审美态度,aesthetic attitude
1)aesthetic attitude审美态度
1.From the systematic theory point of view, we discuss the quality, the structure and the flow of the aesthetic attitude.审美态度是一种既不同于实用态度又不同于科学态度的专为审美服务的特殊的心理态度,它是一种立体、动态和多层面的复合心理结构,由外及里分别是注意层、时空层和人格层。
2.As a result of the highly development of science and technology, the democratization of politics, the decentralization of thoughts and culture, and the booming of market economy and cultural industry, people s aesthetic attitude changes in contemporary popular arts.在当代社会,由于科技的高度发展、政治的民主化、思想文化的宽容和多元化及市场经济和文化工业的影响,导致了审美态度在当代大众艺术中发生了蜕变,这在艺术形式方面表现得尤其突出。
3.The theory of the aesthetic attitude can be traced back to Plato, but Shaftesbury was the person who first used the word "Attitude".在经典艺术中 ,艺术家和审美主体在从事审美活动时大都能保持一种不同于日常态度的审美态度

1.Being un-utilitarian and nastic, aesthetic attitude opposes to the utilitarian (volitive) and scientific (rational) of working attitude.审美态度与工作态度的功利性(意志)、科学性(理性)相对立,审美态度是非功利的,感性的。
2.Geiger's Theory of Phenomenology Artistic Meaning--Aesthetic Meaning and Attitude in Literature and Art盖格尔的现象学艺术意味论——文学艺术的审美意味与审美态度
3.The Qualitative Change of Aesthetic Attitudein Contemporary Pop Arts审美态度在当代大众艺术形式上的蜕变
4.Talk about the Cultivation of Student s Aesthetic Attitude in Literary Works Teaching;论文学作品阅读教学中对学生审美态度的培养
5.A Study of the Relationship between Zhuangzi s Aesthetic Standards on Beyond Utilitarianism and Whole Faithfulness in Painting Creation;庄子“超功利”、“自然率真”的审美态度与油画创作
6.Aesthetic System s Explanation of Aesthetic Ideology;审美制度对审美意识形态的澄明和阐发
7.Dynamic Participation,Two Time Esthetic and Tertiary in Esthetic Relationship--On three peculiarities in the tourism esthetic place;动态参与·二度审美·审美关系第三者——简议旅游审美场三特点
8.Dissussion the Different of the Aesthetic on Chinese and Western Landscape Poetry;试谈中西山水诗审美观物态度之差异
9.On the Three New Orientations to Develop the Theory of Aesthetic Ideology论发展“审美意识形态”理论的三重向度
10.Study of Aestheticism and Surmised Movements in a Dance of Tang Dynasty Luyao唐代舞蹈《绿腰》的审美考究及动态猜度
11.Aestheticization, Attitude of Everyday Life, and Taste--On Aestheticization of Everyday Life;审美呈现·日常态度·鉴赏力——关于“日常生活审美化”讨论的反思
12.Selfhood Interaction:An Indispensable Dimension of Ecological Aesthetic;自我间性:生态审美不可或缺的重要维度
13.Humanistic Ecology:the Creation Mode and Aesthetic Dimension of Literature Folklore人文生态:文艺民俗的创化模式与审美向度
14.In-depth Review on the Charm of Original Ecology--Aesthetical Interpretation of Human Vision in Alai s "Fish";原生态魅力的深度审视——阿来《鱼》的人类学视域审美解读
15.situation in criminal trial刑事审判态度 刑事审判态度
16.From Natural Aesthetics to Ecological Aesthesis:the Identification of the Relationship从自然审美到生态审美:关系的确证
17.Aesthetic System--The Existence Manner of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美制度——审美人类学的存在方式
18.Xin Qi-ji s Great Interest in Scenery--On the Aesthetic Ideology of Garden Landscape and Philosophy of Xin Qi-ji;吾有志 在丘壑——论辛弃疾的园林审美意识和人生态度

the aesthetic attitude审美态度
1.So it is very important to study the aesthetic attitude .审美态度在美学和文艺创作及欣赏活动中起着十分关键的作用,不仅如此,在一个社会中,人们的审美态度状况如何,可直接显示出这个社会整体的文化、艺术素质的高低,甚至可以间接地反映出整个社会成员的人生价值观、精神风貌等。
3)Musical aesthetic attitude音乐审美态度
4)aesthetic form审美形态
1."Miraculous" as a Chinese aesthetic form;试论作为中国审美形态的“神妙”
2.China Books of the Twentieth Century Design Aesthetic Form Study;中国20世纪前叶书籍设计的审美形态研究
5)aesthetic mood审美心态
1.Centered on the artists,this paper discusses the change of role awareness and aesthetic mood under the background of the anti-Japanese war period and has a perspective of artistic forms and developmental condition in this specific period.以美术家主体为中心,探讨其在抗战大环境下的角色意识与审美心态的转变,透视这一特定时期的美术形态和发展状况。
2.One is the formation of the sense of void-quietness, in which material world and ego are required to be neglected and it means a welcomed aesthetic mood.虚静具有两个特定的心理层面:一是虚静之心的形成,要求忘物、忘我,它指称一种倍受推崇的审美心态;一是虚静之心的外射,表现为专注性、内视性、消融性,它意指三种相连的幻化境界:主体物化—客体人化—物我为一。
6)ecological aesthetics生态审美
1.In modern ecological aesthetics,the theme of conquest has different aesthetic features in Chinese and Western culture and history,which demonstrates different cultural qualities in the East and West as well as the evolution of man s outlook on nature.征服自然是人类的古老命题,在现代生态审美视域中,征服主题在中西文化语境与历史语境中有着迥异的审美特征,这种差异性体现了东西方不同的文化特质以及人类自然观的演变历程。
2.This article starts from the visual angle of ecological aesthetics,analyses ecological aesthetic characters of primal arts.从生态美学的视角出发,分析原始艺术的生态审美特征。
3.This article analyses the ecological aesthetic characteristics of her nature writing,which adopts the ecocriticism angle of view,expounds the three aspects on venerating and the natural life,counter thinking human civilization,and constructing the ecological aesthetics.采取生态批评的视角,分析了王秀杰自然写作中的生态审美特征,从自然生命的敬畏与尊崇、人类文明的反思与诘问以及生态审美的艺术建构三个方面展开阐述,并对其创作及自然写作领域存在的问题进行探讨,从个案入手为中国生态文学创作总结经验。

审美态度审美态度aesthetic attitude  审美态度(aesthetie attitude)人们在审美活动中逐步形成的一种心理状态。审美态度是审美注意与审美期望的有机结合,它有别于实用态度和科学态度,其核心因素是无关于功利、超然于功利。它要求审美主体使自身从日常现实生活中脱离出来,既不考虑对象具有什么功利实用的价值,也不去对对象进行科学上的抽象思维,而是对对象的感性存在的特征进行直观性的体味。审美态度决定人们对审美对象的感知和评价的方向与强度。研究审美态度的意义在于,它可以揭示艺术创作和欣赏中主观心理特征,从而扩大人们的审美眼界和欣赏的范围。影响审美态度的因素有艺术作品的吸引力、欣赏者的审美趣味、社会文化环境、审美环境等。 (黄冬梅撰张熹玲审)