虚拟广告,virtual advertisement
1)virtual advertisement虚拟广告
1.Research of key technology in virtual advertisement system;虚拟广告系统关键技术研究
2.Through the virtual advertisement technology,the advertisement can be inserted in the program seamlessly without interrupting the program itself or disturbing the audience s attention.设计了一个虚拟广告系统,即对场景和广告牌模型的创建和管理。
3.Digital arts and virtual advertisement were introduced.通过对数字艺术和虚拟广告的介绍,阐述采用数字艺术来实现虚拟广告的升华,利用虚拟市场资源开创产品及品牌的推广道路,研究应用数字艺术与虚拟广告使更多受众了解产品及品牌信息,提升产品在虚拟市场的形象,扩大品牌的影响力和提高市场购买率。

1.From Virtual Market to Rich Ore of Advertisement: Virtual Advertising in Digital Period从虚拟市场到广告富矿——数字时代的虚拟广告
2.The Current Situation of Advertisement Network and Predicted of Virtual Advertisement Network;网络广告的现状与网络虚拟广告展望
3.Application of Digital Art and Virtual Advertisement in Product Promotion数字艺术和虚拟广告在产品推广中的应用
4.Video segmentation algorithm for virtual advertisement system用于虚拟广告系统的视频对象分割算法
5.The application of virtual guilt in parental-love advertising dissemination;“虚拟内疚”理论在亲情广告诉求中的应用
6.Virtual 4A:Study on the Teaching Reform of Practical Course in Advertising虚拟4A:广告学专业实务课程课堂教改探索
7.Introduction to Virtual Value--Study from A Broader Perspective of Virtual Economy;虚拟价值引论——广义虚拟经济视角研究
8.Research and Define the False Drumbeating Act of Crime of False Advertisement;虚假广告罪中虚假宣传的分析与界定
9.On the Parody in Advertising;论广告中的仿拟(Parody)修辞
10.Legal Consideration of Relation between "False Advertisement"and "False Propaganda;关于“虚假广告”与“虚假宣传”关系的法律思考
11.Where, in violation of the state regulations, an advertisement owner, advertising agency, or advertisement carrier gives false publicity by taking the advantage of advertising a commodity or service,广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者违反国家规定,利用广告对商品或者服务作虚假宣传,
12.a false advertising campaign that ripped off a great many consumers.欺骗了大多数消费者的虚假广告活动
13.Fraudulent ads that delude consumers into sending in money.欺骗顾客花钱的虚假广告
14.Legal Responsibility of Celebrity Advertising Mendacious Ads in China;论我国名人代言虚假广告的法律责任
15.A Study of the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests Involved in Sham Advertisements;基于虚假广告的消费者权益保护研究
16.On the Features of False Advertising in Commercial English Advertisement;论商业英语广告中虚假标榜语的特点
17.Game Analysis on the Principles of Damage Compensation for Infringement of False Advertisement;虚假广告侵权损害赔偿原则博弈分析
18.Analysis on the Reasons of False Drug Advertisement and Countermeasures;试析虚假医药广告的根源与根除对策

virtual advertisement system虚拟广告系统
1.Consistent illumination problem in virtual advertisement system虚拟广告系统一致光照技术研究
2.In order to achieve the target of making the virtual objects appearing as real entities in the scene,video segmentation becomes to be the key technique in virtual advertisement system.在虚拟广告系统中,为了使虚拟图像的插入具有真实感,有效的视频分割便成了其中的关键的技术。
3)VR Webvertising网络虚拟展示广告
1.The Visual Communication Design of VR Webvertising;网络虚拟展示广告的视觉传达设计
4)false advertisement虚假广告
1.Discuss on Legal Standard of False Advertisement by Economics of Law;虚假广告界定的法律经济学分析
2.Causes and countermeasures concerning the overflowing of false advertisements;虚假广告泛滥的成因与对策
5)false advertising虚假广告
1.Nowadays the crime of false advertising is increasing rapidly in economic life of socialist market.虚假广告犯罪在市场经济条件下日益蔓延。
2.Today there are a lot of false advertising to deceive and mislead consumers.当今欺骗和误导消费者的虚假广告大量存在,不仅挫伤了人们对广告的信任,同时也损害了消费者的利益以及商品生产经营者之间正当的竞争关系,扰乱了社会市场经济秩序,阻碍了我国社会主义市场经济的健康、快速发展。
3.The paper holds that the current prevalence of false advertising in China is mainly due to the lack of due legislation in the advertising business,and therefore,to stop false advertising it is necessary to reform the legal system and coordinate relevant laws and regulations in the advertising industry so as to guarantee the rights of the consumers and competition on a equal basis.在我国,虚假广告已成公害,造成这种状况的原因之一是我国有关广告的现行立法存在缺陷。
6)virtual alert虚拟告警
