文化再生产,cultural reproduction
1)cultural reproduction文化再生产
1.His works,Grand Ecoles et Esprit de Corps,based on the theory of cultural reproduction,probes into the process of French elite production,and explores how the Grand Ecoles interact with power Champs to improve self-reproduction.布尔迪厄是法国当代著名的思想家和社会学家,其著作《国家精英——名牌大学与群体精神》以文化再生产理论为基础,阐述了法国教育精英体制化的过程,深入展示了作为法国精英教育的名牌大学如何与国家的权力场域联系和互动从而促进教育和权力机构本身的再生产,在揭开了法国大学校神秘面纱的同时,对法国精英教育与权力场域合谋打造的森严壁垒进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。
2.As an outstanding sociologist,Bourdieu uncovers the mystery behind the existing education system by employing the cultural reproduction theory and such key ideas as habitués,capital and field.法国著名社会学家布迪厄以惯习、资本和场域为核心概念,以文化再生产理论为理论视角,通过一系列的实证调查研究对高等教育表面机会均等问题提出质疑,认为高等教育的表面平等掩盖了统治阶级的特权化本质;学校的主导文化是统治阶级的精英文化,由于文化资本的缺乏导致高校中的弱势群体处于文化困境之中;而惯习和场域的力量交织正是高等教育再生产社会与文化不平等的隐秘机制。
3.State -run middle school administrator s unique culture———administration having priority to teaching is accordance with Bourd ieu s cultural reproduction .公办中学学校行政人员特有的“文化”———行政优于教学,就契合了布迪厄的文化再生产模式:结构———惯习———言行———结构。

1.On Basic Functions Of Higher Education From Culture Reproduction Angle;从文化再生产角度谈高等教育的基本功能
2.Manifesto of the Deaf Community in Japan:Power Politics,Social Inequality and Cultural Reproduction;日本“聋文化宣言”:权力政治、社会不平等与文化再生产
3.On the Analysis of China s Rural and Urban Educational Differences--from the Point of View of Cultural Reproduction;我国教育的城乡差异研究——一种文化再生产的视角
4.Regeneration of Remains Industrial Building LOFT, Sublimation of Culture Asset;遗存产业建筑再生—LOFT,文化资产的升华
5.To Propagation,Bringing-up And Reproduction Of The Advanced Culture Given By Party School Education;论党校教育对先进文化的传播、培育及再生产
6.Cultural Capital in Dazhai and Its Reproduction under the Backdrop of Tourism Development旅游开发背景下大寨的文化资本及其再生产
7.regeneration gas(再生催化剂所产生的)再生气体
8.Global Pervasion and Reproduction of Orientalism--On the Strategy of Cultural Nationalism东方主义的全球扩散与再生产——兼谈文化民族主义的内在逻辑
9.Reading and Being Read:the Production of Literary and Art Criticism in Language Context of Certain Historical Politicism;“读”与“被读”:特定历史政治化语境下的“文艺批评”生产——以“再批判”为例
10.Power Reproduction in Chinese "Face" Culture--Based on the Theories of Social Interaction and Capital Transaction;面子文化下的权力再生产——基于社会互动与资本交易的理论视角
11.The Formation and Improvement of Cultural Capital of Rural Transferers:A Probe into Pierre Boudieu s Cultural Capital Reproduction Theory;农村转移人员文化资本的生成与提高——布迪厄文化资本再生产理论透视
12.Re-Analysis of the National Cultural Industry Development Effects via the National Standard Data;全国文化产业发展效应国标数据再析
13.complete equipment for production of culture paper文化用纸生产成套设备
14.Reconsideration of Higher Institution Learned Journal Efficiency in the Background of Cultural Industrialization文化产业化背景下的高校学报效益再认识
15.The Production-Reproduction in the Contemporary Chinese Revolution Literature;当代中国革命文学“经典”的生产及再生性
16.Study on the Industrialization of Rural Renewable Energy of Beijing;北京农村可再生能源产业化发展研究
17.Politicization of the Economic Elite: A New Interpretation of Elite Reproduction;经济精英政治化:精英再生产的新诠释
18.Issues on Industrialization of Regenerative Resources in Waste Lubricating Oil;废润滑油再生资源产业化问题的研究

reproduction of cultural capital文化资本再生产
3)Culture Reproduction Theory文化再生产理论
4)Cultural Regeneration文化再生
1.Cultural Regeneration in Shaping Urban Waterfront Landscape——the Designing Concepts of Jing Lake Waterfront Landscape in Deyang;城市滨水景观塑造中的文化再生——德阳市旌湖滨水景观规划设计构思
2.In the urban renewal process of western countries,the largest change lies in the alteration from bulldozer movement to cultural regeneration concept,especially the cultural regeneration revolution reflected from the Washington Charter,which becomes the urban renewal and urban cultural image remodeling guide of various countries.西方国家在城市更新历程中最大的变革在于从推土机运动到文化再生理念的转变,特别是《华盛顿宪章》所彰显的文化再生理念变革,成为其后各国城市更新和城市文化意象塑造的行动指南。
5)rebirth culture再生文化
1.In this way various rebirth cultures and hybrid cultures are formed, which rightly brings the Zhuang nationality culture into the symbiotic ways of ecological culture.壮族具有一种可称为广纳性文化根系 ,表现为对异质文化的宽容、平等和吸纳和对苗瑶文化、汉族文化的宽容和吸纳 ,形成了壮族许多再生文化、杂糅文化形态 ,也使壮族文化符合生态文化的共生规律。
6)literary reproduction文学再生产
