自然崇拜,nature worship
1)nature worship自然崇拜
1.The author mainly discusses the influence from four aspects: nature worship,ancestor worship,totem worship and man-made religions.本文着重论述了原始宗教中的自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜以及人为宗教对我国一些少数民族服饰的影响,主要表现在对服饰的色彩、款式和图案等几个方面。
2.It vividly reflected full and mature cultural characteristics of Ancient Mesopotamia nature worship development.月神是古代两河流域自然神灵中的重要成员,月神崇拜是古代两河流域宗教历史中持久显著的文化现象;月神的神性、家谱、神庙、节日、祭礼、象征、神话和赞美诗等构成月神崇拜的完整系统,生动反映了两河流域古代自然崇拜发展充分和成熟的文化特征。
3.Nature worship, spiritual worship and ancestor worship played a leading role in the formation of Chinese nature worship system.在中国原始崇拜体系的形成中,自然崇拜、灵魂崇拜以及祖先崇拜占据着主导地位。

1.From Totem Worship to Nature Worship: the Trend of Dialogues between Man and Nature;从图腾崇拜到自然崇拜:人与自然对话的走势
2.Ancestor Faith and Nature Worship of Wenshan Ge-Lao andTheir Cultural Connotations;文山州仡佬族祖先崇拜、自然崇拜及其文化内涵
3.Their religion is a cult of nature and of elemental forces, in process of development to polytheism.这是一种正向多神教发展的自然崇拜与自然力崇拜。
4.Research into Origin of the Tibetans Naturism and the Consciousness of Ecologic Protection;藏族自然崇拜与生态保护意识渊源考
5.View on the Worship of Nature in Ancient Times from "Shi(示)" Part in Shuowenjiezi (说文解字 "Exegesis of Characters")从《说文解字》“示”部字看上古的自然崇拜
6.A Historical Study on Ancient Chinese Nature Worship and Nature Mythology;中国古代自然崇拜与自然神话的历史考察
7.The Nature Worshipping in Wordsworth s Poems;亲近自然 还原生活——论华兹华斯诗歌的自然崇拜
8.Eco-Criticism:To Analyze British Romantic Poets Nature Worship;生态批评视角下英国浪漫主义诗人的自然崇拜
9.Nature Worship: The Original Connotations in the Narration of DuanmuHongliang s Novels;自然崇拜:端木蕻良小说叙事的原始底蕴
10.The Nature-Worship of the Zhuangs in Yunnan and its Significance to Ecological Protection;云南壮族的自然崇拜及其对生态保护的意义
11.Notion and Function On Nature Worship of Ancient Tibetan Nationality;古代藏族关于自然崇拜的观念及其功能
12.Society worship with primitive thinking as its character, social political structure and strength as its content has the same nature of natural worship.以原始思维为特征、社会政治结构和力量为内容、自然崇拜同质的文化现象即是社会崇拜。
13.People used to worship nature.人们过去常崇拜大自然。
14."A Singer of Nature" and "A Worshiper of Nature";“大自然的歌手”与“大自然的崇拜者”
15.The Evolution of Ecology:From Nature Worship and Nature Conquest to Harmonizing Nature;生态学变迁:从崇拜自然征服自然到协调自然
16.The Celts worshipped nature and had many gods,凯尔特人崇拜自然,信奉很多神灵,
17.Trace of primitive religion development was from totemism and naturism to consanguineous ancestors adoration.从图腾神、自然神崇拜到血缘祖先崇拜,这是原始宗教发展的轨迹。
18.Certainly she is worshipped by humans, elves, halfelves, and dryads alike.很自然地她被人类、灵、精灵及树妖等崇拜。

worship of nature自然崇拜
1.Our ancestors totem worship and worship of Nature had some effect on the burgeoning ecological instruction.渔猎文明时期 ,课程还没有成为独立的专门形态 ,先民的图腾崇拜、自然崇拜等观念影响着萌芽时期的生态主义课程思想 ;农业文明时期 ,我国传统文化中“天人合一”、“以德配天”等思想精华对生态主义课程产生了深刻影响 ;工业文明时期 ,卢梭、福禄倍尔等人的自然教育思想推动了生态主义课程思想的发展 ;生态文明时期 ,以斯拉特瑞为代表的后现代主义课程理论进一步丰富和拓展了生态主义课程思想。
2.In early times of human society,the worship of nature originated from natural reverence and the low production level.在人类社会的早期 ,对自然界的敬畏产生了自然崇拜 ,而低下的生产力水平又使自然崇拜成为早期人类的精神支柱之一。
3)natural worship自然崇拜
1.Every minority nationality in China has its own religious beliefs, which more or less have made their manifestations in the form of natural worship.中国各少数民族几乎都有自己的宗教信仰,这些宗教信仰大多以自然崇拜的形式表现出来。
4)admiring nature崇拜自然
1.This paper mainly explores Wordsworth s ecological ideas in poetry in three aspects: admiring nature;criticizing the damage of industrialization to human body and soul;and returning to nature.而笔者认为,华兹华斯还是一位具有强烈生态意识的人文主义者,他诗歌中所蕴涵的浓厚生态意识主要体现为:崇拜自然、赞美自然;强烈谴责工业文明对人身心的损害;强调回归自然、人与自然的和谐。
5)worship to nature自然之崇拜
1.Among all the poems by Wordsworth, "Upon Westminster Bridge" is a peculiar piece, for it takes the scenery of city as the subject matter, which seemingly deviates from the kernel idea of Romanticism—the worship to nature.从表面上看,它似乎偏离了浪漫主义美学的核心理念———"自然之崇拜"。
6)the worship of deism自然神崇拜
