审美取向,aesthetic orientation
1)aesthetic orientation审美取向
1.Aesthetic Orientation in the Construction of Protected Historic Sites——The Planning and Construction Design of Yancheng Historic Relics Park;历史保护区建设中的审美取向——淹城遗址公园规划设计
2.Aesthetic Orientation of Image Construction of Lyrical Text;抒情文本意象建构的审美取向
3.Different narrative versions demonstrate distinct aesthetic orientation and readers choosing,so render the readers multi-artistic experiences.分析了不同创作主体面对时代和历史视野中的艺术资源所进行的审美性择取、融合及再创造,不同的叙述版本展现出了不同的审美取向和接受定位,从而给受众以多元的艺术感受。

1.A Study of the Influence of the Post-80s Generation s Writing on Current Junior Students Reading Aesthetic;“80后”写作与中学生阅读审美取向研究
2.On New Realistic Novel Esthetic Orientation and Artistic Exploration;论新写实小说的审美取向及艺术探索
3.Discussion on Aesthetic Orientation and the Factor of Produce of Post-1980s Writing;论“80后”写作的审美取向及生成因子
4.On the Aesthetic Orientation of Qi Feng·Ji Ming--From the Reason to the Delight;论《齐风·鸡鸣》从理性到情致的审美取向
5.The Plainness and Pedestrianism--The Orientation of Aesthetics of Song Dynasty Scenery Painting;平远尚淡——宋代山水画论的审美取向
6.On the Disadvantaged People in the New Literature and the Aesthetical Trends;新时期文学中的“弱势者”与审美取向
7.Investigation of college girl students physique aesthetic tropism;女大学生形体审美取向的调查与分析
8.Learning from Shi Shuo Xin Yu the Aesthetic Value of the Calligraphists in the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty;从《世说新语》看魏晋书法的审美取向
9.On the Aesthetic Tendency of preferring Peculiarity in the Character Portrayal in Si Maqian s "Historical Records;司马迁《史记》塑造人物爱奇的审美取向
10.The Aesthetic Orientation of Modern Ceramic Ware Art in Chinese论中国现代陶瓷器皿艺术的审美取向
11.Exploring Two aesthetic tropisms of the Eco-Aesthetics in terms of Ancient Chinese Culture;从中国古代文化探索生态美学的两种审美取向
12.Towards Recreation:Aesthetic Orientation of Contemporary Western Art Creation;走向娱乐化:当代西方艺术创作的审美取向
13.On the Creation of the Chinese Film & TV Plays-From the Aesthetic View of the Korean Film & TV Plays;从韩国影视剧的审美取向谈我国的影视创作
14.The Characteristics of the Appreciation of Beauty in Sports Dancing Culture and Its Value Orientation;体育舞蹈文化的审美特征与价值取向
15.A Rough Study on Similes & Aesthetic Tendencies of Value of the English Speakers and Chinese Speakers;浅谈Similes与英汉审美价值取向
16.Esthetic Value’s Intention and Reflection of Chinese Traditional Physical Education;中国传统体育的审美价值取向与反思
17.Liu Qingbang Novel Aesthetic Values and Its Significance刘庆邦小说的审美价值取向及其意义
18.Zhen Dexiu's Aesthetic Conception from Wen Zhang Zheng Zong论真德秀《文章正宗》的审美价值取向

Aesthetic tropism审美取向
1.Investigation of college girl students physique aesthetic tropism;女大学生形体审美取向的调查与分析
2.Being established in Chinese Syllabus of Middle School,the article put forward the reforming derection of teaching chinese classical style of writing from two aspects of teacher and student namely to attach importance to aesthetic tropism.文章立足于中学语文教学大纲,从师生两方面,提出文言文教学的改革方向,即注重审美取向,并根据教学经验提出了文言文教学注重审美的具体方法。
3.Epigraph Cai Yong writing and sizing up personality of Wei and Jin have the same aesthetic tropism, coming down in one continuous line.蔡邕撰写的碑文和刘邵的《人物志》,分别是人物品鉴的文学显现和理论总结,蔡邕的碑文和魏晋时期人物品鉴具有一致的审美取向,二者一脉相承。
3)aesthetic tendency审美取向
1.In Song dynasty,the image of willow made a large development not only in the aesthetic tendency but in its cultural meaning.重点讨论宋词中杨柳意象所体现的不同审美取向,以及它所积淀的深厚文化内涵,以期从一个新角度,对柳意象得出更全面、更深入的认识。
2.This paper recounts the aesthetic tendency and reasons of Si Maqian s preferring peculiarity in the character portrayal in his book "Historical Records".本文试从司马迁《史记》选择历史人物的原则之奇,塑造人物手法之奇,历史人物入选体例之奇,突出人物性格的故事情节之奇,所塑造的人物之奇等几个方面论述司马迁塑造人物爱奇的审美取向及其爱奇的原因。
3.The aesthetic tendency of the civilian kiln s porcelain in Song Dynasty was embodied in the combination of functional quality and artistic quality of the porcelain, the shapes, the techniques and the themes of ornament.民瓷实用性与艺术性的结合,以及器物造型、装饰手法和装饰题材都体现了宋代民窑瓷器的审美取向
4)aesthetic standard审美取向
1.This paper gives an explanation that based on the respect for tradition, modern batik art should be enriched and transcended in the aspects of aesthetic standard, deep meaning of design and color performance, in order to show its unique artistic charm.本文阐述了现代蜡染艺术要在尊重传统的基础上,从审美取向、图案内涵及色彩表达等诸多方面加以充实和超越,使蜡染艺术更好的表现出其独有的艺术魅力。
2.Although Liu Zheng s Ci aims at "blending the style of Su Shi and Xin Qiji", his aesthetic standard is not to revive the old, but to creat the new; not to worship the ancient, but to surpass the forefathers.前期亮丽,后期沉郁;刘征词以“熔冶苏辛”为其审美取向,得苏之“清”而得辛之“壮”,故其审美品格为“清壮”;自苏辛入而由苏辛出,扬其长而避其短,故刘征词审美取向之心理机制不在复古,而在创新,不在膜拜,而在超越。
3.As many music fu contains content of sadness,when expressing the music through the media of literary,authors of music fu usually used the description of visual scenes and atmosphere ingeniously to build the rich imaging space that can be brought by abstract music,and express the special aesthetic standard of"upholding sadness"and function of"musical instruction".许多音乐赋中有相当的篇幅包含渲染悲哀的内容,用文字这种媒介来表现音乐时,音乐赋的作者往往巧妙借用富于形象化的场景和氛围描写,来构筑抽象的音乐所能带给人的丰富的想象空间,从而表现其独特的"尚悲"审美取向以及相关的"乐教"功能。
5)esthetic orientation审美取向
6)Ori-entationofcontemporary aesthetics当代审美取向
