文化意味,cultural implication
1)cultural implication文化意味
1.The author of this paper attempts to comprehend our ancestor s special way of thinking、particular customs as well as feelings of the people at ancient age and exceptional cultural implication contained by doing research on this motive from the point of humanity cultural anthropology.本文试图从人类文化学的角度来解读这一母题,以了解先民们特有的思维方式、那个时代特有的风俗民情以及蕴涵在其中的文化意味
2.By analyzing the four kinds of narrative patterns and their characteristics, the cause to form and determine the narrative patterns and the cultural implications behind them, the thesis hopes to, finally, combine "inside study" with "outside study",that is, combine study of the narrative patterns with study of the modern society,history and culture.希望通过对近代小说的叙事模式及其特点、形成和决定近代小说叙事模式的原因以及蕴藏其中的文化意味的分析,最终实现对叙事模式分析的“内部研究”和对社会、历史和文化研究的“外部研究”的统一。

1.The cultural meaning of folk in Wang Zengqi s “capital taste" language;汪曾祺“京味”语言中的民俗文化意味
2.Embodiment of Zen Buddhist culture in Wang Zengqi s novels;庄禅文化意味在汪曾祺小说中的体现
3.Of Ms. Zhang Xin s Narrative Choices in 1990s Story Creation;论张欣小说的叙述选择及其文化意味
4.Cultural Significance of the 1990 s Poetic Affairs;20世纪90年代诗歌事件的文化意味
5.On Sustainable Development in the Light of Cultural Implications of "Motherland;从“Motherland”的文化意味看可持续发展
6.Double Structures and Cultural Significance in A Toast with the Past;《与往事干杯》的双重结构和文化意味
7.Discussion of Advertising Originality on Ideal Chinese Residence from the Cultural Implication of"Home"从“家”的文化意味谈中国式理想住宅的广告创意
8.On Cultural Implication of Stylistic Form in Zhang Henshui's Works论张恨水小说文体形态蕴含的文化意味
9.Narrative Pattern and Cultural Implication: A Study on Narrative Patterns of Chinese Novels from 1840 to 1917;叙事模式与文化意味:近代小说叙事模式研究
10.A Probe into Application of Inner Focus to Feminine Novels and Its Cultural Connotations;内聚焦在女性小说中的运用及其文化意味探析
11.On the Narrative Pattern of Liang Bin s Novels and Its Cultural Implications;论梁斌长篇小说的叙述模式及其文化意味
12.The Uygur Aesthetic Consciousness of Darkness;浅析维吾尔族语言色彩中黑色的审美文化意味
13.The Expression of Fear and Its Cultural Connotation in Western Body Art;西方人体艺术中的恐怖表达及其文化意味
14.Characteristics of the Narrative Model and Cultural Meaning in Zhang Henshui s Novels;张恨水小说叙事模式的特点和文化意味
15.A Comparison between Chinese and Western Melodrama Films in Their Development and Cultural Meaning;中西情节剧电影的历史演进及文化意味比较
16.Narrative Pattern and Cultural Implication;叙事模式与文化意味——对近代小说叙事的文化考察
17.What does China s Entry into WTO Mean to Cultural Industry?;中国加入WTO对文化产业意味着什么
18.The Cultural and Tragic Implications of "The Tragedy of Liji"“骊姬之难”的文化内涵和悲剧意味

the embodiment of Zen Buddhist Culture庄禅文化意味
3)cultural taste文化品味
4)special style of Beijing culture京味文化
5)cultural appeal文化韵味
1.Its cultural appeal lies in three aspects: from audio-visual form of perception;from the contents exhibited;and from the comments by the program host.其文化韵味主要体现在:从视听形式中感受文化韵味、从播报内容展现文化韵味、从主持人评报彰显文化韵味等三个方面。
6)cultural interesting文化趣味

≮美食用料≯意大利通心粉 1袋、西红柿 1个、葱花 1茶匙(5g)、盐 1茶匙(5g)、胡椒粉 1茶匙(5g)、鸡精 1茶匙(5g)、橄榄油 少许≮美食做法≯1. 西红柿洗净切小方块,葱切成葱花。2. 锅里加少量的橄榄油,倒入西红柿翻炒,加盐、胡椒粉和鸡精,然后加少量的水。3. 把意大利面煮熟,煮意大利面也是很要功夫的,一定不要煮老了,煮好的面条就放在一边。4. 把做好的酱汁浇在煮好的意大利面上,就可以吃我们中国的意大利面了。≮美食小贴士≯意大利面单单是面条的形状就有粗的、细的、扁的、圆的、空心的、螺蛳的、贝壳形、蝴蝶形……数量种类之多据说至少有500种,再配上酱汁的组合变化,可做出上千种的意大利面。说起来,意粉的吃法和咱中国炸酱面的吃法并无二致,但酱的变化就如中国功夫般千奇百幻。意大利面是很好的减肥食品,很多明星的减肥食谱里都有它。≮美食特色≯喜欢吃意面的朋友注意哟,如果你很懒也不要紧,中国式的意面做法很简单,而且爽滑有味、营养齐全,一入口就让你绝不想把它剩下。