徽州文化,Huizhou culture
1)Huizhou culture徽州文化
1.On the Relationship between the Growing up of Tao-Xingzhi s Spirit and Huizhou Culture;徽州文化与陶行知的精神成长
2.A Superficial View on the Common Char acteristics of Tongcheng Culture and Huizhou Culture during Ming &Qing Dynasty;浅谈明清时期桐城文化与徽州文化的共同特征
3.Social Psychology Perspective on Huizhou Culture and Its Revelation徽州文化的社会心理学透视及其启示

1.Cultural Perception and Criterions to Determine Core Cultural Regions of Huizhou Culture徽州文化感知与徽州文化核心区的判定标准研究
2.Influence of Huizhou Culture on WU Zu-xiang s Novel Creation;论徽州文化对吴组缃小说创作的影响
3.Social Psychology Perspective on Huizhou Culture and Its Revelation徽州文化的社会心理学透视及其启示
4.On the Sedimentation of Huizhou Cultural Spirit in HU Shi s Cultural Psychology;试析徽州文化精神在胡适文化心理中的积淀
5.A Superficial View on the Common Char acteristics of Tongcheng Culture and Huizhou Culture during Ming &Qing Dynasty;浅谈明清时期桐城文化与徽州文化的共同特征
6.Embodiment of Huizhou Culture in the Four Treasures and Their Packaging;徽州文化在文房四宝及其包装设计中的体现
7.On the Characteristic of Confuciannism in Huizhou Civilization--On relation between local culture and Chinese culture;论徽州文化的儒学特质——兼论地域文化与中华文化的关系
8.On the Succession and Promotion of Confucianism in Huizhou Civilization;论徽州文化对儒学的传承与弘扬——兼论区域文化和中华文化的关系
9.Academic Orientation and Developmental Opportunity of Wanjinag Culture皖江文化的学术定位与发展契机——兼论淮河文化与徽州文化
10.On Countryside Governance from the Perspective of Huizhou Culture:a Case Study of Zhaitan Village,Jixi County;徽州文化视野下的乡村治理——以绩溪宅坦村为例
11.Develop the Quintessence of Huizhou Culture Construct the Socialism Core View of Value;弘扬徽州文化之精髓 构建社会主义核心价值观
12.Cultural Quality of Jinshi In Suzhou&Huizhou and Cultural Interaction between Suzhou&Huizhou in Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清苏州、徽州进士的文化素质与文化互动
13.On the Process of the Art of HuiZhou Wood Carving under the Influence of ConfucianCulture;儒家文化影响下的徽州木雕艺术寻绎
14.The Culture Connotation of"Fish and Dragon Performance"and Modern Deformation in Ancient Huizhou;古徽州“鱼龙舞”的文化内涵与现代流变
15.Huizhou Regional Wu Shu: a Phenomenon of Folk Culture;徽州地域武术:一种民间文化现象综述
16.Interpretation of the Images of Wang Yu-hui and His Daughter from the Perspective of Huizhou Etiquettes and Customs;从徽州礼俗文化解读王玉辉父女形象
17.Cultural Contribution of Salt Merchants of Huizhou in the Qing Dynasty (Continued);清代徽州盐商的文化贡献之二:著述
18.A Profile of Cultural Development and its Reasons in Huizhou;道光《徽州府志》中的“文化人物”

Huizhou Culture Park徽州文化园
1.Planning and Architectural Design for Huizhou Culture Park;徽州文化园规划与建筑设计
3)Huizhou Nuo culture徽州傩文化
1.The thesis reviews the origin,development,forms and features of Huizhou Nuo culture,and analyzes the relationship between Huizhou Nuo culture and ancient medical and health,and discusses the promoting effect of ancient Huizhou Nuo culture on the evolvement of ancient medicine and therapeutic exercise.回顾了古代傩文化产生、发展及徽州傩文化的形式和特点,分析了古代徽州傩文化与古代医疗保健的相关性,探讨了古代徽州傩文化对古代医学和体育医疗产生和发展的促进作用。
4)Huizhou Cultural Region徽州文化区
1.This paper takes Jixi County as an example,discussed Jixi County\'s ecological conservation among the background of Huizhou Cultural Region.论文试以徽州文化区的绩溪为例,分析其自然环境要素与人文结合的特点,乡村与城镇在选址,发展中的内在联系,绩溪县城的景观特征,提出生态保护中应注意的问题和解决措施。
5)geomantic culture of Huizhou徽州风水文化
1.Talk about geomantic culture of Huizhou from She Shi Xian Tan;由歙事闲谭谈徽州风水文化
6)Huizhou cultural spirit徽州文化精神

由碑廊、牌坊群、徽派盆景园、紫阳书院、新安画苑、古徽四宝斋、新安药堂、徽商纪念馆、徽戏楼、徽茶品茗阁、徽菜馆、文昌阁、五凤楼等部分组成,全部开放后,每天都有徽剧演出和徽州风情民俗表演。现在开放的是一期工程项目,主要有碑廊、徽派盆景园、牌坊群、文昌阁、五凤楼五个部分。一、牌坊群。牌坊和祠堂、古民居被称为“徽州古建三绝”。作为中华封建文化的物化象征,牌坊是最有特色的徽州文化。徽州牌坊是一种门洞式的、纪念性的独特建筑。大致有三种类型:第一类是标志坊,第二类是功德坊,第三类是节烈坊。二、黄山碑廊。徽州文化园把一些出自政治家、军事家、文学家或书画家之手的黄山诗章刻成碑列成廊,让人们通过这些优美的诗文和精湛的书法的欣赏,揭示黄山独有的美学内涵,丰富灿烂的徽州文化。三、文昌阁。它是一座最具有徽州文化意义的古徽州建筑。文昌阁高15米,六角形,圆形压顶金光闪闪,寓示着会给登临文昌阁的文人学子带来“金榜题名,走上金光大道”的好运。四、 五凤楼。一般只在建筑宗祠时,把它作为祠堂的仪门,既增加祠堂的威仪,又寄寓宗族人才辈出的含义。五、徽派盆景园。