藏族文化,Tibetan culture
1)Tibetan culture藏族文化
1.For a long time past,the Tibetan culture had formed close ties with Tibetan Buddhism in the developmental course of the Tibetan culture,and had enriched the connotation of Tibetan Buddhism.长期以来 ,藏族文化在其发展过程中 ,与藏传佛教形成了密切的联系 ,丰富了藏传佛教的内涵。
2.The proposed Tibetan culture as a study will be incorporated into the curriculum perspective, through which a local course on Tibetan culture is to be developed based on the investigation and analysis .本文以藏族文化为研究对象,将其纳入课程的视野,通过对文化自身价值和课程教育功能的考察与分析,在确定课程性质、理念和目标的基础上,对“藏族文化”课程的内容加以选择,设计教材的编写思路,进行“藏族文化”校本课程开发的尝试,并通过对课程实施的构想和设计,试图构建一种较为合理的语文校本课程模式,期望付诸实施,以全面提高内地西藏班(校)学生的语文综合素养。
3.Established on long historical roots and loaded with the wisdom of tibetan people for centuries, Tibetan culture stands out as a dainty flower in the garden of china.藏族文化作为中华文化的一朵奇葩,它以藏民族浩瀚的历史文化积淀,以凝聚藏族人民的千年智慧为载体。

1.Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language, medicine, art and history.进一步兴办藏语言文字、藏医学、藏族艺术、藏族历史等藏族文化系科(专业)、学校。
2.Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language, medicine, art and history and so on.进一步兴办藏语言文字、医学、族艺术、族历史等藏族文化系科(业)学校。
3.Legal Guarantee to the Right of Tibetan Culture in Tibet,China中国西藏藏族文化权利的法律保障——兼论“西藏文化灭绝论”的荒谬性
4.Tibetan Tea Culture:Tea-horse Trade and the Tea Drinking Custom of Tibetan;藏族茶文化:茶马贸易与藏族饮茶习俗
5.A Review of Tibetan Ecological Culture;藏族生态文化研究的又一力作——评《藏族生态文化》
6.Tibetan Bar: A New Mode of Urbanization for Conventional Tibetan Culture;藏吧:藏族传统文化都市化的新模式
7.On Traditional Cultural Resources of Contemporary Tibetan Literature论当代藏族文学中的藏族传统文化资源
8.On the Factors Influencing Tibetan College Students Identity of Tibetan and Han Culture;影响藏族大学生藏、汉族文化认同因素的研究
9.Discussion on Traditional Tibetan Festivals and Traditional Tibetan P. E. Culture;藏族传统节日与藏民族传统体育文化的探讨
10.On the cultural psychology of nationality implied by Qinghai s Tibetan dressing;浅谈青海藏族服饰蕴藏的民族文化心理
11.A Study of Tibetan Undergraduates National and Cultural Identity;藏族大学生民族与文化认同调查研究
12."Tibetan Patterns" and the Unique Features of Tibetan Culture“藏族图案”中所反映的民族文化特色
13.As an important constituent element of Tibetan adornment culture, Tibetan headwears are culturally rich and varied.藏族头饰文化丰富多姿,是藏族服饰文化的重要组成部分。
14.Tibetan Traditional Culture and Geographical Environment of Qing-Zang Plateau;藏族传统文化对青藏高原地理环境的解说
15.Historical changes of religious culture of Tibetans and social progress in Tibetan areas;藏族信仰文化的历史变迁与藏区社会进步
16.The Cultural Values of the Tibetan Buddhism in Tibetan Films藏传佛教在藏族题材电影中的文化意义
17.The Development and Utilization of the Multicultural Curriculum Resources in Tibetan Areas西藏地区藏族多元文化课程资源的开发和利用
18.The Cultural Connotations of Tibetan Hada Rite浅议雪域藏族哈达礼仪的文化内涵

Tibetan chess culture藏族棋文化
3)culture of Tibetans藏民族文化
4)the culture of the Hui and Tibetan nationality回、藏族文化
5)the Tibetan cultural complex藏族文化丛
6)Tibetan ecological culture藏族生态文化
1.How to use Tibetan ecological culture effectively in the legislation of protecting ecology in Qinghai-Tibet plateau is related to the success or failure of protecting ecology in this area.在青藏高原生态保护立法中如何有效利用藏族生态文化,关系到该地区生态保护的成败。
