广告设计,Advertising design
1)Advertising design广告设计
1.New concept on the systematic education on advertising design;新概念广告设计教学体系的建立
2.On Aesthetic Tend of Chinese Modem Advertising Design;近现代中国广告设计审美取向探议

1.Creativeness is the key to success for modern ads designing.现代广告设计中,创意是广告作品成败的关键。
2.Selection of World Graphic Design of Advertisement -- Category of New Media and Network Ad.世界平面广告设计精选——新媒体及网络广告类
3.Selection of World Graphic Advertisement Design--Category of Photography in Graphic Ads世界平面广告设计精选——平面广告摄影类
4.World Graphic Design Selection of Advertisement -- Category of Special POP世界平面广告设计精选——特殊招贴广告类
5.The Development of Modern Advertisement and Teaching Methods of Advertisement Design;现代广告的发展与广告设计教学的对策
6.Teaching Reform and Practice of Advertising Design Course Based on the Advertising Competition基于广告大赛的广告设计课程教学改革与实践
7.He advanced a design to advertise the product.他提出了一个这产品的广告设计
8.The Artistic Style in the Design of Advertisement of Digital Net Era数字化、网络时代的广告设计艺术风格
9.He graduated from Fu Shin High School and studied Advertisement Design.大东毕业于复兴美工的广告设计科。
10.On the Graphic Language of Gesture Used in Ad. Design论手势图形语言在广告设计中的运用
11.Advertising Creative/Design/Copy writer广告策划/设计/文案
12.The business of designing and writing advertisements for publication or broadcast.广告业为出版或广播而设计和创作广告的行业
13.An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.夸张的广告为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题
14.The design and choice of business public relations ads & commercials tactics;企业公共关系广告、商品广告策略的设计与选择
15.The Enterprise Culture Construction Project Design of Tian Ying Advertisement Company天影广告公司企业文化建设方案设计
16.Do eat it a piece of cake sell like hot cakes take the biscuit cakeo appeal to children.这个广告是针对儿童设计的。
17.This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children.这个广告是针对儿童设计的.
18.a package design and possibly some press advertising.包装设计、可能还要在报上登广告。

advertisement design广告设计
1.On the Chinese contemporary woman charm in advertisement design;谈中国当代女性魅力在广告设计中的体现
2.The background of the vagueness of the visual transmission in advertisement design was introduced and the main characteristics of the vagueness were summarized combined with design.基于对现代广告设计的研究,发现模糊性正逐渐渗透于其中,并不断形成了系列化的模糊性广告设计表现手法:异形同构、异质同形、意的逆反、矛盾空间、虚实相生。
3.This paper applies the theory of Value Engineering(VE) to analysis and evaluate the business advertisement design, which can offer the decision support for the investment of business advertisement.运用价值工程的理论方法对企业广告设计项目进行价值分析与评估 ,为企业广告投资决策提供依据 ,以达到降低成本、增加利润之目的 ,从而有助于提高企业在市场中的竞争
3)Developing advertising设计广告
4)billboard design广告牌设计
5)advertising designer广告设计者
6)POP advertisement designPOP广告设计
1.Design of the courseware manual POP advertisement design;浅谈《手绘POP广告设计》课件的制作

1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计) 叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)