通俗小说,popular novel
1)popular novel通俗小说
1.The influence of Luoxue on the tend of Chinese ancient popular novel writing;洛学传承对中国古代通俗小说创作倾向的影响
2.The inheritance of Luoxue theory and the writing trend of ancient Chinese popular novel;洛学传承与中国古代通俗小说创作倾向

1.Studying on the Popular Novel Creation in the View of Folklore Culture;民俗文化视野中的通俗小说文本创作
2.I have a preference for serious novels to popular fictions.我喜欢读严肃小说胜于通俗小说
3.One of the Sources of Ancient Popular Novels: A Study of Buddhist s “Discourse” and “Storytelling”;古代通俗小说之源:佛家“论议”、“说话”考
4.Origin of the Concept of Popular Novel in Ancient China:Novel Concept of Talking in the Song Dynasty;古代通俗小说观念的起源:宋代说话之小说观念
5.It is an important feature of the popular novel criticism in the Ming Dynasty to uphold popularity.以俗为尚,是明代通俗小说批评的一个重要特征。
6.The Pop Novels of the Republic of China:the Barrier of"Pop"and Confusion of Modernity;民国通俗小说:“俗”的壁垒与现代性的困扰
7.The Popularity-upholding Viewpoint of the Popular Novel Criticism in Ming Dynasty and Its Development;论明代通俗小说批评的尚俗观及其演变
8.democratic art forms; a democratic or popular movement; popular thought; popular science; popular fiction.大众艺术形式;民众或者说大众运动;大众的想法;通俗科学;通俗小说
9.Do you like reading classics or popular novels?你喜欢阅读古典作品还是通俗小说
10.The Study of Festival Description in Chinese Classical Popular Fictions;中国古典通俗小说中的节日描写研究
11.Supplements to Pilgrimage to the West:The beginning of Chinese popular novels created by scholar individuals;《西游补》:文人独创长篇通俗小说的滥觞
12.Brief Comments on the Study of China s Pop Fictions since May 4 Movement;简述“五四”以来中国通俗小说的研究
13.Arguing against "Absence of Popular Fiction in Early Ming Dynasty;非“明代前期通俗小说创作空白论”
14.The Characters of Editoring and Publshing of Popular Novels at the later Stage of Ming;论明代后期通俗小说编辑出版的特点
15.Discussing the Popular Novels Inscription Traits of Later Ming Dynasty;论明代后期通俗小说刊刻的思想特点
16.Readers and Ways of Propagation of Popular Fiction of Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期通俗小说的读者与传播方式
17.On the Entertaining Tendency of Popular Novels during tile Late Qing Dynasty and Early Nationalist Period;论清末民初通俗小说的娱乐主义倾向
18.The Figure of "Loyal Servant" in Pre-Qing Dynasty's Popular Stories清前期通俗小说作品中的“义仆”形象

Popular fiction通俗小说
1.Write the most elegant and spotless works in the world ——On Gu Mingdao s writing of popular fictions;创制世间至高至洁之文——论顾明道的通俗小说创作
2.In the 20th century, China s modern mass communication influenced not only the development of Chinese modern popular fiction, but also its aesthetic state.20世纪中国现代大众传播不仅影响了中国现代通俗小说的发展,还影响了现代通俗小说的审美状态。
3.In the period of "anti-pornography" in the history of Malaysia,most of the popular fiction is regarded to be pornographic literature.在马来亚历史上的"反黄运动时期",大多数通俗小说往往被视为黄色文学。
3)popular novels通俗小说
1.Inspirations from the Novel Pattern by Hai Yan to the Creation of Contemporary Popular Novels;论海岩小说模式对当代通俗小说创作的启示
2.Supplements to Pilgrimage to the West:The beginning of Chinese popular novels created by scholar individuals;《西游补》:文人独创长篇通俗小说的滥觞
3.The following are the characters of editoring and publishing of popular novels at the later stage of Ming dynasty.明代后期通俗小说在编辑出版方面主要体现出以下特点 :一、编辑出版小说选集 ,体现出精选性特点 ;二、一书再版异版纷呈 ,体现出版本多样性特点 ;三、编辑出版图省时赚钱 ,体现出同书多名的特点 ;四、编辑出版注重“名牌效应”,体现出伪托名牌的特点。
4)none-exoteric novel非通俗小说
5)popular novels in Yuan Dynasty元代通俗小说
6)lengthy popular novel长篇通俗小说

《京本通俗小说》  宋人说话话本集。近人缪荃荪于上海发现后,于1915年刻印,收入《烟画东堂小品》丛书。包括《碾玉观音》、《菩萨蛮》、《西山一窟鬼》、《志诚张主管》、《拗相公》、《错斩崔宁》、《冯玉梅团圆》等 7篇。据缪氏题跋说:"尚有《定州三怪》一回,破碎太甚;《金主亮荒淫》两卷,过于秽亵,未敢传摹。"《金主亮荒淫》一种,曾由叶德辉以单本刊行,题作:《金虏海陵王荒淫》。缪氏据以刻印的底本,据题跋说"是影元人写本"。原书卷数无考,但确是具有相当数量的话本汇集。    《京本通俗小说》的 7篇话本是现存最早的宋人说话话本。其中的《碾玉观音》、《错斩崔宁》两篇在思想、艺术成就上较为突出。《碾玉观音》敷叙裱褙匠的女儿璩秀秀与碾玉工人崔宁追求幸福的爱情生活的故事。《错斩崔宁》即清代剧作家朱素臣所作《十五贯》传奇的故事原型。其他各篇,如《菩萨蛮》、《志诚张主管》在于宣扬因果报应,艺术结构也较平直。《西山一窟鬼》是一篇荒诞无稽的鬼故事,惟人物写得比较生动,也反映一些社会生活的侧景。《拗相公》写王安石推行新法不得民心的故事,反映了宋代反对新法一派的思想倾向。《冯玉梅团圆》一篇通过农民起义的动乱背景,歌颂了一个封建官僚的女儿身陷义军之中,嫁与范希周,而在义军被征服后,仍能感恩誓不另嫁终得团圆的故事。思想、艺术成就不高,但在正文之前有一段"头回",写北宋汴京失陷时两对夫妻失散的乱离故事,真切动人,反映了市民阶层的道德观念。以上 7篇,《错斩崔宁》曾收入明人冯梦龙编印的话本集《醒世恒言》中,其他 6 篇收于话本集《警世通言》中,但都经过冯梦龙的修改,在文字上有所加工提高。这 7篇话本的发现,对于研究宋元话本的思想、艺术面貌,很有价值。1954年,曾将这7篇话本排印出版。