文化多元化,cultural diversity
1)cultural diversity文化多元化
1.The media criticism in the cultural diversity background are abundant, and the focuses is ho.“法兰克福学派”的大众传播思想是媒介批评的理论源头;电子时代麦克卢汉的媒介理论体现出乐观精神和技术论倾向;“后现代”对现代性的反思批判成为“后现代”语境下媒介批评的特殊视角;文化多元化背景下的媒介批评更加丰富,传媒应如何应对多元文化的交流和挑战成为焦点。
2.There really exists diversity of culture;cultural convergence and cultural diversity both exist under the background of economic globalization.多元文化的存在是客观的,经济全球化背景下的文化交融和文化多元化是两个并存发展的趋势。

1.The Dialectical Relation between the Cultural Globalization and the Cultural Diversification;文化全球化与文化多元化的辩证关系
2.Cultural Community and Diversification of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;文化群落与当代中国审美文化多元化
3."Marginalized" Culture in Relation to Multi-Cultures--On Reading the Kitchen God s Wife;“边缘”文化与文化多元化——解读《灶神之妻》
4.What Kind of Culture? What Kind of Diversity?--Brief Discussion about the Connection between Culture Diversity and Our Chinese Literature s Development;哪种文化?哪种多元化?——试论“文化多元化”与我国文学发展的关系
5.Urbanization: Unified or pluralistic culture?城市化:文化的一元化,还是多元化?
6.Urbanization: Cultural Unification or Cultural Multiplication?城市化:民族文化的一元化,还是多元化?
7.of or relating to or including several cultures.属于多元文化,与多种文化有关,或包含多种文化。
8.The Discrimination of the Plural Culture, Cultural Pluralism and Multiculturalism;多元文化、文化多元主义、多元文化主义辨析——以美国为例
9.Multiculturalism,Multicultural Education and AmericanLiterature Teaching in the United States多元文化主义、多元文化教育和美国的文学教学
10.Culture Construction of Chinese Curriculum in Multicultural Point of View;多元文化视野中语文课程的文化建构
11.Literature-cosmopolitanism,Multiculturalism and Cultural-unification;文学世界主义·文化多元主义·文化融合
12.Ministry of Multiculturalism and Immigration?多元文化事务及移民厅
13.Maintain our cultural diversity保持我们文化的多元性
14.Multi Cultural Education:A Kind of Idea of Inheriting Multi-ethnic Culture;多元文化教育:传承多元民族文化的一种理念
15.Urbanization: Cultural Unification or Cultural Multiplication?;城市化:民族文化的一元化,还是多元化?yh
16.Failure of Cultural Assimiliation and Rise of Multiculture -An Analysis of the American Multicultural Education Movement;文化同化的失败与多元文化的兴起──美国多元文化教育运动分析
17.A Tentative Study of Multiculturalism;多元共存 和谐共处——试论多元文化主义
18.Urbanization:the Integration of the Metropolitan Multi-Cultures;城市化:都市民族文化的多元一体化

cultural pluralism文化多元化
1.Self-conscious Choice of Cultural Pluralism and Developing Modern Sports;文化多元化与现代体育发展的自主选择
2.This paper analyzes the relationship between economic integration and cultural pluralism, and explores the two widely-accepted strategies SL culture-oriented strategy and TL culture-oriented strategy, namely, foreignization and domestication.分析了经济一体化与文化多元化的对立统一关系。
3)cultural multiplicity文化多元化
1.At the same time,cultural globalization and cultural multiplicity provide some chances for our cultural foreign stratagy.同时,文化全球化、文化多元化为我国的文化外交战略提供了诸多机遇。
2.Faced with economic globalization and cultural multiplicity, the development and innovation of the Xiqu opera should not ignore its uniqueness and variety.面对经济全球化、文化多元化,戏曲艺术的发展创新不应忽视戏曲的独特性和多样性。
4)cultural diversification文化多元化
1.The Dialectical Relation between the Cultural Globalization and the Cultural Diversification;文化全球化与文化多元化的辩证关系
2.As we step into a historic era of economic globalization, cultural diversification is trends of the time.目前,人类已经进入经济全球化的历史时期,文化多元化是时代的潮流,总结20世纪的经验和教训,跟上时代潮流,弘扬中华民族的音乐传统,应当成为21世纪音乐教育的一项重要任务。
5)culture variety文化多元化
1.Therefore, in the trend of globalization, our stratagem is to persevere in the development of culture variety to deal with the challenges in globalization.因此,在全球化的趋势下,坚持文化多元化发展是我们应对全球化挑战的战略选择。
1.The influencing factors and countermeasures of developing multi-culture nursing;开展多元文化护理的影响因素与对策
2.Application of multi-culture nursing in ICU;多元文化护理在ICU的应用

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