旅游工艺品,tourist crafts
1)tourist crafts旅游工艺品
1.Green road of tourist crafts packaging design was discussed in three aspects of green design concept,simple design style and environmental friendly materials.从旅游工艺品的绿色设计理念、简约设计风格以及环保设计材料这3个方面出发,探讨旅游工艺品包装设计因地制宜,巧于匠意的绿色环保之路。
2.The flouring tourism market requires more competent design personnel of tourist crafts and this will determine the directing of teaching reform for the tourist crafts design majors.旅游业的发展、旅游市场现实对工艺品设计人才能力提出了新的要求,这一要求影响并决定着旅游工艺品设计教学的改革方向。

1.Study on Present Status and Counter Measures of Luzhou Tourist Handicraft Articles Exploration;泸州旅游工艺品开发现状与对策研究
2.The Heritage & Development of Fuzhou Lacquer Arts;论福州漆艺在旅游工艺品专业中的传承与发展
3.The Strategic Thinking of the Development of Tourist Handicrafts and Toy Products of Jiangxi Province;江西旅游工艺品及玩具产品特色开发的思考
4.On the Development and Innovation of Nationality Tourist Handicraft Articles in China--A Perspective from Anthropology of Tourism;论民族旅游工艺品的开发与创新——一种旅游人类学的观点
5.Thoughts on Cultivating Tourist Crafts Design Personnel to Meet the Need of Tourist Development;培养适应旅游业发展需要的旅游工艺品设计人才的思考
6.Open Market for Folk Tourist Crafts of Tujia Nationality in Western Hunan;湘西土家族民间旅游工艺品的市场开发
7.A Study on Practice Teaching System in Tourist Arts and Crafts Design;旅游工艺品设计专业实践教学体系的研究
8.A Study of C-E Translation of Tourism Arts and Handicrafts Descriptions from the Perspective of Skopostheorie目的论视角下旅游工艺品介绍语篇的英译研究
9.On Self-aesthetic Quality and Cultivation for Tourist Handcraft Designers;浅谈旅游工艺品设计人员的自我审美素质及培养问题
10.Division or unification:the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Travel Crafts--exemplified by the colorful silk balls production of JingXi分离还是统一:非物质文化遗产与旅游工艺品——以靖西绣球为例
11.On the Utility of Folk Arts Resources and Redevelopment--Feedback from the Course of Tourism Crafts Design & Making;民间艺术资源的装饰利用与再发展探索——旅游工艺品设计与制作专业课程体会
12.The villagers sell their work to tourists.村民们把他们的手工艺品卖给旅游者。
13.Research on Countermeasures for Crafts of Jincheng Characteristics to Transform into Tourist Souvenirs晋城特色工艺品转化为旅游纪念品的对策研究
14.A brief Analysis of the Influence of Market-oriented Economy and Tourism upon Folk Arts and Crafts;浅析商品经济和旅游业的刺激对民间工艺的影响
15.Packaging Design of Tourist Commodities Influenced by Folk Art;民间艺术对旅游商品包装设计的影响
16.Combining Jinhua traditional craft and modern technology, the tourist souvenir can and should be innovated and designed in new brands to strengthen″ made-in-Jinhua″ marketing.将金华传统工艺与现代技术结合,创新设计、造品牌、化营销,打响旅游纪念品的“金华造”。
17.With the fast turing of new products we will develop products with new, expuisite and sqecial craftsmanaship to serve the hotel and tourist industry.随着产品不断推陈出新,我们将开发出更新颖独特,工艺精湛的产品服务于旅游饭店业。
18.The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of workmanship.这些旅游景观制作精巧,工艺精湛。

tourism arts and crafts旅游工艺品
1.The tourism development contributes to the booming of tourism arts and crafts.旅游业的发展促进旅游工艺品专业的发展,作为福州三宝之一的特色漆艺是需要在我们这一代手上继续发扬光大,使福州漆艺得到传承、创新,培养迎合社会需求的旅游工艺品市场的设计人才。
3)nationality tourist handicraft articles民族旅游工艺品
4)tourism arts and craft major旅游工艺品专业
5)tourist handicrafts market旅游工艺品市场
6)tourist crafts in the west of Hunan湘西旅游工艺品

斑铜工艺品  中国云南铜制工艺品中一种传统产品。因其表面有离奇、闪耀的结晶斑纹而得名。    斑铜工艺品始创于明末清初。早期民间艺人用云南东川、会泽等铜矿中含铜量高的矿石制成日用器皿。20世纪50年代以后,艺人们在继承传统的基础上,又发展了斑铜工艺品。    斑铜工艺品按制作工艺分生斑和熟斑两类。①生斑:将铜矿附生矿中含有其他金属杂质结晶的自然铜熔化后,经手工锻打成片、烧斑(金相再结晶)、组合、焊接等工艺制作而成。制品薄而轻,有焊口,斑纹花型较小,多呈黄色。②熟斑:在熔化的纯铜中加入适当比例的其他金属,掌握火候,及时浇铸成型,再经打磨、着色而成。制品较厚重,无焊口,斑纹花型较大,多呈红色,其中樱桃红为最佳。斑铜的品种大多为欣赏与实用相结合的烟具、瓶、罐、香炉以及部分仿古器皿等。