写意性,freehand brushwork
1)freehand brushwork写意性
1.The freehand brushwork of the watercolor painting brings its language feature into full play and embodies national artistic spirit.水彩画的写意性,既是该画种语言特色的发挥,又是民族艺术精神的体现,它承载着民族的审美意识和艺术的表现形式,它将西方水彩画的审美观念和艺术方法有机的融合其中,使水彩画出现了勃勃的艺术生机,形成了既是传统的,又是现代的民族水彩画艺术图式。
2.The specialest during this term is the children-playing pattern of blue-and -white in freehand brushwork in Tianqi and Chongzhen in later-Ming dynasty .文章以明代青花婴戏纹饰从早期永乐、宣德官窑为代表的具象性发展为中期以成化官窑为代表的意向性,继而转变为明末天启、崇祯时期民窑为代表的近乎抽象性风格的演变作为分析切入点,由点及面阐述了晚明民窑青花写意性的审美趣味,着重探讨晚明民窑青花写意性审美趣味形成的内在原因。

1.On the Display of Freehand Brushwork in the Elaborate-style Figure Painting;浅议“写意性”在工笔人物画中的表现
3.Freehand Designed Patterns--Miao Embroider“写意性”的图案纹样——苗族刺绣
4.On the Significance of Understanding the Free Style Character of the Yuanti Flower and Bird Paintings in the Early Period of the North Song Dynasty;北宋前期院体花鸟画写意性的认知意义
5.Chen Ran: Positive Writing--Female Subjective Sex Awareness;陈染:肯定性书写——女性性主体意识
6.The View of "Lasciviousness of Intention" and the Essenceof poem-written novel of sex description in Dream of the Red Chamber;“意淫”观和《红楼梦》性描写的以诗写小说本质
7.Doris Lessing s Female Writing and Female Consciousness;多丽斯·莱辛的女性书写和女性意识
8.Feminine Consiousness and Feminine Writting in the 1970s;“70年代”的女性意识与女性写作
9.Orientation of Modern Course and Meaning of Female Writing in Hong Kong and Taiwan;台港女性书写的现代进程与意义向度
10.Water Margin:gender description of Ecological Implications;《水浒传》:两性描写中的生态意蕴
11.The Tragic Delineation of Females in Jiang Yun s Fiction and Their Literary Significance;蒋韵小说女性悲情书写及其文学意义
12.Imagination, Natural Writing and Rebellious Unconscious of Woman;想象空间·自然书写·女性反叛无意识
13.Attention Paid to Women s Body: The Cultural Sense of Su Qing s Female Writings;凝视肉体:苏青女性写作的文化意义
14.The Significance of Discourse Exemplified by the Concrete Descriptions in "All Men Are Brothers ;论《水浒传》具体性描写的话语意义
15.The Cultural Connotation of the Sexual Description in FongMenglng s Three Short Story Collections and Ling Mengcu s Two Surprising Story Collections;“三言”、“二拍”性爱描写的文化意蕴
16.The Significance and Error of "Body Writing" in Today s Female Literature;当下女性文学“躯体写作”的意义和误区
17.On the Philosophical Value and Historic Nature of the Nostalgic Writing论怀旧写作的哲学意蕴与历史性本质
18.On Zhang Ailing's Wasteland Consciousness and Depreciative Depiction towards Masculinity张爱玲男性贬抑书写的荒原意识诉求

Liberal style写意性
1." Liberal style " is contained in the meticulous figure painting art.“写意性”作为一种绘画观念蕴含于工笔人物画艺术之中,体现着中国绘画艺术的审美意趣,赋予了工笔人物画独特的艺术魅力,是中国绘画艺术的精髓。
2.Liberal style of Chinese figure meticulous painting based on the traditional realistic Chinese painting.“写意性工笔画”是唐勇力教授提出的一个新的概念。
1.Tries to Analyze in Wang Weixin s Watercolor Painting Enjoyable;试析王维新水彩画中的写意性
2.This article take the exquisite brush portrait in "enjoyable" the performance as point, through to "is enjoyable" in the traditional exquisite brush portrait and the modern exquisite brush portrait existence way and the performance characteristic discussion and the research, attempts promulgates "enjoyable" from the exquisite brush portrait main body language angle important status.本文以工笔人物画中的“写意性”表现为切入点,通过对“写意”在传统工笔人物画和现代工笔人物画中的存在方式和表现特点的探讨与研究,试图从工笔人物画本体语言角度揭示“写意性”的重要地位。
4)freehand expression写意性表现
5)Xieyi novel写意性小说
6)the oil painting in impressionistic manner写意性油画

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-