三宅一生,Issey Miyake
1)Issey Miyake三宅一生
1.Comparative research of Hanae Mori,Issey Miyake and Rei Kawakubo;森英惠、三宅一生、川久保玲之比较研究
2.ISSEY MIYAKE was honored as "the greatest fashion creator" by the president of the Musée des Arts décoratifs of Paris.三宅一生被巴黎装饰博物馆馆长戴思德兰里斯誉为“本世纪最伟大的服装创造家”。
2)Miyake Yoichiro三宅洋一郎
3)one residential base for one household一户一宅

1.The Acquisition of Rural Housing Land Use Right,from the "One Household,One Housing" Perspective;从“一户一宅”的视角探讨农村宅基地使用权取得
2.On the Impact of"A New Regulation of Outside Water-meter and One Household One meter"to the Selective Program for Residential Water Supply论“水表出户和一户一表新规”对住宅给水方案选择的影响
3.Residential Tower Research--Taking the One Stair-six Units Tower as an Example住宅塔式楼栋设计研究——以一梯六户塔楼为例
4.Article 62 One rural household can own one piece of land for building house, with the area not exceeding the standards provided for by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.第六十二条 农村村民一户只能拥有一处宅基地,其宅基地的面积不得超过
5.A room or suite of rooms designed as a residence and generally located in a building occupied by more than one household.房间房间或大楼里设计的作为一户以上居民住宅的套间
6.This is a photograph of our house, with a big tree in the foreground.这是我家住宅的照片,宅前是一株大树。
7.This is a photograph of our house, with a big tree in the foreground这是我家住宅的照片,宅前是一株大树
8.I live in a new neighbourhood.我住在一个新的住宅区。
9.One who owns a home.房主拥有一个住宅的人
10.A group of plainclothes police went into the house .一组便衣警察进入住宅。
11.looking for a small house or an apartment找一个小住宅或公寓
12.A large building, such as a mansion, standing in a courtyard.大宅第,乡间邸宅大的楼房,如一座宅子,常矗立在院子里
13.We will build a new housing estate on this piece of land designated for building houses.我们将在这块宅地上建造一个新的住宅小区。
14.an outbuilding (or part of a building) for housing automobiles.一所住宅的外屋(或一所住宅的一部分),是用来存放汽车的地方。
15.The residential districts were all dotted out.住宅区都一块一块地标划出来了。
16.One day we' ll get ourselves a new bigger house.总有一天我们会买一幢更大些的住宅。
17.It must be the only modern house in the district.这一定是本地区唯一的现代化住宅。
18.As my parents approached the site, which was still wet from a heavy rain the night before,头天晚上下了一场大雨,宅地仍是湿漉漉的一片。还没到宅地,

Miyake Yoichiro三宅洋一郎
3)one residential base for one household一户一宅
4)two bends one residence"两湾一宅
6)three houses三座房宅
1.This thesis makes careful analysis of the houses themselves, and thescenes and details concerning the three houses so as to reveal the profound social significance they suggest andthe enormous functions they perform in the great success of the novel.本文通过对三座房宅及其有关的背景细节进行深入细致的探讨,揭示了它们蕴含的深远的社会意义和对深化作品主题、增强作品的思想性和艺术感染力所起的举足轻重的作用。

后宅江苏省无锡市新区鸿山镇后宅街道:(原江苏省无锡市锡山区后宅镇)地理位置:北纬31.29 东经120.29,距离无锡市区约40公里。人口待统计。人均收入待统计。主要经济来源化工、金属、机械、电子交通状况汽车站一个,有开往无锡和苏州的中巴车,公交线路:7路、107路,交通通畅。卫生状况医院一座,村级卫生所若干,具有基本的卫生条件。教育状况幼儿园、小学、中学(只有初中部),基本实现9年义务教育。娱乐休闲网吧1个、电影院1个、歌舞厅2个、星级酒店1座、浴室若干。旅游景点槽湖自然湿地、鸿山越国贵族墓葬群。