计
1.Analysis on artistic expression of surrealism in poster advertisement;超现实主义创造的形式和技法,对现代招贴广告设计具有非常重要的意义。
3)bills creative design招贴创作设计
4)advertising poster design广告招贴设计
1.The traditional aesthetics in China has an important influence on modern advertising poster design, and the advertising poster thoughts also have a great influence on the traditional aesthetical conceptions.中国传统美学中的审美追求潜移默化地影响着现代广告招贴设计思想,而广告招贴设计思想反过来又影响着传统民族审美观念。
5)Modern poster design现代招贴设计
6)postmodernistic placard designing后现代招贴设计

招贴画招贴画  zhootiehu。招贴画见艺术作品。