符号价值,symbolic value
1)symbolic value符号价值
1.Designing structures the symbolic value of goods in consuming society,and its designing meaning affects consumers’ purchasing behavior.设计建构消费社会商品的符号价值,其对物品"符号性意义"的塑造影响消费者的购买行为。
2.Based on an analysis of the different market influences of films,the paper classifies its values into the product value,the quality-product value,the brand value and the symbolic value,whose realization in sequence is the development process of film industry.本文根据电影产品对市场的不同影响力,将其价值区分为作品价值、精品价值、品牌价值和符号价值等四个层次,这些价值的依次实现过程就是电影产业(电影企业)发展的历程。
3.In brand consumption,what people pursue is the symbolic value of the brand,which has great influence on consumers’ psychology.品牌消费追求品牌的符号价值,而品牌的符号价值对消费者的心理具有重要影响;品牌消费的取向主要取决于收入水平的高低,高收入阶层是品牌消费的主力军。

1.Sign value is the central concept of Baudrillard's sign culture theory.符号价值是鲍德里亚符号文化理论的中心。
3.The Spirit to Worship the Power --Study on the worth of the modern physical culture regarded as cultu resymbol;尚力精神——论现代体育的文化符号价值
4.Linguistic Value of Auxiliary word "的"试论结构助词“的”的语言符号价值
5.The Conspiracy between the TV Media and Consumerism: Symbols Value Being in Flood;电视媒体与消费主义的共谋:符号价值的泛滥
6.Discussing on the Appearence of Travel Commodity s Sign Value;浅析内蒙古旅游商品符号价值的外观体现
7.The Amplification and Deviation of the Use Value of the Goods by the the Advertising Communication of Its Symbol Value;商品符号价值的广告传播对使用价值的放大与背离
8.it was beginning to acquire a token value apart from its intrinsic worth.它开始成为脱离其内在价值的一种价值符号了。
9.The Research on the Commercial Value of China Red Symbol;“中国红”色彩符号的商业价值研究
10.A Study on Aesthetic Value of Cassirer s Cultural Philosophy of Symbology;论卡西尔符号论文化哲学的美学价值
11.Research and Analysis on the Essence of Symbol from the Perspective of Axiology in Marx Philosophy;马克思价值论视野中的符号本真探析
12.Advertisement: The Cultural Carrier of Visual Signs and Value Metaphor;广告:视觉符号与价值隐喻的双重载体
13.Visual Symbols in a Cross-Cultural Communication in the Value of Research视觉符号在跨文化传播中的价值研究
14.Paper money is representitive of value which is issued and forced to circulateby the government.纸币市政府发行并强制流通的价值符号。
15.On the Characterized Symbols of CPA Professional Communities Value Orientation;论注册会计师职业群体价值取向的表征符号
16.The symbolization agency in value formation and its dissimilation to human in virtual space;虚拟网络中价值的符号中介及其对人的异化
17.Cultural Symbols and Cultural Values Reflected in Chinese Print Ads from 1979 to 2008中国纸媒广告中的文化符号和文化价值观(1979~2008)
18.Study on Environmental Carrying Capacity by Symbolic Function Extreme Value Method环境承载力评价的符号函数极值法研究

sign value符号价值
1.Is the Sign Value the Commodity s Third Value?;符号价值是商品的第三种价值吗
2.By employing consumerism theory of Veblen and analyzing the text of the novel,it is revealed that the alienated influence of consumerism featured by sign fetishism directs the Americans under consumer culture circumstances to endless circle of pursuing psychological satisfaction by obsessing sign values of commodities.通过解析作品中的消费主义,特别是炫耀式消费,认为作品主人公对被赋予了符号价值的有形商品的追求,实质上是对豪华消费品所展示出的拥有者无形身份、地位的心理诉求。
3.Advertisements give impetus to the appearance and wide spreading of consumerism,a device of producing popular legends and a rhetoric for consuming desire so as to induce the consumers to go after the sign value of commodities and their symbolic meaning.符号消费是消费社会的基本特征之一,广告对消费主义的滋生与蔓延起着推波助澜的作用,成为制造流行神话的手段和消费欲望的修辞,诱导消费者追求商品的符号价值和象征意义,同时广告符号作为当代大众生活的表征,折射出大众的理想生活场景和社会意识形态的变迁。
3)symbol value符号价值
1.This paper,based on the consuming theory,especially consumerism theory,in sociology,makes an analysis of the high expenditure behavior of China s outbound travel and discloses the symbol value orientation hidden in it as well as the reasons leading to this phenomenon.本文依据社会学的消费理论,尤其是消费主义理论,对中国公民出境旅游的高消费行为进行了剖析,揭示了这种高消费行为隐含的符号价值指向及形成原因,并对抵制炫耀性旅游消费提出了应对之策。
2.Indeed, under Symbol Value and Consumer Culture theories, consumer behavior is a kind of cultural behavior, and consequently, marketing is actually cultural marketing.确实,根据符号价值和消费文化等理论,消费行为就是一种文化行为,因而,市场营销实际上就是文化营销。
3.Packaging delivers not only the value of the product itself,also the symbol value of the brand.包装不仅向消费者传达了其产品本身的使用价值,也传递了该品牌产品的符号价值
4)code value符号价值
1.Through endowing commodities with code value, ads advocate the difference among goods and emphasize their individuality, thus realizing segmentation of c.商品对人们之所以重要,不仅是因为它能够被使用,更是因为其符号价值
5)symbols of value价值符号
6)symbolic value of enterprise企业价值符号

价值符号  代替金属货币充当流通手段的货币符号。不足值的金属铸币和本身没有价值的纸币都是价值符号。    铸币在流通中会受到磨损,它的重量会逐渐减少,这样就会出现名义含量和实际含量的分离,但它仍可按原来的额面价值流通。这种情况说明,作为流通手段的货币,不一定是足值的货币。它可以用另种材?现圃斓募壑捣派踔镣耆窍笳餍缘姆爬创妗@纾ū摇⑼业鹊慕鹗艉坎⒉坏扔谒堑拿搴亢退淼募壑担怯煞晒娑ǖ摹V奖冶旧聿⒚挥屑壑担皇谴斫鹗艋醣伊康募壑捣拧?    价值符号能代替金属货币执行流通手段的职能,是因为货币在流通过程中充当商品交换的媒介,不断地从一个人手里转到另一个人手里。只要交换双方都承认这一价值符号能代表一定的价值量,就可以进行交易。马克思说:"在货币不断转手的过程中,单有货币的象征存在就够了。货币的职能存在可以说吞掉了它的物质存在。货币作为商品价格的转瞬即逝的客观反映,只是当作它自己的符号来执行职能,因此也能够由符号来代替"(《马克思恩格斯全集》第23卷,第149页)。    价值符号代替金属货币流通,需要得到社会的公认。这种社会的公认是通过国家的强制手段取得的。但国家的这种强制力,只在本国的流通领域内有效。一旦越出国界,价值符号就不能充当流通手段。国际间的支付,最终只有贵金属才有效力。