漆画,lacquer painting
1)lacquer painting漆画
1.What is the lacquer painting,does the road in where,how develop? This article on was replying these questions launch the elaboration.漆画是什么,路在哪里,怎样发展?本文就在回答这些问题而展开论述。
2.Most of lacquer paintings of Chu excavated archaeologically from tombs in Hubei, Hunan, Henan and so on.漆画是附属于漆器的装饰图像,其绘制技法、题材以及所表露的时代风格,均反映出当时绘画艺术的一些特征。
3.Chinese ancient lacquer painting is a kind of symbolically visual language, which is rooted from Chinese traditional culture.中国古代漆画中抽象特性是根植于中国传统文化的一种符号性的视觉语言,中国古代哲学、美学的抽象特性造就了漆画内在的抽象特性,"抽象特性"是中国古代漆画重要的"文化基因"。

1.A picture or design in paint.画用油漆画的画或设计
2.Aesthetic Orientation of Modern Lacquer Painting;漆变——现代漆画的物质性与精神性
3.About Two Standing Points of Developing Lacquer Painting: Traditional Lacquer Craft and Modern Painting;论漆画发展的两个立足点:传统漆艺和现代绘画
4.Chapter 4 is the period of search after for Chinese Modern Lacquer Painting.第四章、中国现代漆画的探索时期;
5.Naissance Background of Lacquer Paintings of Chu by Archaeological Information;从考古资料看楚漆画产生的历史背景
6.Well known grotto murals, tomb paintings, stone carvings, brick carvings and lacquer paintings were produced during that period,这一时期的石窟壁画、墓室壁画、石刻、砖刻以及漆画等都已蔚然可观,
7." China's unique lacquer painting uses a technique centuries old, and is based on China's traditional and modern lacquer crafts. Its material, natural lacquer, was discovered even before man knew what painting was."中国独特的漆画技法非常古老,并以中国传统和现代漆器工艺为基
8.On the Purity and Diversity of Modern Chinese Lacquer-Painting Language;论中国现代漆画语言的纯粹性和多元性
9.On the Development of Chinese Contemporary Lacquer Painting;从东西方艺事论中国当代漆画的发展方向
10.The Art Feature of The Chu Culture Lacque-drawing on The Graphic Carriage Horse And Person Going And Walking;漆画车马人物出行图的楚文化艺术特色
11.A New Art Form Combing Tradition with Modernity--Chinese Lacquer Painting;传统与现代相结合的新兴艺术——中国漆画浅析
12.The Study of the Novel Materials in Chinese Contemporary Lacquer-painting新型材料在当代中国漆画中的运用研究
13.Preliminary spectroscopic analyses of the woodbased lacquer painting screen fragments from tomb of S Jin司马金龙墓出土木板漆画屏风残片的初步分析
14.The pictures are the exhibited works that attract a lot of visitors.图为奇特、丽的漆画作品吸引了众多兴致勃勃的观众。
15.To make(a picture) with paints.绘画用油漆作(画)
16.black lacquer/red lacquer jewellery box with music, in painted designs黑漆、红漆彩画音乐首饰盒
17.One who paints, either as an artist or a worker.画家,油漆工画画的人,作为艺术家或是作为工人
18.black lacquer jewellery box in painted designs and black lacquer jewelry box inlaid with carved soapstone黑漆彩画首饰盒和黑漆嵌青田石首饰盒

Lacquer Paintings漆画
4)modern lacquer painting现代漆画
1.The focus is on the transform of modern lacquer painting and its spiritual orientation to the system of modern painting.物质与精神对立统一的辨证关系对现代漆画创作具有启发性意义。
2.This article focused on modern lacquer painting in the contemporary art environment under development and conflict,to take care of the seven thousand years lacquer art historical inertia,but also quickly into the contemporary art environment,which makes modern lacquer Painting has become a very embarrassing position.本文主要讨论现代漆画在当代艺术大环境下的发展与矛盾。
5)ancient lacquer painting古代漆画
1.Chinese ancient lacquer painting is a kind of symbolically visual language, which is rooted from Chinese traditional culture.中国古代漆画中抽象特性是根植于中国传统文化的一种符号性的视觉语言,中国古代哲学、美学的抽象特性造就了漆画内在的抽象特性,"抽象特性"是中国古代漆画重要的"文化基因"。
6)contemporary lacquer painting当代漆画
1.As a traditional and new-arising painting,the Chinese contemporary lacquer painting is easy to become impul- sive against the background of combination of Chinese and western culture and art globalization.中国当代漆画作为一个古老而新兴的画种,在当今中西文化日益融合和艺术全球化的冲击下,难免产生一种浮躁的情绪和浅薄的骚动。
2.Hunting the orient spirit and noumenal language is the developing chance of contemporary lacquer painting.东方精神和本体语言的探求是当代漆画发展的契机。

漆画  以天然大漆为主要材料的绘画。也可以用腰果漆和合成漆,因此广义的漆画是指一切运用漆性物质的绘画。    漆画的材料多种多样。漆之外,还有金、银、铅、锡以及蛋壳、贝壳、石片、木片等。入漆颜料除银朱之外,还有石黄、钛白、钛青蓝、钛青绿等。    漆画的技法丰富多采。可以像版画一样用镌刻;像浮雕一样堆起或雕出纹样;像镶嵌画一样把硬质材料嵌于画面之上;像中国画、油画一样用色漆彩绘或泼洒;也可以用水砂纸或木炭磨出埋伏在漆层下面的隐约画面。依据其技法不同,漆画又可分成刻漆、堆漆、雕漆、嵌漆、彩绘、磨漆等不同品种。因此漆画是一门容量很大的画种,具有丰富的表现力和巨大的艺术潜力。    漆画又是绘画和工艺相结合的画种,它具有绘画和工艺的双重属性。它的制作既可以由画家独立完成,又可以由画家设计交工人制作。它既是艺术品,又是和人民生活密切相关的实用装饰品,成为壁饰、屏风和壁画等表现形式。因此漆画是一门具有广阔开发前景的艺术。    中国是世界上产漆最多、用漆最多的国家,漆画具有悠久的历史。浙江余姚河姆渡发掘的朱漆碗,已有7000年的历史。河南信阳长台关出土的漆瑟,彩绘有狩猎乐舞和神怪龙蛇等形象的漆画,也有2000余年的历史。著名的还有湖南长沙马王堆出土的汉代漆棺上的漆画、山西大同司马金龙墓漆屏风画以及明清大量的屏风漆画等。    中国的现代漆画是在传统漆画的基础上发展起来的新型画种,从60年代起参加了历次的全国美术展览。至80年代,漆画又有飞速的发展,福建、江西、天津、四川等地相继举办了专题的漆画展。1984年又作为独立画种参加了全国第6届美术展览。1986年,在北京举办了首届中国漆画展。同年文化部组织了中国漆画展到苏联展出。现代中国漆画的作者队伍,多集中在福建、四川、江西、广东、天津、江苏和北京等省市。