《点石斋画报》,Dianshizhai Pictorial
1)Dianshizhai Pictorial《点石斋画报》
1.An Analysis on the Transmission of Western Science and Technology in China from the Stand of Dianshizhai Pictorial;从《点石斋画报》看西方科技在中国的传播
2."DianShi": DianShiZhai Pictorial and the Design Problem between 1884-1898“点石”:《点石斋画报》与1884-1898年间的设计问题
3.Children figures and children views of Dianshizhai Pictorial《点石斋画报》中的儿童与儿童观思考

1.Seeking the Social and Cultural Changes in the Late Qing Period from Tian-shi-zhai Pictorial;从《点石斋画报》看晚清社会文化的变迁
2.Tian-Shi-Zhai Pictorial and the Modernization of Chinese Media;《点石斋画报》和中国传媒的近代化
3.Children figures and children views of Dianshizhai Pictorial《点石斋画报》中的儿童与儿童观思考
4."DianShi": DianShiZhai Pictorial and the Design Problem between 1884-1898“点石”:《点石斋画报》与1884-1898年间的设计问题
5.Business Integrated with Culture:The Management and Design of "Dianshizhai Pictorial";商业与文化的整合:《点石斋画报》的经营与设计
6.Views on Fusion and Continuity of Visual Culture from The House for Literary Gem;从《点石斋画报》看视觉文化的融合与延续
7.An Analysis on the Transmission of Western Science and Technology in China from the Stand of Dianshizhai Pictorial;从《点石斋画报》看西方科技在中国的传播
8.A Study on Physical Culture of Shanghai's Western Nationals in the Lately Qing Dynasty from "The Dianshizhai Pictorial"从《点石斋画报》看晚清上海西方侨民体育
9.Introduction of Western medicine and medical changes in the late Qing Dynasty;西医东渐与晚清社会的医学变迁——以《点石斋画报》为中心
10.The Social Guidance of Mass Media in the Late Qing Dynasty--"Auspicious and Evil Events" from Dian Stone Studio Pictorial as an Analysis Object晚清大众传媒的社会导向——以《点石斋画报》中“祥异事件”为分析对象
11.Interim Report on the Conservation Work on the Quanqin Studio: The Panoramic Murals;倦勤斋保护工作阶段报告——通景画部分
12.I didn't. I rushed over to Baishi' s home and told him, "I've just seen a painting of cherries by you in Lunchizhai. It's very nice."马上跑到白石老人家,对他说:“我刚才看了伦池斋你画的樱桃,真好。”
13.Touch a stone and turn it into scene, reminding one of paintings--discussing the art of stone scene in gardens;点石成景宛然如画——论园林石景艺术
14.Cbaractenstics of the Paintings by Bada Shanren and Shi Tao;清初遗民画家八大山人及石涛的绘画特点
15.Chueh-hui's grandfather, as a well-known gentleman who had several collections of poems published, an epicure of ancient books. and paintings, could not go against the fashion.祖父原也是名士,印过两卷《遁斋诗集》送朋友,又喜欢收藏书画,所以在这一点上也未能免俗。
16.Tu Chu-chai nodded his head in silence.杜竹斋点着头不作声。
17.A light meal permitted on fast days.斋戒时的点心允许在斋戒的日子吃的点心
18.Students proposed to turn Tai Yau Street near Diamond Hill into an ancient Chinese street with traditional boutiques, hostels and schools as a tourist spot.学生建议将钻石山大有街变成古装街,设售卖古装的时装店、斋和客栈,发展成为一个旅游热点。

Tian-Shi-Zhai pictorial点石斋画报
1.Seeking the Social and Cultural Changes in the Late Qing Period from Tian-shi-zhai Pictorial;从《点石斋画报》看晚清社会文化的变迁
3)spin studio点石斋
1.Spin studio had created an illustrated journal "spin studio Pictorial" and the "sea Masterpieces," and so on.本论文以晚清图像传播作为关照对象,结合点石斋书局来加以考察。
4)Tienshihchai Photolithographic Publishing Works点石斋石印书局
5)Chunjuezhai Drawing Commentary《春觉斋论画》
1.Lin Shu s Chunjuezhai Drawing Commentary is briefly studied in thisarticle by the way of case study and the overall examination, and the way ofdocumentary and theory.本文以林纾的《春觉斋论画》作为研究对象,采用个案研究与整体观照相结合、文献整理与理论探讨相结合的研究方法,结合林纾所处近代“文化转型”的特殊历史时期以及其它相关的资料,对林纾的《春觉斋论画》进行了较为粗浅的考察。
6)"Deou painting studio corner"《德隅斋画品》
1."Deou painting studio corner" is the expression of his paintings ideas.《师友谈记》反映了元祐时期李廌与苏门师友往来的盛况;《德隅斋画品》是他画论思想的表达,也是宋代文人画论思想的体现。

《点石斋画报》  中国近代影响最大的石印版印刷的绘画画报。因由申报馆点石斋石印书局出版,故名。1884年5月8日创刊于上海。旬刊,逢 6出版。每期幅式一律,线装本,8页 9图。吴友如主编,绘画者吴友如、周慕桥、何元俊、金蟾香、张志瀛等。内容多是与盗贼、流氓、妓女等有关及与市民生活有关的社会新闻。少部分以朝政、军事、科技等方面的新闻为题材。对清朝官场的黑暗和帝国主义的侵略有所揭露;但也宣扬了一些封建礼教、迷信思想和社会畸形生活。在中法战争期间,所刊中国军民反抗法国侵略军的绘画,受到广泛欢迎。画用单线白描,有的出自写生,有的临摹照片,有的出于想象。该画报反映了清代末年社会、政治的风貌,改变了当时重情趣、轻内容、不求形似的画风,发展了风俗画,为后世研究近代社会政治历史提供了形象的史料。1896年底停刊。共出版12年半, 528册。