龙文化,dragon culture
1)dragon culture龙文化
1.Development of Dragon Culture and Dragon Dance龙文化与舞龙运动的发展研究
2.Hua Baoshan",also named" Sanlong Songs"and"Gongdao Songs",the most significant work of the 20th century Wu songs,is one of the Four Heroic Epics of China,which embodies the special features of the Dragon culture typical of the Wu area.《华抱山》又名《三龙歌》、《公道歌》 ,是 2 0世纪吴歌搜集整理压卷之作 ,具有浓郁的吴地汉民族龙文化色彩特征 ,是中国四大英雄史诗之一。
3.Through analyzing the relationship between dragon dancing and Longyan s dragon culture by literature method,the paper believes that there is a unique advantage for the spread of dragon culture in Longyan City.运用文献法对舞龙运动与龙岩市龙文化传播的关系进行分析认为:龙岩市在龙文化传播中有着得天独厚的优势;龙岩市的龙文化传播具有重要的经济价值和文化价值;舞龙运动为龙文化的顺利传承提供一种有效途径和模式;舞龙运动使中华龙的精神更加鲜活;深刻挖掘与研究龙文化能促进舞龙运动的发展。

1.The Translation and Culture of "龙" in the National Meaning of the "龙" and "Dragon";从龙和dragon的国俗语义看龙的英译及中国龙文化
2.On the Chinese culture of dragon and international cultural exchanges;中国龙文化的形成发展和中外文化交流
3.The Origin and Development of Dragon Culture in Chinese Background;试论汉语文化背景下龙文化的起源与发展
4.The Cultural Connotations of the Word "Long" and its Derivatives与“龙”有关的词语及“龙”的文化象征涵蕴
5.Making Diaolong Develop --Brief Discussion about the Perceive of Diaolong Stele Culture ;让雕龙腾飞——略谈对“雕龙碑文化”的感受
6.The Development of Chinese Dragon Boat Activity and the Characteristics of the Dragon Culture;中国龙舟活动的发展及“龙”文化特征
7.To Build"Competitive Longtan Product"Culture with Longtan Characteristics构建具有龙滩特色的“精品龙滩”文化
8.Qinglong Town Longjing Lake Park Regional Culture Landscape Design青龙镇龙井湖公园地域文化景观设计
9.A Bridge between Two Worlds -- A Cultural Interpretation of Dragonwings;连接两种文化的桥梁——《龙翼》的文化解读
10.On the Dragon and Chinese Culture--Talking from the totem in the period of Emperor Fuxi;论龙与中华文化——从伏羲时代龙图腾谈起
11.On the Culture and Living Environment of the Yao Nationality--Case Study of Dazai Village,Longji,Longsheng County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region瑶族文化与生境——以广西龙胜县龙脊大寨村为例
12.Yan Emperor,The Yellow Emperor and Chinese Dragons;炎帝、黄帝与中国龙——兼谈中国龙的“龙德”与炎黄文化的和谐精神
13.Forge A “Top-quality Longtan” and A “Green Longtan” and Form an Enterprise Culture with Longtan Characteristics;打造“精品龙滩、绿色龙滩” 建设具有龙滩特色的企业文化
14.On the Origination and Cultural Significance of the Dragon-Boat Race驾起承载雅俗文化的龙舟——论龙舟竞渡的起源及其文化意义
15.Perspective of Dragon Boat Race Culture in the Area of WU-YUE:A Study on the History of Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture吴越龙舟竞渡文化的一个视角——温州龙舟文化的历史演进
16.On Liu Xie’s Poetic Sentiment and Music Idea in Chinese Culture and Literature;论文化乐学与文学用乐——以《文心雕龙·乐府》为中心
17.Eclecticism":The Cultural Style of the Literary Criticism in the Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon;“唯务折衷”:《文心雕龙》文论思想的文化品格
18.The Interdynamic of Dragon Boat Culture and Urban Cultural Construction of Yueyang is Studied;龙舟文化与岳阳城市文化建设的互动研究

Longshan culture龙山文化
1.Environmental Archaeology of Longshan Culture Period on Yuhuicun Site from 4.5 ka to 4.0 ka BP,Bengbu,Anhui安徽蚌埠禹会村遗址4.5-4.0 ka BP龙山文化的环境考古
2.Palaeoflood Occurrence in the Late Period of the Longshan Culture in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River泾河中游龙山文化晚期特大洪水水文学研究
3.Analysis and test made by the authors on the polished black pottery of the Wangying site and the eggshell black pottery of the Longshan culture show the existence of lots of carbon fibres in the body of the two kinds of black pottery.利用扫描电镜、高分辨电镜能谱和元素分析仪等手段,对王因遗 址磨光黑陶和龙山文化蛋壳黑陶进行了分析测试,发现两种黑陶体内都存在大 量的碳纤维。
3)white dragon-horse龙马文化
4)culture of dragon and changes龙易文化
1.The development of farming culture in the Chentoushan Mountain of the Li County produced the earliest rice field in the world and the most completed ancient ramming-earthed city,which push the culture of dragon and changes,Sun-worship,and also the ancient spiritual and material civilization to a new summit.湖南澧县城头山稻作农耕文化的发展,产生了世界和中国史前最早的水稻田和最完整的夯土古城,把中华民族的龙易文化和太阳崇拜、远古的物质文明和精神文明推向了新的高峰。
5)Dragon Mother culture龙母文化
1.Wuzhou was the birthplace of dragon mother and there is rich historical and cultural connotation in dragon mother culture.龙母是活在古籍和龙的传人心中的神奇人物,梧州是龙母的根源所在,龙母文化具有丰富的历史、人文内涵。
6)dragon and lion culture龙狮文化

城子崖龙山文化遗址  见章丘县。