文化属性,cultural attribute
1)cultural attribute文化属性
1.By analyzing the cultural connotation,this article points out that cultural attribute is the most important and primary attribute of urban construction archives.文章透析了文化内涵 ,指出在城建档案的诸多属性中,最重要和最基本的属性是文化性,城建档案文化属性由城建档案馆文化和城建档案本身两部分组成。
2.In the theory part,firstly,rested on the entire human history,it is to be expounded that the core question of the human race s development is the coordination of the biological attribute and the cultural attribute,on the base of which the foundation of Chinese national spirit such as striving co.理论部分首先以史为据阐明了人类发展的核心问题是生物属性和文化属性的协调发展,并由此演绎出中华民族精神的根基"自强不息,厚德载物";根据新一代学生的实际论证了目前民族精神的培育应抓住重点"自强不息,厚德载物"。
3.In the scenic website construction and the appraisal,we should not only focus on its economical attribute,but also on its cultural attribute,which can be realized by displaying scenic spot tourism culture,collecting tourist information,the two-way interaction and protection of tourism culture.旅游的文化本质属性决定了任何为旅游服务的建设都必须注重其文化属性,景区网站在国内旅游在线服务中承担了非常重要的角色。

1.Consciousness of Cultural Attribute and Study of Southeast Asian Literature in Chinese Language文化属性意识与东南亚华文文学研究
2.New Ideas Dispense with Culture:A Lesson Learned from Literature;新思想拒绝文化属性:一个文学的教训
3.Advertisement s Cultural Properties and its Corresponding Strategies in Translation;广告语的文化属性与相应的翻译策略
4.Consideration of the Social and Cultural Attributes of "Material Quality Language"关于“材质语言”社会文化属性的思考
5.An Analysis on the Pragmatic Function and Cultural Connotation in the Process of Male and Female Communication;两性言语交际中的语用功能和文化属性探析
6.On the character-orientedness of classifier ɡè(个) and dynamic interpretation of meaning;量词“个”的文化属性激活功能和语义的动态理解
7.Cultural Attribute of Network Media and Its Influence upon Advertisement Dissemination;网络媒体的文化属性及对广告传播的影响
8.On the Cultural Attribute and Function of the Festive Systems of the Farming Sacrificial Rites in Zhuang Nationality;壮族农事祭祀节日系统的文化属性和功能
9.Research on the Characteristics of Traditional Ethnic Sports;三峡库区少数民族传统体育文化属性的研究
10.Beautiy of Game and Game of Beauty;游戏的美与美的游戏——再论SPORT文化属性的皈依
11.A Discussion on the Relations between Business Nature and Industrial Nature of Culture;文化事业属性与产业属性之关系刍论
12.On the Developing Direction of Chinese Culture from the View of Cultural Attribution;从文化的属性看中国文化的发展方向
13.Using Land Humanistic Attributes to Display the Plant Cultural Connotation;因借用地人文属性 彰显植物文化内涵
14.On the System Reform of Culture from the Development of the Culture Resource Property Right;从文化资源产权属性的演变谈文化体制改革
15.The society of money and economy forms the commodity property of culture.货币经济社会形成了文化的商品属性。
16.Exploration on Present Physical Education Culture and Its Properties;对当代学校体育文化及其属性的探讨
17.A New Probe into the Nature and Types of Hakka Culture--Questioning the Theory of Hakka Culture as Immigration Culture客家文化性质与类型新说——客家文化属于移民文化说质疑
18.The Generalization of Forms of Address for Male Relatives in Changde Dialect and Its Cultural Implications;常德方言男性亲属称谓词的泛化及其文化内涵

cultural identity文化属性
1.Ng adopts the bone-image as the major clue throughout the whole story,examining the multicultural identity of American Chinese from perspectives of history representation,gender and culture.在小说中她将“骨”这一简单意象作为贯穿全文的一条主线,以简洁的文字深入探讨了华裔美国人的多元文化属性问题,以多重对话的方式使个人、家庭历史得以再现,向以白人为主导的强势文化及父权中心发起挑战,同时对中西方文化的融合与冲撞予以反思,从而表现出美国华裔移民在双重文化环境中寻找文化认同、确定文化属性的艰辛及不懈努力。
3)cultural property文化属性
1.The reason why these two aspects show a kind of cultural property comes from the results of the hardness and intensity the property right should po.二者之所以表现为一种文化属性 ,是由于产权所必须具有的刚性和强度所致。
2.The article focuses on the concept of the Chinese Capitalism,and inquires into the economic and social cultural property of the Chinese Capitalism in Thailand.本文主要从资本主义概念入手,探讨了华人资本主义在泰国的经济和社会文化属性,认为华人资本主义的发展不仅具有本土性,而且具有中华性,如果能正确处理两者的关系,泰国华人资本主义的发展前景必然是广阔的。
4)cultural characteristic文化属性
1.In this short article,we ll describe the relationship between biology characteristic and cultural characteristic so that it will be expected to advance our physical education.本文通过对竞技体育行为的行为生物学分析说明了竞技行为的“文化属性”和“生物学属性” 。
5)the cultural attribute文化属性
1.On the Cultural Attribute and Function of the Festive Systems of the Farming Sacrificial Rites in Zhuang Nationality;壮族农事祭祀节日系统的文化属性和功能
6)attributes of culture文化的属性

SolidWorks属性链接如图所示,在sw里动态显示零件的体积,面积。  首先在前视基准面上建立一个半圆形闭合草图,然后以中心线旋转,如图1所示:在特征管理器右键单击“注释”,在“显示注释”、“显示特征尺寸”前打勾,如图2所示: 图1图2单击菜单“插入”——“注释”,如图3所示:依次输入,体积、面积、两个注释。(具体自己设置),如图4所示: 图3图4鼠标左键单击“体积”,注意到特征管理器中的“属性连接”项,如图5所示:打开属性连接,单击“文件属性”,分别添加“体积”和“面积”的配置,在“数值/表达式”选项里,在下拉列表中,选择相应的选项——体积、面积。如图6所示: 图5图6然后在属性连接管理器中,在下拉列表中找到相应的选项,确定,如图7所示:同样的方法,添加“面积”的属性连接。下面让我们来看看结果吧,更改特征尺寸,相应的数据随着变化。 图7这就是属性连接的妙用,处处留心皆学问,大家好好学习。