符号感,symbol sense
1)symbol sense符号感
1.While there were some points in the use of words "the number sense", more analysis should be made for the words "the symbol sense".“数感”的提法有一定合理性;“帮助学生掌握数学的符号语言”则要比“发展学生的符号感”这一提法更为恰当。
2.The Standards of Mathematics Curriculum emphasized that mathematics curriculum should develop students symbol sense.《标准》强调发展学生的符号感,就是要使学生能够从具体情境中抽象出数量关系和变化规律,并用符号来表示;理解符号所代表的数量关系和变化规律;会进行符号间的转换;能选择适当的程序和方法解决用符号所表示的问题。

1.Number Sense, Symbol Sense and the Others --Some Comments on the New "Curriculum Standards;“数感”“符号感”与其它——《课程标准》大家谈
2.The Improvement of Students Symbol Sense;学生符号感的培养——从“字母表示数”说起
3.To Develop Students Symbol Sense in the Process of Problem Solving;在解决问题的过程中发展学生的符号感
4.expression mark表示感情色彩的符号
5.Symbol characters (--) with symbols (?a)符号字符(--)替换为符号(—)
6.additional character附加符号[字符], 特殊符号
7.Graphical symbols for transducers diagramsGB/T14479-1993传感器图用图形符号
8.Perception-a Key to the Interpretation of Peirce s Sign Theory;感知——解读皮尔士符号理论的关键
9.Emotions and Symbols --An appreciation of the artistic language in Regret for the Past;情感与符号——《伤逝》的语言艺术赏析
10.A Study on Symbol & Significance in the Sights of Perception Anthropology;感觉人类学视野中符号与意义的研究
11."Symbolization" Phenomenon in Contemporary Chinese Art: Also On the Emotion of "Semiotics" and Time中国当代艺术中的“符号化”现象——兼论“符号”的情感与时代
12.Rhetorical functions of punctuation marks: Focusing on semi-colons and dashes;论标点符号的修辞作用——实证分析分号、破折号的逻辑与情感功能
13.mathematical symbol数学符号,运算符号
14.a system of symbols and symbolic representations.符号和符号标示的系统。
15.Phonetic symbols represent sounds.语音符号是标音的符号.
16.Erasing qualifying symbol for transducers, recorders, and reproducers.擦除用于传感器、录音机和复制机的限定符号。
17.Drum type qualifying symbol for transducers, recorders, and reproducers.用于传感器、录音机和复制机的磁鼓型限定符号。
18.Disc type qualifying symbol for transducers, recorders, and reproducers.用于传感器、录音机和复制机的盘型限定符号。

sentiment symbols情感符号
1.Together with related building design cases,the paper discusses on the role and status form of sentiment symbols and cultural factors in environmental design.本文通过相关建筑设计案例,探讨环境设计中情感符号与文化因素在设计产品中的作用、地位和表现形式,以资借鉴。
3)Perceived symbol符号化感知
4)symbolized exclamation符号化的感叹
5)emotion symbolic form情感符号形式
