纤维艺术,fiber art
1)fiber art纤维艺术
1.Modern Fiber Art and Interior Decoration;现代纤维艺术与现代室内装饰初探
2.Expressivity of Material in Fiber Art;论纤维艺术中材料的表现性
3.The Forms and Functions Study on Fiber Art;纤维艺术的形态与功能研究

1.Study on the Application of Modern Fibre Art编织纤维艺术的神话——现代纤维艺术的应用
2.Space Medium Art On Modern Fiber Art and Modern Architectural Space;空间媒介艺术——论现代纤维艺术与现代建筑空间
4.Fibre Art Education and Handicraft Construction in China--On the Development of Fibre Art Education from Porcelain Art Education中国纤维艺术教育与手工文化建设——从陶瓷艺术教育看纤维艺术教育的推广
5.The Discussion of Ramie Material s Abstraction and Empathy Transference in Modern Fiber Art;现代纤维艺术中麻纤维材料的抽象与移情表现形式探讨
6.The Integration of Art and Design-Research on the Application of Fiber Art in the Interior Design;艺术与设计的融合—纤维艺术在室内设计中的应用研究
7.Love Giving Journey -- Review of Fibre Art Works by Female Artist Liu Zhenhui from South Korea;释爱的旅程——韩国女艺术家刘贞惠纤维艺术作品述评
8.Development of Western Modern Fiber Art and Influence on China西方现代纤维艺术的发展及对我国的影响
9.Material Is Most Important to Creation --Much Thought on Modern Fabric Art材料是创作的第一语言——对现代纤维艺术的思考
10.The Tray Talks about Modern Synthetical Fibre Art Material and the Technical Skill Application;浅谈现代纤维艺术综合材料和技法的应用
11.On the Trend of Multiple Development of Modern Fiber Art in China;试论我国现代纤维艺术的多元化发展趋势
12.Individuality Expression of Modem Fiber Art in Indoor Space Environment;现代纤维艺术在室内空间环境的个性表达形式
13.On Harmony among Fiber Art,Human and Home Environment;论纤维艺术与人和家居环境的和谐统一
14.The evaluation of the decorative effect of fiber artwork on the room environment;浅谈纤维艺术品对室内环境的装饰作用
15.Fibre Woven Fabric for Art & the Design of Modern Indoor Surroundings;浅谈纤维艺术织物与现代室内环境装饰的关系
16.Traditional Chinese Embroidery Art Use in the Modern Application of Fiber中国传统刺绣在现代纤维艺术中的应用
17.On the Fiber Wall Art Tradition, Innovation and Development论纤维壁挂艺术的传承、创新与发展
18.Research on Molding Process of Basalt Fiber Boat in VARTM ProcessVARTM工艺玄武岩纤维船舶成型技术研究

Fibre Art纤维艺术
1.Tracing back to the knitting craft in ancient times, the paper reviews the development of fibre art in an attempt to introduce Chinese traditional culture into modern fibre art.从纤维艺术的传统样式编织工艺谈起 ,从古到今 ,从国内到国外 ,对纤维艺术的形成和发展现状作了回顾和比较 ,并在实践中将中国传统文化导入纤维艺术进行了尝
2.On the basis of carrying on tradifion modern fibre art moves towards expressing plurally and abstractly.纤维艺术是一门古老而又年轻的编织工艺,在继承传统的基础上,现代纤维艺术已走向多元表达和抽象表达。
3)fiber arts纤维艺术
1.One viewpoint that no matter in the fiber arts, or in people\'s lives natural materials are important media to carrying forward the material and aesthetic needs with the spiritual and cultural was made.本文从天然材料个性在纤维艺术中的表现出发,分析天然材料在纤维艺术中的演变与发展过程。
2.Modern fiber arts began to spread with the further development of modern arts.现代纤维艺术随着社会文化艺术的深入发展而兴起,它以各种纤维材料为依托,籍由不同的工艺表现手法向观者传达创作理念,同时又流露出传统文化对现代纤维艺术创作所赋予的深刻的文化内涵及审美情趣。
4)modern fiber art现代纤维艺术
1.On the Trend of Multiple Development of Modern Fiber Art in China;试论我国现代纤维艺术的多元化发展趋势
2.With the development of modern fiber art, people have more and more requirements on the complication and variety of the forms and contents of fiber arts.随着现代纤维艺术的发展,人们对纤维艺术品的形式和内容的要求也会越来越复杂和多样化。
3.History of western modern fiber art is no more than fifty years.西方现代纤维艺术只有 5 0年的历史 ,它改变了人们对毛、麻、棉、丝等天然材料的传统认识和运用 ,并结合化学纤维、金属、塑料等人工材料创造出全新的艺术表现形式。
5)modern fibre art现代纤维艺术
1.The structure of the modern fibre art present plural aspects,among which the combination of environment and fibre art revives the ancient art form with high artistic level.现代纤维艺术的构成形式呈现出开放多元的风貌,环境与纤维艺术的结合,给这门古老的艺术注入了新的生命,拓展了新的艺术境界。
2.The paper analyzes elements of modern fibre art,i.本文通过对现代纤维艺术的材质因素、色彩因素、造型因素、肌理因素、空间因素及情感因素等的分析,并结合现代纤维艺术的命名与特点,阐明不同因素自身的独立性格魅力及其相互影响、相互作用所带给人整体视觉的审美感受。
6)fibre woven fabric for art纤维艺术织物

碳(石墨)纤维增强体(见碳纤维、石墨纤维)碳(石墨)纤维增强体(见碳纤维、石墨纤维)earbon(graPhite)fibrereinforeements ,、、里z耽维增强体earbon(graphi现inforcements用于复合材料中承受负荷,田的磷纤始知五史纤俯亡e)fibre起增强作