魏晋,Wei and Jin Dynasties
1)Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋
1.Anxiety about Personality Choice of Scholars in Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋士人人格选择的焦虑
2.Review on the Development of the Poetry with Five Characters during Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋五言诗发展状况述评
3.The Semantic Field of Yumao in the Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋“羽毛”语义场探微

1.The Wei-Jin Complex in Lu Xun’s Novels: from Wei-Jin Reference to Wei-Jin Experience;鲁迅小说的“魏晋情结”:从“魏晋参照”到“魏晋感受”
2.Xiao(Whistling Songs)of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Six Dynasties--On xiao and the Bearing of the Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋六朝的啸——兼论啸与魏晋风度
3.mural paintings on tomb of Wei and Jin Dynasties in Jiayu Pass嘉峪关魏晋墓室壁画
4.Taoist philosophy of the Wei, Jin, and North and South dynasties魏晋南北朝道教哲学
5.The Ethos & Mindsets of the Wei & Jin Esquires Reflected in the Emotions and Styles of Wei & Jin Verses;魏晋士风、士人心态与魏晋诗歌的情感、风格
6.Study These Comical Behaviors of the Elites in Wei-Jin Times in Comical Aesthetics;魏晋滑稽 盛相驱扇——从滑稽美学看魏晋风度
7.The substitution of Wei royalty for Han royalty and Jin royalty for Wei royalty were importing and profound political affairs.曹魏代汉和晋代魏都是魏晋南北朝时期重大的政治事件,影响深远。
8.The Women s Status in Criminal Law of the Wei Jin and South Dynasities --And the Mitigation of Criminal Law During This Period;魏晋南朝刑律中的妇女地位——兼谈魏晋南朝刑律的轻省化
9.Body "Discovery" and Body "Rebellion" of Gentry Group in Wei-Jin Period--Analysis of the Wei-Jin Manners from the Perspective of Body魏晋士人的身体“发现”与身体“反叛”——“魏晋风度”的身体视角解读
10.Formation of Calligraphy Style--Advocating of Pleasing Charm in Jin Dynasty from the Perspective of Metaphysics Thoughts of Wei and Jin Scholars;从魏晋士人玄学思潮看“晋代尚韵”书风的形成
11.The Umbrella and Fans Carried by a Guard of Honor in Picture Material From Wei to Southern and Northern Dynasties魏晋南北朝图像资料中的伞扇仪仗
12.Women's Family Status In Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasty魏晋南北朝妇女在家庭中的地位探析
13.Research on the Form of "Prestigious-Favorable" Feudal Official from Last Phase of Han to Jin Dynasty汉末魏晋时期“威惠”型官吏形态研究
14.When he was asked to tell which dynasty it was, he did know nothing about the Han Dynasty [206BC-AD220] and still the less he knew about the Wei Dynasty [386-556] or the Jin Dynasty.问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋
15.Succession and Transmutation of Buddism Painting in Wei, Jin, North and South Dynasty论魏晋南北朝佛教绘画的传承与嬗变
16.The Intelligentsia of Wei and Jin Dynasties,Metaphysics and the Raise of"Liufalun论魏晋士族、玄学与“六法论”的提出
17.14~ Buddhism and historiography of Wei, Jin,North-South Dynasties.14、佛教与魏晋南北朝时期的史学。
18.Style and Symbol--A Study on the Lotus Image in WeiJin and NanBei Dynasties;风格与象征——魏晋南北朝莲花图像研究

Wei and Jin Dynasty魏晋
1.On Paladin Poetry in Wei and Jin Dynasty against the Paladin Culture Background;游侠文化背景下的魏晋游侠诗论
2.A Survey about the History and Influence of Wei and Jin Dynasty s Official Pasture Distribution;魏晋官营牧场分布的历史考察及其影响
3)the Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋
1.The Patterns of People in the Wei and Jin Dynasties in Realizing Self-rescue of Life;魏晋士人实现生命自救的形态方式
2.The Relationship Between Stepmothers and Stepsons in the Wei and Jin Dynasties;论魏晋时期的继母子关系
1.The Relationship between Zhang Taiyan s Academic Thoughts on Weijin and His National Consciousness;“假复古之事业,寄革命之精神”——论章太炎的魏晋学术思想与其民族主义观念之渊源
2.A Discussion on Wang Bi s Metaphysics and Weijin Aesthetic Fashion of Landscape;论王弼的玄学思想对魏晋山水审美风尚的影响
5)Wei Jin魏晋
1.The South of Wei Jin towards to the Political Exploiture of Guangdong;魏晋南朝对广东的政治开发
2.Seclusion Culture of Wei Jin and Ji Kang s Death;魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死
6)Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋时期
1.The Western Han,Eastern Han,Wei and Jin Dynasties were an important period in which the traditional Chinese medicine came into being.两汉、魏晋时期,正是中国传统医学形成的重要时期,而在这个时期有所开拓、有所创新的一些著名医家,却没有张扬自己,而是走隐迹的道路,淡化自己、隐匿自己。
2.The Wei and Jin Dynasties is a period of ideological emancipation.魏晋时期是我国古代一个思想解放时期,当时女性的地位貌似也发生了很大的改变,但是从女性贞节观方面将魏晋时期女性的地位与之前的秦汉时期及之后的隋唐时期相比较,就会发现,魏晋时期女性地位并没有什么超越之处。
3.In Spring of 1990, More than 300 tombs of the Wei and Jin Dynasties were found near the Nanwucheng Cucheng in Pingyi county, Shandong province, yielded 110 bronze mirrors that may have seen the prosperity of bronze mirror production of the period in this area.1990年春,在山东省平邑县南武城故城附近发现汉、魏晋时期的墓葬三百余座,出土铜镜110面,据其主题纹饰特征分为13类。

《魏晋玄学论稿》  中国现代哲学史家汤用彤的著作。1962年 9月由中华书局第一次正式出版。本书包括论文 9篇,在1938~1947年期间陆续写成,其中除《言意之辨》一篇,其余都曾先后分别发表于当时国内的报刊杂志上。《王弼之周易论语新义》一篇,曾由奥人李华德译成英文,载1947年美国《哈佛亚洲研究杂志》,引起了国外学术界的重视。    《魏晋玄学论稿》的第1篇《读刘劭人物志》,是关于魏晋玄学思想探源的专门论文。第 2篇《言意之辨》,在综论魏晋玄学方法论的同时,比较了过去烦琐的"汉代经学"与新起"魏晋玄学"的根本不同点。第3篇《魏晋玄学流别略论》,对魏晋玄学思想发展史作了扼要的评述,是全书的纲领。本书其他一些论文,对"魏晋玄学"的创始人之一王弼的思想,进行了深入系统的分析,并阐明了中国汉魏之际的哲学从"宇宙构成论"到形而上学"本体论"的转变。此外,本书对有代表性的玄学家,如向秀与郭象的《庄子注》是怎样"以儒道为一"的思想,也作了具体分析。最后一篇是《谢灵运辨宗论书后》,论及道生的"顿悟"说在中国哲学思想发展史上的意义,指出了它对后来宋明理学的影响。本书附录《魏晋思想的发展》,是根据作者一次专门学术演讲的记录整理而成,是一篇全面总结性的著作,涉及中国魏晋玄学的产生是否受到外来佛教影响的问题。    《魏晋玄学论稿》力图结合中国社会历史条件,具体阐明魏晋玄学思潮产生、发展乃至没落的过程及其规律,是一本有较高学术价值的著作。