尊重自然,respect for nature
1)respect for nature尊重自然
1.As to eco-reconstruction human being should respect for nature,to conduc environmental management by measures such as eco-restoration,natural conservation,etc.讨论了西北干旱区的土地退化、生态建设与尊重自然、水土资源利用及区域发展等问题。
2.The paper points out that "respect for nature" is often regarded analogous to Kant s "respect for man",but it cannot be interpreted and expounded by Kantism."尊重自然"在当代社会无疑是具有感染力和吸引力的道德呼声,但其实质内涵却有待辨明。

1.Respect for Nature: An Ecocritical Study of Herman Melville s Moby-Dick;尊重自然:对赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的《白鲸》的生态研究
2.A Briefly Introduction and Comment on Human Living Environment;尊重自然,优化环境,人与自然和谐发展——赴德、法等国考察归来的思考
3.On Environmental Law’s Renaissance of the Respect to Natureof Ancient Natural Law-From the Angel of View of theEvolvement of the Meaning of “Nature”;论环境法对古代自然法学尊重自然精神的复兴——以“自然”含义的演变为视角
4.Just man will oneself respect oneself, and otherwise can not be respected by man.人要自己尊重自己,不然就不会被人尊重。
5.You should know how to respect yourself before you can get respect from others.你该先知道如何自尊然后你才能得到别人的尊重。
6.Of course, as his own self-respect vanished, it perished for him in Carrie.当然,随着他的自尊心的消失,嘉莉也失去了对他的尊重。
7.Respect life and love nature --On the ecological ethics of Buddhism;尊重生命 热爱自然——佛教的生态伦理观浅析
8.Integration of Relationship among Human,Society and Nature from the perspective of "Respect for the Moral Education" Theory略论“尊重的德育”理论中人、社会、自然关系的整合
9.I do not believe in the supernatural, but I respect others' right to believe in it.我并不信奉超自然物,但我尊重别人信奉超自然物的权利。
10.Remeber the three"respects",repect yourself,respect others,stand on dignity and pay attention to you behacior.记住三个“尊”:尊重自己,尊重别人,保持自尊,对自己的行为负责。
11.He who does not honour his wife,dishonours himself.不尊重妻子的人,自己也不被尊重。
12.Self-Esteem is Psychological Foundation on Education of Esteem;论自我尊重是“尊重的教育”的心理基础
13.They fail to see that although we must cherish the earlier experience thus acquired, we must also cherish experience acquired at the cost of our own blood.他们不知道:我们固然应该尊重过去流血的经验,但是还应该尊重自己流血的经验。
14.Self-eseem - that's really the most important thing.自尊??人最重要的就是自尊了。”
15.Remember the three " respects". Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior.记住三个“尊”: 尊重你自己; 尊重别人; 保持尊严, 对自己的行为负责.
16.Remember the three “ respects” .Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior;记住三个“尊”: 尊重你自己; 尊重别人; 保持尊严, 对自己的行为负责;
17.Yet why does it need a war to bring out our qualities and reassert our pride?然而,为什么只有战争才能使我们发扬优秀品质,重振自己的尊严?
18.On New Tendency of Multi-Intelligence Theory Applied to the Development of Contemporary Special Education;回归自然 尊重差异——论多元智能理论对当代特殊教育发展的贡献

respecting nature尊重自然
1.,this program constructs a modernization campus which do well in respecting nature and flexible growth, by rational entrance and architecture layout.方案从分析基地环境入手,在充分保护和利用基地原有丘陵、虾池、古榕树等自然元素的基础上,通过合理的入口设置、整分结合的建筑布局创造出一个尊重自然、弹性生长的现代化大学校园。
3)Respect for nature.尊重大自然.
4)Respect to the nature对自然的尊重
5)inherent worth尊重自然的态度
1.By reviewing his "inherent worth" conception and the denial of "the idea of the superiority of humans" , point out the defect of his basic conception and logical argument.全文分四部分:第一部分讲的是生物中心主义提出的历史背景,着重介绍了施韦兹“敬畏生命”的伦理理论和泰勒“尊重自然”伦理理论的提出和发展;第二部分主要介绍泰勒尊重自然的态度及其生物中心主义自然观。
6)Self-respect and self-possessed自尊自重

尊重正教【尊重正教】  谓诸比丘,唯依正教进修,远离小乘及诸外道偏邪之说,是故能令正法不灭。(梵语比丘,华言乞士。)