心象,Mental image
1)Mental image心象
1.The ‘mountains-horses’ image in Xin Qiji s lyric indicates that the poet s association arisen by the scene is a kind of mental image ,it cannot be used to verify the outer scene itself;the running horses reflect the poet s turbulent soul,his deep and painful inner.辛词中的"群山-奔马"意象说明,由景物触发的诗人的联想是一种"心象",它不能用来"核实"景物的原型;奔驰的马群体现的是动荡的心灵;奔马意象反映着作者的一种深刻沉痛的情结。
2.Through the researches on the relations between them, we find that the process of sense production is in fact one of the combination of mental images and language symbols, which indicates that mental images play a remarkable role in the process of language acquisition (language learning).通过研究二者关系,发现语义的产生过程实际上是心象和语言符号相结合的过程,这就意味着心象在语言习得(语言学习)过程中具有举足轻重的作用。

1.Essence of Mental Imagery: Reflection on the Theoretical Research on Mental Imagery;论心象的本质——心象理论研究的反思
2.forecast center气象中心气象预报中心
3.World Meteorological Centre世界气象中心(气象中心)
4.Regional Meteorological Centres区域气象中心(区象中心)
5.This,@ thought the elephant, @is beautiful.“真漂亮。”大象心想。
6.memory Image记忆表象(心理学)
7.Concrete Images-Abstraction-Concrete Images: A Psychological Process in Translation具象-抽象-具象:翻译的一个心理路程
8.National Weather Analysis Center美国气象分析中心全国气象分析中心
9.Meteorological Information and Extraction Centre气象信息和提取中心
10.Commonwealth Meteorology Research Centre英联邦气象学研究中心
11.To connect in the mind or imagination.在心里或想象中联系。
12.She made an impression on him.她在他心中留下印象。
13.It was a breathtaking sight.那真是扣人心弦的景象。
14.Every word seemed to stir the heart.每一字都好象震动心弦。
15.Meteosat Operations Control Centre气象卫星作业控制中心
16.image-processing and interpretation centre图象处理和判读中心
17.Sin is a gravitation."错误就象一种地心吸力。”
18.symbolizing the trading center of the city;象征着城市的贸易中心;

mental imagery心象
1.OOAT─An operable representation for mental imagery;OOAT──心象的一种可操作表达
1.“Self-image”and Physical Culture Teaching;“自我心象”与体育教学
2.There are three kinds of mode inXiang-thinking-form, image and Tao.中华象思维以道论为哲学基础,重体验而非概念,重生成而非现成;中华象思维的主要层次有物象、心象、无形之大象;中华象思维其思维器官是体验性之心而非思辨性之脑,其思维方式是观,即以生命体验为基础的动态整体直观。
4)mental map心象地图
1.Design of navigation digital map based on character of mental map顾及心象地图特征的导航电子地图设计
2.The mental map consists of discrete pieces,such as landm.心象地图是驻留在记忆中的关于地理世界空间特征认知结果的表达,具有如下特征:空间表达的非均一性、内容选取的主观性、空间定位的非确定性、度量特征上的非精确性。
3.This paper introduces the concept and characters of mental map.本文首先介绍了心象地图的含义及其特性,然后通过对空间比例尺含义以及视觉因素的分析,提出了视觉比例尺的概念,初步探讨了视觉比例尺对建立心象地图的影响。
5)psychological image心理意象
1.Based on the comparison of several kinds of psychological images popularly applied by several outstanding scientists and artists in their scientific work in the twentieth century,this paper reveals profoundly the identification of science and art in the way of thinking,and builds a convincing bridge between science and art.文章通过20世纪几位卓越的科学家在科学创造中所运用的几种心理意象与艺术家所普遍采用的审美意象的比较,意在揭示科学与艺术在思维方式上的一致性,从而在科学与艺术之间的传统鸿沟上架起一座令人信服的桥梁。
6)Coring image岩心图象
