萨满文化,Saman culture
1)Saman culture萨满文化
1.Annotate Saman Culture in the Book of Hezhe Nation in the ower Reaches of Songhuajiang River;诠释《松花江下游的赫哲族》中的萨满文化
2.Ewenke Saman Culture and Modelling Arts;鄂温克族萨满文化与造型艺术
3.The paper analyzes the reason in psychological level why the Saman culture originated in the northeast Asia(taking Heilongjiang of China as an example)from the view of mentality history and illness history.本文从心态史、疾病史的角度解读萨满文化产生在东北亚(中国黑龙江省为样本)的心理层次原因。

1.Saman and Its Cultures Continued Orally;萨满与口承文化——萨满文化在口承史诗中的遗存
2.Analysis of Psychological Mechanism of Saman Culture in the Northeast Asia;东北亚萨满文化产生的心理机制解析
3.Exploration of the Shamanistic Cultural Elements in on the Right Bank of the Argun《额尔古纳河右岸》中萨满文化元素探微
4.The Study on Landscape Features for Saman-Culture Tourist Districts吉林省萨满文化旅游区景观特色研究
5.On integration of Saman culture and culture of Oroqen nationality;试论萨满文化与鄂伦春族文化艺术的融合
6.Influence of Shaman Cultute on Xiao Hong and Chi Zijian's Civilian Standpoint萨满文化对萧红和迟子建平民文化立场的影响
7.The primitive state of Shaman Culture is the Wizard Culture, which originated in the late period of Paleolithic Age.萨满文化的原生形态为巫史文化,巫史文化产生于旧石器时代晚期。
8.Shaman Cultural Spirit vs Northeast Group of Writers Fictional Creation;萨满文化精神与东北作家群的小说创作
9.Annotate Saman Culture in the Book of Hezhe Nation in the ower Reaches of Songhuajiang River;诠释《松花江下游的赫哲族》中的萨满文化
10.Investigation on the Primitive States of the Formation of Wizard Culture--On the Origins of Shaman Culture.巫史文化生成的原生形态诸问题考察——兼及萨满文化起源问题
11.The Shaman Culture and Development in Jilin Province Modern Tourism Activity's Inheritance萨满文化在吉林省现代旅游活动中的传承与发展
12.A Research on the Relationship between the Han Nationalities Culture and the Manchu Culture in Current Manchu Shamanism;当代满族萨满信仰习俗中的汉满文化关系研究
13.Divine Bird Worship in Hongshan Culture and Bird Totem of Shamanism;红山诸文化“神鸟”崇拜与萨满“鸟神”
14.A brief review of Saman religion and festive culture of ethnic minorities in the West;萨满教与北方少数民族节日文化述略
15.On the Coalescent of Shamanism and the Local Wizardry in Fuzhou in Qing Dynasty;清代福州满族萨满信仰与本土巫文化的结合
16.It is well-known that, Mongols believed in Shamanism in early days, and they are one of the nationalities for which Shamanism culture used to be the dominant.众所周知,蒙古族早期信仰萨满教,是萨满教文化覆盖的民族之一。
17.Role of Shaman and Narrator in the Avant-garde Novels;萨满活动角色与“我”的分身术——萨满教文化与先锋小说
18.Saman God of fire and Chinese worship of fire--Regional difference of Chinese culture萨满火神与华夏崇火——中国文化的区域差异

Shaman culture萨满文化
1.Primitive Shaman culture in National Dance with Musical Accompaniment in Xinjiang;新疆民族乐舞中的萨满文化遗存
2.Because of the unique way of cultural memory, Shaman culture is today the world\'s most valuable living of the original culture.独特的文化记忆方式令萨满文化成为现今世界上最为珍贵的原始活态文化,是文化学、民族学、人类学、心理学的重要研究对象。
3.Especially of Jilin Province, one of the Man nationality birthplaces, the Shaman culture has even more merged in Man nationality\'s folk custom in common social practice.尤其在满族发祥地之一的吉林省,萨满文化更加溶入到了满族的民俗民风之中。
3)Shamanism culture萨满文化
1.The article mainly introduces the generation and development of Manchu culture,states the impact of Shamanism culture on Northeast Asia points out the tremendous contribution of Manchu culture to the Chinese national culture.文章介绍了满族文化产生与发展的过程,并阐述了萨满文化对东北亚的影响,指出满族文化对中华民族文化作出了巨大贡献。
2.In order to protect and explore the special phenomenon of Shamanism culture,a suggestion is put forward to strengthen the protection measures,collect and sort out Shamanism culture.从"宗教信仰的原生态"、"民俗风情的活画卷"和"区域文化的集成板"三个方面探究了萨满文化精髓及价值,重点阐述了萨满文化的含义、特征和表现形式以及萨满文化的科学底蕴。
3.Animals\' gratitude motif in Chi Zi-jian\'s novels is greatly influenced by both Buddhist literature and Shamanism Culture,which possesses spiritual implications of both cultures and further expands the deep meanings of animals\' gratitude motif.迟子建小说中的动物感恩母题深受佛经文学与萨满文化的双重影响,同时具备了这两种文化的精神意蕴,进一步拓展了动物感恩母题的深层文学寓意。
4)Shamanic culture萨满文化
1.During the early time of the Khitan Empire,the local Shamanic culture and Chinese culture blended together to support the empire\'s political system.萨满文化与汉文化交合在契丹政治体制中,既共同维系着契丹政治的运作,又存在着矛盾关系,隐现着"草原本位"和"南向"的冲突,这在契丹早期的政治变动中处于核心地位。
5)Shamanistic culture萨满教文化
6)Mirror Culture and Shamanism镜文化与萨满教

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理