审美直觉,aesthetic intuition
1)aesthetic intuition审美直觉
1.On the premise of summarizing,differentiating and analyzing all kinds of established research,this article especially argues that artistic impression and aesthetic intuition should be better perspectives for us to comprehend the abo.在辨析各家观点的前提下,主张从艺术感受和审美直觉的角度,理解东坡“以诗为词”的创作特征,尽可能地弱化艺术研究中逻辑的和理性的研究方法所产生的片面性。
2.Through agreed the Chan with poem, this article inquired into the relationship of comprehension with the way of Chan and comprehention with the excellent feeling in the aesthetic theory of Song s Poem from mutaltion, audio-visulization and originality of aesthetic intuition.本文从禅与诗的契合点上 ,即刹那之悟 :审美直觉的突发性、不涉理路 :审美直觉的直观性、自证自得 :审美直觉的独创性三个方面 ,探讨了禅悟和宋代诗歌美学理论中“妙悟”说的关系。

1.The Real Meaning of Aesthetical Intuition: Mind Clear and Matter Exposed;审美直觉之真义:心的敞亮与物的解蔽
2.Research into Training Aesthetic Intuition in the Teaching of Classical Chinese Poetry Reading;古诗文阅读教学中培养审美直觉力的研究
3.Effects of instinctive taste on Einstein s scientific creativity;论审美直觉在爱因斯坦科学创造活动中的作用
4.Arousing aesthetic instinct--Onartistic characteristics in Josef Albers’works唤起审美直觉——约瑟夫·阿尔巴斯作品艺术特色探析
5.Understanding of Taoism-- Analysis on Zhuangzi s Aesthetic Method of Whole Intuition;体“道”——庄子的整体直觉审美方式浅析
6.Aesthetic analysis of "Divided" and "Undivided"--On instinctive aesthetic differences between the poems of Shaoyou and Meicheng;“隔”与“不隔”的审美分析——兼论少游美成词直觉审美的差异
7.Aesthetics of Literature art are the pervasion and combination of the perceptual intuition and the rational intuition.文学艺术审美是感性直觉和理性直觉的相互渗透和结合。
8.Intellectual Intuition and Aesthetic Bourn:the Footstone of Mou Zongsan s Theory of Mental Noumenon;智的直觉与审美境界——牟宗三心体论的拱心石
9.Intuitive Experience for A Qesthetics of Life-Research into the Comparison about Tales of Tigers between Yi and Miaonationalities;生命美学的直觉体验——彝族苗族虎故事审美心理比较探寻
10.Intuition, Distance and Creation of Aesthetics --Benedetto Croce and the Early Aesthetic Thought of Zhu Guangqian;直觉、距离与审美创造——克罗齐与朱光潜早期美学思想
11.satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities.满足审美标准和审美感觉的。
12.Poetic Intuition--Study on the intuition in Chinese traditional aesthetics;诗性直觉——论中国古典美学中的直觉
13.An Analysis on the Functions of Sight and Hearing;试析视觉、听觉在审美中的不同特点
14.On the Nuclear Place of Aesthetic Consciousness in the Education of Fine Arts;论审美知觉在美术教育中的核心地位
15.Aesthetics Consciousness in the Metaphor of Skin Sense;肤觉比喻中的审美意识因素——肤觉经验与审美意识之二
16.Reserch on Aesthetic Psychology in Visual Communication Design;视觉传达设计中受众审美心理的研究
17.Study on New Visual Aesthetic Phenomenon of Two-Dimensional Graphics and Image;二维图形与图像新视觉审美现象研究
18.Appreciation Visualization--The Language Features of Mobile Phone Message;审美视觉化——手机短信的语言特色浅议

instinctive aesthetics直觉审美
1.The definition of "Divided" and "Undivided" claimed by Wang Guo-wei is actually a guide to the junior class of appreciation of literature works, whith is a kind of instinctive aesthetics.王国维提出的“隔”与“不隔”的问题,其实就是对文学作品欣赏的最初层次上的问题,属于直觉审美的范畴。
3)appreciation intuitionalism审美直觉说
4)instinctive aesthetic外观直觉审美
5)the system of aesthetic intuitional experience审美直觉经验系统
6)rational sense and aesthetic intuition科学理性与审美直觉
1.In the light of the dialectical logic, a talent with high quality is the one who embodies the combination between rational sense and aesthetic intuition.对应于人类历史活动的辩证逻辑,高素质的人才就是科学理性与审美直觉完美汇聚一体的人。
