中国民族文化,Chinese national culture
1)Chinese national culture中国民族文化
1.In the light of the bring-out of the connotation of Chinese national culture in Wushu, together with the status quo of the universally spreading of Wushu, this paper demonstrates the prospects of Wushu s joining Olympic Games after China s entry into WTO.通过挖掘武术中的中国民族文化内涵,结合中国武术走向世界的现状,展示加入WTO后武术走向奥运赛场的前景,提示武术必然成为传播中国民族传统文化的最佳桥梁。

1.Development of Chinese Folk Culture under the Background of "Globalization";“全球化”背景下中国民族文化的走向
2.Chinese Culture·National Spirit·Change of Culture--On the Cultural Headstream of the Cohesiveness of the Chinese Nation;中国文化·民族精神·文化变迁——中华民族凝聚力的文化学寻源
3.Specifying the Definition of Chinese Ethnic Minority s Folk Culture and Its Classification;中国少数民族民间文化的界定与分类
4.Research on Culture of Peoples of Northern China Index of academic paper(1993);中国北方民族文化研究论文索引(1993)
5.Research on Culture of Peoples of Northern China Index of academic paper(1994-1999);中国北方民族文化研究论文索引(1994—1999)
6.Research on Culture of Peoples of Northern China Index of Research Papers(1992)中国北方民族文化研究论文索引(1992)
7.National music is a precious treasure in chinese national culture.民族音乐是我国民族文化宝库中的瑰宝。
8.Cultural Imperialism and National Culture,National Identity;文化帝国主义与民族文化、民族认同
9.The self- consciousness of national culture and the Chinese adaptation of Marxism;论民族文化自觉与马克思主义中国化
10.The clan s culture of contemporary Chinese and the rural democratization construction;当代中国宗族文化与乡村民主化建设
11.A Criticism of Contemporary Ethnic Minority Literature,Ethnic Culture and Nationalism中国当代少数民族文学批评与族性文化、民族主义
12.The National Character of Culture and the Safety of National Culture in the Process of Globalization;全球化进程中文化的民族性与国家文化安全
13.Narrations of the Nation-State and Cultural Identity in Chinese Modern Literature;中国近现代文学中的民族国家叙事与文化认同
14.The Cultural Functions of the Traditional Costumes of Chinese Minority中国少数民族传统服饰的文化功能
15.Cultural Character and Value of China s Modern National Vocal Music;中国现代民族声乐的文化特征及价值
16.Researching of Qi Dan Music and the Music of Other Minorities of Ancient China;契丹与中国古代民族音乐文化之研究
17.The Innovation and Development of Chinese Painting Based on National Culture Embodiment;基于民族文化的中国画的创新与发展
18.Chinese Culture s Modernity Pursuit from the Nationality Perspective;民族性视域下的中国文化现代性追求

the Protection of Chinese Nation's Folk Cultural中国民族民间文化保护
3)traditional Chinese physical culture中国民族传统体育文化
4)Chinese national document中国民族文献
5)writing system of Chinese minority nationalities中国民族文字
6)China Ethnic (in Mongolian)中国民族(蒙文)

《蒙古人民的民族文化之路》杂志  蒙古30年代的主要文学艺术刊物,为月刊,又名《革命文化之路》。创刊于1934年,为刊登诗歌、散文、小说、剧本、文艺评论和创作经验等方面作品的综合性文艺刊物。1934年曾举办以"四季生活和人的生产"为题的征文评比工作。它是30年代蒙古作家的主要阵地,对蒙古文学的发展起过重要作用。1940年停刊。