黑白,black and white
1)black and white黑白
1.About the Principle of Black and White——From the black and white woodcut;黑白之道浅议——从黑白木刻谈起
2.The Art of Weiqi,Life and Fate──Review on Chu Fujin′s Novel Black and White棋艺·人生·命运——评储福金长篇小说《黑白
3.This article presents a discussion on the color design principle for matching black and white in fashion design, characteristics of color contrast and the appreciation and artistic charm of the color.本文阐述了服饰设计中黑白搭配的色彩原理、对比特点以及它们所表现出来的审美价值与艺术魅力。

1.black-and-white negative stock黑白底片,黑白负片
2.Black and white are also wonderful--On Black,white and gray in black-and white photography;黑白亦为彩——浅论黑白摄影艺术中的黑、白、灰
3.a colour/black-and-white televisio彩色[黑白]电视机.
4.Black-and-white exposure黑白片曝光(摄影)
5.(photography) black-and-white film.(摄影学)“黑白胶片”。
6.Black-and-white dupe negative film黑白翻底片(摄影)
7.Black-and-white dupe positive film黑白翻正片(摄影)
8.Little panda, black and white,小熊猫,黑白相间,
9.Little zebra, black and white,小斑马,黑白相间,
10.Chequered:the race is finished.黑白旗:赛事结束。
11.A person of mixed white and Black ancestry.黑白混血儿先代有黑白混血血统的人
12.Little Black-and-White, Little Black-and-White, let me come in.小黑白猪,小黑白猪,让我进去吧。
13.The cat was black and White: half its face was black and half was white; half its body was black and half was white.那是只黑白相间的猫:猫脸一半黑一半白;猫身也是一半黑一半白。
14.monochrome kinescope parameter tester黑白显象管参数测试仪
15.black and white photographic sheet papers for general use普通黑白活页摄影相纸
16.One set of color and three sets of black and white.一份彩色的,三份黑白的。
17.monochrome analogue corrector黑白信号模拟校正器
18.a good, dark, fair, sallow, etc complexion脸色好、 黑、 白、 黄等.

1.TIAN JI N brand aerial photographic film is a high-speed,high-contrast,high resolving po wer,high-definition black-and-white panchromatic photographic material mainly used by air force or navy for carrying out aerophotographic activities needed for military operations ,e.天津牌黑白航空摄影胶片是一种高感光度、高对比度、高分辨率、高清晰度的黑白全色感光材料,主要应用于空军和海军的一些军事活动相关的航空摄影作业,如:军事侦察、空中轰炸,歼击机战斗以及军用或民用的地形测绘、资源考察等工作。
2.This paper presents a summary of practical experiences dealing with the use of RC (Resin Coated) black-and-white photographic paper and a report on the comparison of the properties and performance of domestic LUCKY black-and -white RC photo-paper and the Indian SDELI similar product available in the market.本文扼要总结了使用RC(涂塑)黑白照相纸的实际使用经验并对比了国产乐凯照相纸和印度斯德丽照相纸的性能和效果。
3.This paper outlines in detail the characteristics and directions of use of SHANGHAI brand type GP3100black-and-white photographic roll film.本文详细介绍了上海感光材料厂生产的新一代的上海牌GP3100型黑白照相胶卷的性能特点和使用方法。
3)W / B White / Black黑/白
1.Comparison of polyolyfine elastomer vulcanizates reinforced by carbon black and silica;炭黑与白炭黑增强聚烯烃弹性体硫化胶的比较
2.Ecological utilization of oil shale by preparing silica and alumina;生态化利用油页岩制备白炭黑和氧化铝
3.Filler network and dynamic viscoelastic properties of silica/solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber composites;白炭黑/溶聚丁苯橡胶复合材料的填料网络结构与动态黏弹性能
5)silica white白炭黑
1.Research of producing silica white through light silicon ash lime sintering and acid dissolving;微硅粉生石灰煅烧酸溶制作白炭黑的研究
2.Modified room temperature vulcanized silicone rubber adhesive filled in situ with silica white;白炭黑原位填充的改性室温硫化硅橡胶胶黏剂
3.Study on preparation of silica white from scrap rice hull;废稻壳制白炭黑工艺研究
6)white carbon白炭黑
1.The research progress of preparation of white carbon by traditional chemical precipitation method;传统沉淀法制白炭黑的研究进展
2.Study of the influence about surface active agent to carbonation white carbon;表面活性剂对碳化法制备白炭黑的影响研究
3.Study on extractionof white carbon from kaolinby microwave catalysis;微波催化从滇南高岭土中提取活性白炭黑

黑白【黑白】 (术语)善恶之异名。俱舍论十六曰:“诸不善业一向名黑,染污性故。色界善业一向名白,不杂恶故。”即黑白二业也。