气韵生动,vivid charm
1)vivid charm气韵生动
1.The supreme aesthetic principle is "vivid charm",rhythm and harmony of nature.中国画审美的最高原则是"气韵生动"。
2.Yan-ping is one of the most influential Chinese female contemporary artists,this article attempts to study the spiritual relationship fome Yan-ping\'s oil paintings between the theory of "vivid charm".闫平是中国当代最具影响力的女性画家之一,本文试图从闫平的油画创作与“气韵生动”的审美理想之间的精神联系方面做一系列研究。

1.Words Masculine and Feminine Elements Tone Vivid,Huang Binhong's Landscape Painting"Tone"Evaluation笔墨阴阳 气韵生动——黄宾虹的山水画“气韵”评析
2.The vivid artistic conception is a traditional topic of Chinese drawing.气韵生动是中国画论一个传统话题。
3.The Evolution of the Concept of "Spirit-resonance Life-movement" In the Ancient Chinese Painting;论中国古代绘画"气韵生动"的演变
4.Coloring and Likeness to Vivid Character-the Fine Art and Viewing a Painting;赋彩象形 气韵生动——绘画艺术与鉴赏
5.Vivid Charm and "Six Approaches" in Xie He's Painting谢赫的绘画“六法”与“气韵生动
6.The Role of the Theory of Vivid Charm in the Design Arts of Books“气韵生动”论在书籍装帧艺术中的地位
7.New Understanding of "Vivid Rhythm" and the "Bone-liked Style of Drawing",Two of Xie He s Six Principles in Painting;谢赫六法中的“气韵生动”与“骨法用笔”新解
8.The Vivid Spiritual Realm--On the Trait of Space Expression of Chinese Painting;气韵生动之境——浅析中国画的空间表现特点
9.Tentatively on QIAN Zhongshu s Theory of Re-arranging the Tone Clusters in "Six Techniques for Painting"--Concurrently on the theory of "lively artistic conception;试论钱钟书“六法”失读说——兼与“气韵生动”说商榷
10.On an Enrichment and a Manifestation of the Vital Energy--A look at Chinese traditional music from the aesthetic seeking of "the fine life with vitality";生命活力的充盈与显现——从“气韵生动”的审美诉求看中国传统音乐
11."Lively spirit and vitality", presented by Xie He in Southern Dynasty, is an aesthetic ideal of ancient painting in China.“气韵生动”是南朝谢赫提出的关于中国古典绘画的审美理想。
12.There is a source relation between the theory of art vitality and vigour in Chinese classical aesthetics and Taoist school and Chan sect philosophy.中国古典美学中的气韵生动与道禅哲学有着深深的渊源关系。
13.In Southern Dynasties,it became the significant aesthetic category of Chinese ancient painting since the theory of "vigor and charm" had been put forward by Xie He.自南朝齐谢赫提出“气韵生动”以来,它就成为中国古代绘画的重要美学范畴了。
14.Breathing in Pace with Emotion Perfects the Spirit-resonance--on the Teaching and Learning of Application of Breath in Singing;气随情动才能气韵贯通——歌唱气息运用中的教与学
15.Function of Gymnastic Exercises in Physical Education for College Girl Students;韵律操在高校女生体育课准备活动中的运用
16.Lean lens, it is not miracle but the amazing constructions.倾斜的视角,与倾注的晶状体,不是奇迹的诞生,是建筑气韵的集合。
17.Dragon Design on Emperor Qianlong'Stone Stele in Yongyou Temple龙行石之气韵生——永佑寺内乾隆御制石碑的龙形纹饰及保护
18.Strokes of Rounghness,Flavor of Solidness--On the Unique Style of Tao Bowu s Calligraphy;形画丑拙 气韵厚重——论陶博吾先生书法的独特风格

the fine life with vitality气韵生动
1.On an Enrichment and a Manifestation of the Vital Energy——A look at Chinese traditional music from the aesthetic seeking of "the fine life with vitality";生命活力的充盈与显现——从“气韵生动”的审美诉求看中国传统音乐
3)lively spirit and charm气韵生动
1.This paper mainly discusses the relationship between lively spirit and charm and easy case of scholars paintings as well as writings of scholars paintings.气韵生动为中国画“六法”之首 ,对文人画产生了积极的影响。
2."Lively spirit and charm" is the first principle among the "Six Methods" of Chinese paintings,it plays an active role in all kinds of paintings.“气韵生动”作为中国传统绘画原则“六法”之首,在各种绘画作品的评价体系中扮演着一个活跃的角色,本文主要探讨“气韵生动”和水彩画之间的关系。
4)the theory of art vitality and art vigour气韵生动说
5)On Spirit-resonance论气韵生动
6)The picture has a vivacious artistic conception.这幅画气韵生动。
