竹家具,bamboo furniture
1)bamboo furniture竹家具
1.By studying various aspects of the present situation of Mao bamboo industry in Longyan,such as low production and output value of per unit area of bamboo,the monotonous bamboo processing and the lack of fund injection,this paper objectively analyzes problems that hamper the rapid development of bamboo furniture as well as the advantages of the bamboo furniture industry.根据龙岩市毛竹产业现状,从毛竹单位面积产量产值较低、竹产业加工品种单一、竹产业资金投入不足等方面,客观分析影响竹制家具发展速度的实际问题,进而就竹制家具产业发展的优势,深挖竹家具产业发展的潜力,规划竹制家具市场的前景,提出大力发展绿色环保家具的发展思路和运作观点。
2.But the primeval and straggly way of produce of conventive bamboo furniture was difficult to cater for the needs of modern li.因此,开发可再生利用的竹家具是非常必要的。

1.Bamboo products design, Zhuyun series on funiture and furnishing.“竹韵新语”系列,竹家具和竹家居用品设计。
2.Analysis of Traditional Bamboo-culms Furniture and New Glue-laminated Bamboo Furniture传统圆竹家具和新型竹集成材家具的分析
3.Chinese bamboo culture and classical bamboo fumiture are the basic of bamboo furniture development, abundant bamboo resource is the advantage for bamboo furniture making.中国的竹文化和古典竹家具是设计开发竹家具的基础,丰富的竹材资源是制作竹家具的有利条件。
4.The Feasibility Analysis of Bamboo-culm Furniture Design on the Basis of Scale Production;基于量产化的圆竹家具设计的可行性研究
5.Species and Artistic Characters of Folk Bamboo Furniture of South and West Hunan湘西南民俗竹家具种类及工艺特征分析
6.The Research on 32mm Bamboo-wood Glued Panel Furniture;32mm系统竹木复合板式家具研究
7.Comparison and analysis of the typical structure and processing between solid wooden furniture and glued laminated bamboo furniture实木家具与竹集成材家具典型结构与加工比较分析
8.As a renewable resource, this makes it an ideal choice for furniture and flooring.所以竹子是制作家具和地板的理想选材。
9.The Key Indexes Evaluation of Re-combined Bamboo Timber Applied in Furniture;重组竹应用于家具制造的关键指标评价
10.Properties of poplar timber with bamboo pasting on the surface for the use of furniture and decorative materials用做家具与装饰材料竹材贴面杨木性能分析
11.woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems; mature canes used for construction and furniture.木头般的热带草,有空空的木质茎;成熟的竹竿用于建筑和家具。
12.Classical furniture, carved wood, bamboo, Carved on Roots, lacquerware, archaized decorations, folk artworks, etc.古典家具、木雕、竹雕、根雕、漆器、仿古装饰品、民间艺术品等。
13.Innovative Furniture Design Based on Material -on Laminated Bamboo & Recycling Economy;家具创新设计从基材入手——关于竹集成材与循环经济的话题
14.Giving Play to the Resource Advantage and Promoting the Competitive Ability of Bamboo Furniture in Market;发挥江西资源优势,大力提升竹制家具市场竞争力
15.They ripped us off at that hotel.那家旅馆敲了我们竹杠。
16.Inside the walls are residents' gardens with dense groves of tall bamboos as well as soft sounds of nature.墙里常是人家的竹园,修竹森森,天籁细细;
17.a red ball-shaped firecracker with high explosive power.具有高爆炸能量的球形爆竹。
18.Pattern: Firecracker, folk toy, the fish or the children embrace the carp.图案:爆竹、间玩具,鱼或儿童抱鲤鱼。

bamboo furniture竹制家具
1.This article analyses the present situation of development of bamboo furniture design and summarizes some questions exist in the development,Then raises some strategies of bamboo furniture design based on the present society of economy and innovation.本文通过对中国竹制家具的设计开发现状及其存在的问题进行探讨分析,进而提出了,在当今建设节约型和创新型社会条件下,竹制家具的设计开发策略。
3)Bamboo-wood furniture竹木家具
1.Design principles and modeling methods of bamboo-wood furniture竹木家具设计原则和造型方法
2.This article discusses concept and constitute of Bamboo-wood furniture and analyzes its necessity for being developed.本文论述了竹木家具的概念和它的构成,并分析发展竹木家具的必要性,阐述了竹木家具的发展前景和趋势。
4)bamboo and rattan furniture竹藤家具
1.Because of abundance in bamboo and rattan resources over the world,prospects of bamboo and rattan furniture export trade are promising.竹藤资源相对丰富,竹藤家具产业的大力发展对繁荣林区经济,提高农民收入,建设社会主义新农村有着重要的现实意义。
5)bamboo-culm furniture圆竹家具
1.With the spread of the concept of sustainable development and individuals' particular arts preferences, more and more consumers prefer the bamboo-culm furniture.随着资源的短缺、可持续发展概念的深入和消费者对于文化消费与绿色消费的追求,圆竹家具这一既体现中国浓郁的竹文化又可再生利用的产品正逐渐受到消费者的喜爱。
6)bamboo furniture;bamboo sticks.竹木家具;竹杆

藤编竹家具藤编竹家具  以毛竹为主要材料制作支架,在支架上用藤皮缠绕、编织而构成的各种家具。这种家具精巧、轻便、坚实、耐用,春夏秋冬,四季皆宜,是我国民间广泛使用的家具之一。