原始信仰,primitive belief
1)primitive belief原始信仰
1.Thailand s worship of the King roots in the primitive belief of the local god of land, Which is penetrated and integrated by the imported religions of Brahman and Buddhism, that in furn further strengthen such a worship.泰国人民对国王的崇拜源自于泰国的原始地神崇拜,而外来婆罗门教与佛教思想的渗透及其最终与本土原始信仰的融合,则进一步巩固了人民对国王的崇拜。
2.The primitive beliefs of the Miao and Buyi had characteristics of polytheism.苗族、布依族的原始信仰 ,以多神崇拜为特征。

1.The Comparison of Primitive Religion Beliefs between the Black-Clothes Zhuang of China and the Black-Thai of Laos;中国黑衣壮与老挝黑泰原始信仰比较研究
2.The aesthetic opinion primitive beliefs that is included in the dressing and adornment;试论土族服饰中蕴含的原始信仰审美观
3.Based on primitive beliefs, the Wu (sorcerer) had a close relation with dance from its birth.基于原始信仰的巫,从它诞生之日起,就和舞蹈结下了不解之缘。
4.as pointed out in Chapter I, the Dongba dance and music (together with dancing scores) is also a relic of primitive belief.此外,如第一章所述,东巴舞(及舞谱)也是原始信仰的遗存……,
5.With the appearance of primitive belief came the dances of totem, sorcery, and sacrificial ceremony.随着原始信仰的出现而形成了图腾舞蹈、巫术舞蹈、祭祀舞蹈,
6.Ancient Tibetan People s Primitive Belief Outline the Formation and Development of Tibetan Bon Religion s Culture;藏族先民的原始信仰——略谈藏族苯教文化的形成及发展
7.They do not believe in Hinayana but in the primitive religion.该族群不信仰小乘佛教 ,而笃信传统的原始宗教。
8.On the Primitive Religious Beliefs of LiPU Yi Ethnic Group A Case Study of A La Me Village;俚濮彝族原始宗教信仰调查——以啊喇么村为个案
9.A Study of the Relationship Between the Primitive Religious Beliefs at Getou Village and Customary law;格头村苗族原始宗教信仰与习惯法关系研究
10.Remains of primitive religion in Tibetan beliefs with an analysis of their roots;藏族信仰结构中的原始宗教遗迹及其根源
11.principles of the founders of the Oxford movement; expounded in pamphlets called "Tracts for the Times".牛津运动创始者的信仰。
12.He believed to the end exactly the same things he started with.他的信仰始终如一。
13.A belief that it is best to live simply and in a natural environment.原始主义认为最佳生活方式是在自然环境中过朴素生活的信仰
14.Saman religion is a primitive one of the Manchu nationality and their ancestors, in which willow worship occupies an important position.萨满教是满族及其先民信仰的多神崇拜的原始宗教。
15.The Variety of Modern Deviation in Miao s Primitive Religion and Faith:with an Example of Miao in La Dongshan in the West of Hunan Province;苗族原始宗教信仰的现代歧异性变化——以湘西腊尔山苗族为例
16.From the presentation of headwear culture, we can feel the impacts of primitive religious beliefs upon Tibetans' aesthetic tastes.透过头饰文化的表象,我们可以窥见原始宗教信仰对其审美情趣的影响。
17.a Protestant church that accepts the Bible as the only source of true Christian faith and practices baptism by immersion.一个新教宗派,接受圣经为真正基督教徒信仰的原始资料并且有沉侵洗礼这一习惯。
18."Mural painting has its. roots in the primeval instincts of people to decorate their surroundings and to use wall surfaces as a form for expressing ideas, emotions, and beliefs."壁画源于人们装饰环境的原始动机,并以墙面来表现其思想,情感和信仰。

original folk beliefs原始民间信仰
3)primitive religious beliefs原始宗教信仰
1.From the presentation of headwear culture,we can feel the impacts of primitive religious beliefs upon Tibetans aesthetic tastes.透过头饰文化的表象,我们可以窥见原始宗教信仰对其审美情趣的影响。
4)Religious Principle信仰原则
5)raw signal原始信号
1.Synthetic aperture radar(SAR)is one high resolution radar, and the simulation of raw signal is one important aspect of SAR.合成孔径雷达是一种高分辨率的雷达体制 ,原始信号的模拟是合成孔径雷达研制的一个重要方面 。
