解放前,before Liberation
1)before Liberation解放前
1.The article discusses the situation of the development of the school education of the Koreannationality before liberation(1898--1945) in Harbin.本文探讨了解放前(1898~1945年)哈尔滨市朝鲜族学校教育的发展情况。
2.The establishment of schools in TaiYuan began with Min g and Qing dynasty and had significant development before liberation, whose feat ures are:(1)School s type is comprehensive including general education, vocation al education, normal education, education for women and so on.太原市学校的设立始于明清时期,至解放前夕有了较大的发展。

1.There was no schools in the village before liberation.解放前村里没有学校。
2.Before liberation he subsisted on wild potatoes.解放前他靠吃野薯度日。
3.In preliberation days the daily necessities were marked up every day.解放前日用品天天涨价。
4.Before liberation there were few doctors and little medicine in the countryside.解放前农村缺医少药。
5.He died of hunger before liberation.解放前他死于饥饿。
6.Before liberation he couldn't maintain his family.解放前他不能养家。
7.Before liberation he was a cart driver.解放前他是赶大车的。
8.Before 1945, banditry was rampant in the mountain areas of this place.解放前夕, 这里的山区匪祸连连。
9.On the eve of liberation, Shanghai's national industry was on the brink of bankruptcy.解放前夕,上海的民族工业濒于破产。
10.Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people.解放前,各种捐税沉重地压在人民身上。
11.Before liberation, travelers often fell among thieves解放前,旅客常常会遇到盗贼。
12.Prices used to rocket overnight Before liBeration.解放前常常一夜之间物价飞涨。
13.Before liberation, there were no highways worthy of the name in Tibet.在西藏,解放前没有一条真正的公路。
14.The life of the whole people is far better than it was before Liberation.全国人民的生活比解放前好得多了。
15.Before liberation he had to pull a rickshaw to earn a little money.解放前他不得不拉洋车来挣点儿钱。
16.They have a hard life before liberation.解放前他们过着艰难的生活。
17.They had a hard life before liberation .解放前他们的生活很艰苦。
18.She had never known happiness till liberation.解放前,她从未过上好日子。

before and after the liberation解放前后
3)on the eve of liberation解放前夕
4)in the preliberation days在解放前
5)earlier liberated areas前期解放区
1.Wildly Growing Flowers: Prosperity and Vitality——On the literature of earlier liberated areas;蔓生的野花:蓬勃与生机——论前期解放区文学(1937-1942)
6)pre-aesthetic liberation前审美解放

全国解放前夕的人民电影事业随着辽沈、平津、淮海三大战役的胜利,蒋家王朝面临灭亡。党对电影工作者发出了一系列指示,包括统一领导问题、接管问题、抽调干部支援、加强电影工作等。1949年4月,在北平成立了中央电影局,袁牧之任局长。进而成立了北平电影制片厂。1949年11月成立了上海电影制片厂,于伶任厂长。这样,在中国电影最发达的上海,终于由人民掌握了电影生产的权力。 人民电影事业只经过了短短的11年,以白手起家到拥有3个正规化的电影制片厂和颇具规模的放映系统以及一支数量可观的电影专业队伍。这是在党的领导下所取得的辉煌成就。在革命战争形势不断发展的进程中,党都对电影工作作了一系列指示,领导着人民电影成长、壮大并走向全国的胜利。 1949年7月2日在北平正式召开了全国文艺工作者代表大会。历时17天,至7月19日闭幕。参加代表共有824人,代表了全国各地的文学、戏剧、电影、音乐、美术、舞蹈界7万名左右的文艺工作者。7月19日,大会通过了决议,发表了宣言,成立了中华全国文学艺术界联合会。大会选举郭沫若担任主席,7月15日,中华全国电影艺术工作者协会在北平举行了成立大会。大会选举了阳翰笙为主席。中国影协的成立,使广大电影工作者在党的指引下,团结一致,满怀信心地去开创新中国社会主义电影的新局面。