心理功能,psychological function
1)psychological function心理功能
1.Analysis of Psychological Function of Management by Objectives;目标管理的心理功能探析
2.Analysis on Social and Psychological Function of Media Entertainment;从电视传媒解析娱乐的社会功能与心理功能
3.Through research on the basic psychological theory,this article discusses the psychological function of campus culture,its effect on students psychological health,and the importance of strengthening the construction of campus culture.通过研究心理学的基本理论,讨论了校园文化的心理功能及对高校心理健康教育的影响,以及加强校园文化建设的重要性,建议充分发挥其心理功能,以增进学校心理健康教育的成效。

1.psychological function of dramatic situation戏剧性情境的心理功能
2.psychological function of goods packaging商品包装的心理功能
3.Analysis on Social and Psychological Function of Media Entertainment;从电视传媒解析娱乐的社会功能与心理功能
4.psychological function of shop sig商品招牌命名的心理功能
5.The Effects of Semanteme's Psychological Functions in Bilingual Represenpation语义的心理功能在双语表征中的作用
6.A Research on the Relationship between Young Children s Theory of Mind and Executive Function;幼儿心理理论与执行功能关系的研究
7.The Relationship Between Executive Function and Theory of Mind;执行功能和心理理论关系的发展研究
8.Function and Application of Psychological Composition in Psychological Counseling of University;心理性作文在大学生心理咨询中的功能及应用
9.QoS and traffic engineering components round out MPLS' core features.QoS和流量管理是MPLS的核心功能。
10.Effects of chronic psychological stress on cognitive function in military personnel;军人慢性心理应激对认知功能的影响
11.The Psychological Narrative Function of Folksongs in Lühua Tree;论《绿化树》中民歌的心理叙事功能
12.On the Function of the Psychological Contract in the Maintenance of Government Credit;论心理契约在维护政府信用中的功能
13.Effects of Polysaccharide from Atractylodes Macrocephala on the Function of Isolated Frog Hearts;白术多糖对离体蛙心生理功能的影响
14.Functional and Psychological Aspects of Cyber Language Code-switching;网络语言语码转换的功能和心理特点
15.It is Shallow to Talk According to P89c58 Core Parking Lot Management Function Plank;基于P89c58核心的停车场管理功能板
16.Nature, Category and Function of Environment in Psychology;心理学研究中环境的性质、类别和功能
17.The Mental Mechanism of Superstition and Its Psychological Consolative Functions;迷信的信息加工机制和心理安慰功能
18.On Social Adaptation: Mental Mechanism, Structure and Function;关于社会适应的心理机制、结构与功能

Mental function心理功能
1.To discuss the mental function of Adolescents interpersonal relations,495 adolescents were measured by questionnaires.通过对495名中学生的问卷调查,探讨了中学生的人际关系心理功能及发展。
2.Mental mechanism comprises adaptation process and ways; mental structure consists of mental dominance, mental energy, interpersonal adaptation and mental resilience; and mental function aims at essential and standard of adaptation state.社会适应可以从其心理机制、心理结构、心理功能三个方面来考察。
3)psychological functions心理功能
1.This paper discusses the four aspects of Chromatology:firstly,Chromatology as an interdisciplinary subject;secondly,basic psychological functions of Chromatology;thirdly,basic physiological functions of Chromatology;lastly,the basic frame theory of Chromatology.色彩学对人的基本心理功能;3。
4)functional psychology功能心理学
5)group psychological function小组心理功能
6)Mental state and social function心理及社会功能

广告标题心理功能广告标题心理功能advertising heading mental function 广告标题心理功能(advertising headt,19mental function)j一告标题是广告的题目。它标明广告的主旨,也是区分不同广告内容的标志。其主要的心理功能有:(1)点明主题,引人注目。(2)引起兴趣,诱读正文。(3)加深印象,促进购买。 (傅汉章撰马谋超审)