审美维度,aesthetic dimension
1)aesthetic dimension审美维度
1.The conflict and dialogue between aesthetic dimension and social dimension is a key issue throughout the history of modern Chinese literary criticism.审美维度与社会维度的价值碰撞与对话贯穿于文学批评的发展历史,对中国现代批评而言尤其突出。

1.From Dull to Brilliant:The Aesthetics of Spiritual Power among the Yolngu从晦暗到明亮:育伦古人精神力量中的审美维度
2.On the Affective Dimension of Lu Yin s Novels and its Aesthetic Value;论庐隐小说的情感维度及其审美价值
3.Analysis the Modern Significance of the Confucius Life Aesthetic From Aesthetic Dimensions of Daily Life;从日常生活审美的维度审视孔子人生美学的现代性意义
4.Selfhood Interaction:An Indispensable Dimension of Ecological Aesthetic;自我间性:生态审美不可或缺的重要维度
5.Pragmatism and the Anti-terrorism Policy of the U.S.;实用主义:审视美国“反恐”的一个重要维度
6.Communicating Utility with Aesthetics --A Fundamental Dimension of Liuxie Poetics;功用与审美的沟通——刘勰诗学观的一个基本维度
7.Aesthetic Dimension" and "Single-oriented Individual" --Notes on Marckisais Aesthetic Thoughts;“审美之维”与“单向度的人”——马尔库塞美学思想研究札记
8.New Dimension in Architectural Aesthetics Study Survey of the Study on Aesthetic Generality between Architecture and Music建筑美学研究的新维度——建筑艺术与音乐艺术审美共通性研究综述
9.It analysesaesthetic intension from the thought mode.这是从思维方式的角度分析其神秘叙事的审美内涵。
10.Discusses the word shallowly in the tool and the esthetic two great value dimension swing and the balance;浅论词在工具和审美两大价值维度间的摇摆和平衡
11.Sense of Loss of Homelessness and Aspiration of Returning Home--An Analysis on Several Dimensions of the Symptoms of Aesthetic Culture in Consumption Era;无家的失落与返乡的渴望——剖析消费时代审美文化征候的几个维度
12.A Reflection on the Pleasant Sensual Enjoyment in Everyday Life Aesthetics--in accordance with Adorno s critical dimension;对日常生活审美化中快感享受的反思——遵从阿多诺的批判维度
13.The Emergency of Ancient Greek Aestheticism and its Value Dimensionality--From Pythagoras to Socrates;古希腊审美主义的发生及价值维度——从毕达哥拉斯到苏格拉底
14.Scientific Cognition and Aesthetic Creation: Two Fundamental Dimensions of the Theory of Life-World科学认知与审美创造:生活世界理论的两个根本维度
15.Aesthetic System--The Existence Manner of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美制度——审美人类学的存在方式
16.Introspection Based on Inspection in Several Aspects--Observing Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;多维考察中的反思:审视当代审美文化
17.New Realistic Writing and Its Aesthetic Implication;“新写实”的零度审视及其审美意蕴
18.Dynamic Participation,Two Time Esthetic and Tertiary in Esthetic Relationship--On three peculiarities in the tourism esthetic place;动态参与·二度审美·审美关系第三者——简议旅游审美场三特点

modern aesthetic dimension现代性审美维度
1.Among numerous art categories,new media art,born at the end of the 20th century,has,by reforming aesthetic concepts of all kinds of traditional arts,established its modern aesthetic method and principle and formed its modern aesthetic dimension.在众多艺术门类中,20世纪末诞生的新媒体艺术通过对各种传统艺术所进行的美学观念的改造,确立了自己现代性的美学方法和原则,形成了新媒体艺术的现代性审美维度
3)extension of aesthetic appreciation审美体验维度
4)aesthetic thinking审美思维
1.Teachers shoud improve students' entire aesthetic thinking according to the features of this subject in three aspects: aesthetic completion, aesthetic expression and aesthetic creativity.教师应根据学科教学 的特性,在整体审美、审美表述和审美创新三个环节中努力提高学生的综合审美思维能力,充分培养 学生的审美素质。
2.How to improve the abicity of aesthetic thinking and use it to produce aesthetic news works are important subjects of journalists.新闻报道作为人的一种认识活动,从报道的选题、采访到定稿各环节都贯穿着审美思维。
3.Taking emptiness and quietness as beauty, this masterpiece reflects Laozi s aesthetic ideal on comprehending and integrating Tao which is also the reflection of aesthetic thinking against the social history background at that time.以虚静为美反映了老子悟道、合道的审美理想,这是他所处当时社会历史背景下审美思维的折射,浓缩了真善的特质,表现出他对自然、社会、人生之美的渴求,蕴含了对异化文明的批判,为后人寻求美的生活提供了独特的视角和价值取向。
5)aesthetic dimension审美之维
1.The aesthetic dimension of the spirit of science ethics includes two parts: the aesthetic dimension of nature,and the aesthetic dimension of innovation.科学伦理精神的审美之维包括自然的审美之维和创新的审美之维。
2.Therefore,the aesthetic dimension of "the laws of beauty" is necessary.由此,“美的规律”的审美之维是一种必要的维度。
6)aesthetic attitude审美态度
1.From the systematic theory point of view, we discuss the quality, the structure and the flow of the aesthetic attitude.审美态度是一种既不同于实用态度又不同于科学态度的专为审美服务的特殊的心理态度,它是一种立体、动态和多层面的复合心理结构,由外及里分别是注意层、时空层和人格层。
2.As a result of the highly development of science and technology, the democratization of politics, the decentralization of thoughts and culture, and the booming of market economy and cultural industry, people s aesthetic attitude changes in contemporary popular arts.在当代社会,由于科技的高度发展、政治的民主化、思想文化的宽容和多元化及市场经济和文化工业的影响,导致了审美态度在当代大众艺术中发生了蜕变,这在艺术形式方面表现得尤其突出。
3.The theory of the aesthetic attitude can be traced back to Plato, but Shaftesbury was the person who first used the word "Attitude".在经典艺术中 ,艺术家和审美主体在从事审美活动时大都能保持一种不同于日常态度的审美态度。

刺激维度刺激维度stimulus dimension 刺激维度(stimulus dimension)刺激物可被感觉的特性,一种特性为一个维度。例如,一个视觉刺激物可包含颜色、亮度、形状、大小等维度:一个声音可包含响度、音高和音色等维度。 (许百华撰朱祖样审)