朱启钤,Zhu Qiqian
1)Zhu Qiqian朱启钤
1.Preliminary Study on Zhu Qiqian:A Brief Report on Historical People in Early Modern Urban History;朱启钤(桂辛)先生初步研究及其他——一份近代城市史视野中的历史人物研究简报
2.The Impetus for Zhu Qiqian to Set up China Construct Society and His Historical Contribution to the Society;朱启钤组建中国营造学社的动因及历史贡献
3.How Descendants Study Zhu Qiqian and the Spirit of Society for the Study of Chinese Architecture后人如何学习朱启钤及其中国营造学社建筑精神

1.The Impetus for Zhu Qiqian to Set up China Construct Society and His Historical Contribution to the Society;朱启钤组建中国营造学社的动因及历史贡献
2.A Trailblazer Who Rebuilt an Ancient Capital to a Modern Municipality:ZHU Qi-qian and Beijing s Planning and Development during the Period of Minguo;把古都改建为近代化城市的先驱者——民国朱启钤与北京城
3.How Descendants Study Zhu Qiqian and the Spirit of Society for the Study of Chinese Architecture后人如何学习朱启钤及其中国营造学社建筑精神
4.Preliminary Study on Zhu Qiqian:A Brief Report on Historical People in Early Modern Urban History;朱启钤(桂辛)先生初步研究及其他——一份近代城市史视野中的历史人物研究简报
5.All right, Chewie, let's get out of here!没事了。朱伊!快准备启航
6.On, there's the buzzer.哦,开演前的预备钤响了。
7.Li Yundi757677 the14 th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland.⒗钤频显诓ɡ疾渭恿说
8.On Zhuxi s Moral Education Idea Enlighter the Present Age College Education;朱熹德育思想对当代大学教育的启示
9.Enlightenment of Zhu Xi s Idea of "Saving the Nature s Law and Putting out the Passion" for Building Harmonious Society;朱熹“存天理、灭人欲”的当代解读与启示
10.Brief Talk on Zhuxi s Moral Educational Thinking and Its Realistic Enlightenment;略论朱熹的道德教育思想及现实启迪
11.Easy and Difficult--the Enlightenment of Zhu Guangqian's Articles and Opinions浅易与艰深——朱光潜文论风格的启示
12.Zhu Tian-xin: from "being enlightened" to "enlightening"--The development of an intellectual s thoughts;朱天心:从“被启蒙”到“启蒙”——一位知识分子的成长
13.Zhu Yi-zun s Letters Home and the Historical Data of Emperor Kang Xi s “Special Examinations of 1679”;朱彝尊家书与康熙“己未词科”史料———启功先生《朱竹垞家书卷跋》详说
14.On "Zhu Reading Method" of China s higher education and enlightenment;试论“朱子读书法”及其对我国高等教育的启示
15.The Basic Content and Modern Enlightenment of Zhuxi Family Educational Thought;朱熹家庭教育思想的基本内容及现代启示
16.An Contemporary Inspiration to Moral Education Theory from Illustrations to Great Learning by Zhu Xi;朱熹《大学章句》道德教育理论的当代启示
17.Reviewing and Enlightenment of Zhu De s Military Education Thought in the Anti-Japanese War;朱德在抗日战争中军事教育思想的回顾与启示
18.Zhu Guangqian as an aesthetic translator;筚路蓝缕 以启山林——美学翻译家朱光潜论

3)sealing style钤印
1.Then, dating, regulations, sealing style and historic influence are discussed in detail.并以此为据对存世官印进行了分期断代、性质考析、管理制度、钤印方式复原等方面的研究,取得了一些不同于前人的结论。
4)rattle stone钤石
5)night bell液钤
6)seals art钤印艺术
