DM广告,DM advertisement
1)DM advertisementDM广告
1.On the one hand,the profit of DM advertisements is attractive while on the other,DM magazines are in dilemma.一方面DM广告蛋糕诱人,另一方面DM杂志处境不妙。
2.And among all sorts of advertisements,DM advertisement is one of the most favorable and popular fashions in the industries of real estate.随着中国经济的快速发展,房地产行业也得到前所未有的发展,在众多广告媒体中,DM广告是房地产业最青睐的一种信息传播形式。

1.A Study of DM Advertisements,Magazines and the Operation of Dm by the Media;从DM广告、DM杂志到媒介的DM运作
2.From the Perspective of Graphic Design on the DM Advertisement从平面设计角度浅淡DM广告的设计艺术
3.The Research on the Development and Management of Direct Mail Advertising in China;DM(直投)广告在我国的发展与管理研究
4.The Propagation Advantages of DM Advertisements in Real Estates Industries of China;DM在我国房地产广告中的传播优势
5.Study on Driect Mail Advertising Magazine Marketing Planning of Weichen Company威臣公司直投(DM)广告杂志营销策划研究
6.Research on Guangxi DM Real Estate Co.Ltd. Developping Stategy;广西DM房地产开发有限公司发展战略研究
7.advertising rates广告费, 广告价格
8.He went to pin the ad on the advertisement Board.他把广告钉在广告板上。
9.The act of advertising.做广告做广告的行为 advertising agent广告业者,广告经纪人
11.Advertising and advertisement are different.广告业或做广告与广告是不同的。
12.Advertising Industry,Advertising Propagation and Advertising Agent in Globalization:遭遇全球化:广告业、广告传播与广告人
13.A public notice, such as an advertising poster.广告,海报公共布告,如广告招贴
14.One that posts notices, posters, or advertisements.贴广告的人张贴通知、布告或广告的人
15.Advertisement art should follow the advertisement object with stress on the inspiration of the ad.以广告艺术服从广告目标 ,突出广告的感召力。
16.Advertisement under Advertisement Regulation Law--Comments on Revision and Consummation of Advertisement Regulation Law;《广告法》上的“广告”——兼论《广告法》之修改和完善
17.printed notice (excl. advertisements)印刷的布告(不包括广告)
18.paste up an advertisement, a notice, a poster, etc张贴广告、 告示、 海报等.

Researchs on DM AdvertisementDM广告研究
1.Distinction of Limit between Law-breaking Advertisements and False Medicines;准确把握违法广告与经营假药的界限
2.Serial advertisement ——realizing variety in unification;系列化广告——寓变化于统一之中
1.Reconstruction scheme and advertising industry reform of Guangzhou railway(Group) Co.;广铁集团广告产业改革与重组方案
2.Developing trend of visual communication in advertising;广告视觉传达发展趋势探究
5)ad[英][,e? 'di:][美]['e 'di]广告
1.How to Draw Consumers Attention for a Successful Ad;成功广告如何引起消费者的注意
2.Research on Regulations of the Unfair Competition in the Ad Campaign;广告活动中不正当竞争行为规制研究
3.The Information Processing Mode of ADs Gender Stereotype;广告中性别刻板印象的信息加工方式
1.The tentative exploration of integrative design of advertisements on the roads and buildings;沿街广告与建筑的一体化设计初探
2.Culture Adoption and Culture Transfer--Two Ways of Cross-culture Broadcast of Advertisements;文化适应与文化转换——广告跨文化传播中的两条路径
3.On the creation of city landscape and outdoor advertisements;关于人文景观与户外广告的创作

(vulcanization) accelrator DM分子式:C14H8N2S4分子量:332.47CAS号:密度:1.45~1.50熔点:179~180℃性状:商品呈淡黄色或土黄色,稍有气味。溶解情况:稍溶于苯、乙醇和氯仿,不溶于水和汽油。用途:可单独使用或与其他促进剂并用,适用于轮胎、胶鞋、工业用橡胶制品。制备或来源:可由促进剂M用次亚氯酸钠、双氧水、氯气等氧化制得。备注:硫化临界温度较促进剂M高,操作也较安全。