南京云锦,Nanjing brocade
1)Nanjing brocade南京云锦
1.Research on Preservation and Development of Nanjing Brocade Art;论南京云锦艺术的传承与发展
2.With a long history and splendid culture, Nanjing brocade had been specially used for royalty from old.南京云锦拥有灿烂悠久的文化历史,自古以来一直被作为皇家御用丝织品。
3.As one of treasures of China culture, Nanjing Brocade represents the top technology of Chinese traditional silk art crafts.南京云锦作为中国传统丝绸工艺中的巅峰之作,其木机妆花工艺是我国三千年织锦史上唯一流传至今尚无法用现代机器生产代替的传统手工织造工艺,已被国务院列入“第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录”,并于2002年、2004年两次列入向联合国教科文组织推荐的“世界人类口头与非物质文化遗产”候选项目清单,目前南京云锦正处于第三次申遗的关键时期。

1.Nanjing Brocade s Marketing Environmental Analysis and Development Suggestions;南京云锦营销环境分析与价值开发建议
2."Mountain Lushan stands beside the Southern Dipper In clouds reaching silken like a nine-panelled screen,"庐山秀出南斗傍, 屏风九叠云锦张;
3.Landscape ornamental characteristics of Rhododendron fortunei in Yangming Mountains in Hunan湖南省阳明山云锦杜鹃的园林观赏特性
4.On the Jiangjun Cliff in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, the pictures were carved on jutting boulders on the southern base of Mount Jinping;江苏连云港将军崖的岩画,刻在锦屏山南面入口处凸出的巨石上,
5.During the Anti-Japanese War, Peking University moved to Kunming, a city in Yunnan Province.在抗日战争期间,北京大学转到了云南昆明。
6.Predicted Analysis of the Output and Production Value to Edible Mushroom of Beijing and Yunnan;北京和云南食用菌产量和产值模型及预测分析
8.The Investigation of"Shihui Alley,Nanjing (Yingtian Fu)"As The Ancestral Home of Tunpu People From The Central Area of Guizhou Province--also a comparison with the opinion of"GaoShiKan,Liushu Bay,Nanjing"from Yunnan migrants;黔中屯堡人祖籍“南京应天府石灰巷”考辨——兼与云南“南京柳树湾高石坎”比较
9.Instructors are professors from: Beijing University Department of Religious Philosophy, Yunnan Nationality Institute, Yunnan Christianity Theological Seminary.分别由北京大学哲学宗教系,云南民族学院,云南基督教神学院的教授主讲.
10.Charm of Yunnan Province,1999云南风情,1999
11.Nanjing Road with row upon row of shops, a superB collection of numerous commodities and a convergence of myriad Businessmen, deserves to Be called the first street of China.南京路上万商云集,商店鳞次栉比,商品琳琅满目,不愧为中华第一街。
12.There are Yuanmou Man in southwest Yunnan Province, Lantian Man in northwest Shaanxi Province, Peking Man,既有云南的元谋猿人、陕西的蓝田猿人、北京的中国猿人,
13.“Dynamic Yunnan”, a grand original primitive song and dance medley, is to be staged on April 11th in Poly Theatre, Beijing.大型原生态民族歌舞《云南映象》将于4月11日在北京保利剧院上演。
14.Research on the Establishment and Characterizing of Yunnan Pony and Beijing Yellow Chicken Fibroblast Cell Lines云南矮马与北京油鸡成纤维细胞系建立与鉴定的研究
15.In the vicinity, there are airports of Shanghai, Nanjing, Changzhou, Yancheng, Xuzhou, Lianyungang and so on.周围有上海、南京、常州、盐城、徐州、连云港机场,距盐城机场仅为80公里。
16.Good Wind Rely on Power Sending Me to Blue Sky --The Relation Between Sport Culture and the Development of Nanjing;好风凭借力 送我上青云——试论体育文化与南京的发展
17.Nascar Winston Cup Championship纳斯卡云顿杯房车锦标赛
18.Research & Application of Green Building for Brocadesky;云锦美地住宅小区绿色建筑应用研究

Caragana franchetiana云南锦鸡儿
1.Chromosome Numbers and Karyotype research on Caragana franchetiana;豆科锦鸡儿属云南锦鸡儿(Caragana franchetiana)染色体数目及核型研究
3)Nanjing brocade云锦
1.Through the study of Nanjing Brocade s history, techniques, trait, and its application in modern fashion design, this paper discuses that Nanjing Brocade s applied value in modern fashion design, analyses some problems which should be noticed in modern fashion design and explores Nanjing Brocade s foreground in future fashion application.本文通过对云锦的历史及工艺、传统云锦服装的特点以及云锦在现代服装设计中的运用的阐述,阐明了云锦在现代服装设计中的应用价值。
1.Singing in the Bright Colours--Discussing the Stage Play Creation by Liu Jinyun;在斑斓中放歌——试论刘锦云的话剧创作
5)yun brocade云锦
1.Nanjing Yun brocade is a fine traditional cultural heritage in China.南京云锦是我国优秀的传统文化遗产 ,在新时期云锦产品的前景值得关注。
6)Nanjing city南京
1.Management Model of Municipal Solid Waste Towards a Circular Economy and Eco-City Development: A Case Study of Nanjing City;南京城市生活垃圾资源循环型管理模式研究
2.Dynamics of urban ecological space evolution and policy responses:a case study of Nanjing City;城市生态空间演变规律及调控机制——以南京市为例
3.Prevention and control measures of main turfgrass diseases in Nanjing City;南京市观赏型草坪草主要病害发生的特点及防治

南京云锦史南京云锦史  徐仲杰著。1985年江苏科学技术出版社出版。全书共分云锦的历史发展情况;云锦织造业的生产关系;云锦的品种及其艺术成就三章。