非主流文化,non-mainstream culture
1)non-mainstream culture非主流文化
1.It is inevitable and unavoidable that there exists non-mainstream culture in colleges and universities.高校非主流文化的存在是必然的,是不可避免的。
2.To strengthen the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities and to construct harmonious compuses,special attention must be paid to non-mainstream culture.针对加强高校校园文化建设、构建和谐校园,必须正视非主流文化这一特殊现象和问题,认真梳理和审视了非主流文化对高校校园主流文化以及对大学生的心理意识带来的巨大冲击和深刻影响,并提出了相应的应对措施。
3.Non-mainstream culture reflects new changes from being of no importance to being closely bounded up;from linear closing to opening the doors wide on every side;from the physical world to virtual space;from plane unit to pioneer multielement in the transforming period of social form.社会转型时期,非主流文化呈现出:从无足轻重到息息相关;从线性封闭到全方位开放;从实物世界到虚拟空间;从平面单元到先锋多元的新变化。

1.Mainstream Culture and Non-mainstream Culture Conformity Education of Nationalities Curriculum Knowledge View;主流文化与非主流文化相整合的民族教育课程知识观
2.The Impact of Non-mainstream Culture on College Students and Some Countermeasures;非主流文化对大学生心理意识的冲击与应对
3.A Reflection on the Subculture in America for English Majors;英语专业教学中的美国非主流文化思考
4.Trying to Describe Hakka Marriage Custom in Guidong and Analyze Its Subordinate Cultural Quality;试述桂东客家婚俗及其非主流文化分析
5.The Law and Countermeasures of Non-mainstream Culture s Effect on University Students Value Sense;非主流文化对大学生价值观影响的规律与对策
6.The Effects of College s Sub-culture and the Measures;高校非主流文化对青年大学生的影响及对策
8.Resent Trend of College Branch Culture And It s Countermeasures;当前我国高校非主流文化的变迁与对策
9.Back then Hippies were regarded as a counter-culture that threatened to disrupt normal society.那个时候,嬉皮文化被看作是一个对常人社会有破坏性威胁的非主流文化
10.A Study on the Canonization of "The Marginal" from the Perspective of Study of Historical Novels since 1990s;从90年代以来“历史文学”研究看“非主流”的经典化
11.The Effects of the Subculture in University for the Grown-up of theYoung Students;高校非主流“文化”对青年学生成才的影响
12.Unification of the Mainstream Socialist Culture and the Advanced Culture;社会主义主流文化与先进文化的统一
13.Their songs often criticized mainstream society while promoting African-American culture.他们的歌曲通常批评主流社会,并提倡非裔美国人的文化。
14.a major cultural phenomenon.一种主流文化现象。
15.New Democracy Cutrure -Main Current of China s Revolutionary Culture;新民主主义文化是中国革命文化的主流
16.Cultural Forces and Educational Strategies for Minorities:Introduction to and Commentary on Ogbu’s “Differences in Cultural Frame of Reference”;文化力量与非主流人群的教育策略 奥格布文化参照框架差异理论述评
17.The Research to the Civil Moral of the Late Ming Dynasty Based on the "Unmainstreem" Texts;基于“非主流”文本的晚明市民道德研究
18.China s Literature of Intellectual Youth: Present Situation of Non-mainstream Tendency;中国知青文学——非主流倾向的现状表述

1.The Effects of College s Sub-culture and the Measures;高校非主流文化对青年大学生的影响及对策
2.The focus on American sub-culture is also important for the master of American culture.从美国非主流文化的角度来思考英语专业教学,可以使学生进一步扩展知识面,全面地掌握美国文化。
3)Subordinate Culture Analysis非主流文化分析
4)the subcultures in college校园非主流文化
1.Nowadays, the subcultures in college become very popular and have great influence on the college students.通过初步分析,本文提出了对校园非主流文化的矫正措施。
5)the non-stream culture in university campus高校校园非主流文化
1.At present,the current situation of the non-stream culture in university campus shows some phenomena such as the egoism of subject consciousness,the secularization of value orientation,the vulgarization of cultural taste and the flippancy of cultural behavior.当前,高校校园非主流文化呈现出主体意识自我化、价值取向世俗化、文化品位低俗化和文化行为浮躁化的现状,分析其成因,既有社会价值观念、西方社会思潮和科技革命的影响,又有教育本身如高等教育体制的滞后、教育个性化目标的误区以及思想政治教育乏力等因素的影响,还有校园文化主体———大学生自身主客观因素的影响。
6)College Students' Non-dominant Culture大学生非主流文化
