歙砚,She Inkstone
1)She Inkstone歙砚
1.Determination of the optimum craft parameters in She Inkstone polishing;歙砚抛光最佳工艺参数的确定

1.The Cheng-ni inkstone is an old traditional Chinses technology,which is one of the“Four Fa-mous Inkston”called,with Duan,She,Tao.澄泥砚是我国一项古老的传统工艺品,它与端砚、歙砚、洮砚并称为四大名砚。
2.Han Junyi and His Record of Tao River Inkstone;为洮砚修志 扬洮砚之名——记韩军一及其《甘肃洮砚志》
3.Discussion on inscriptions on an Inkstone from Wuhan Museum;对一方宋代陆游抄手澄泥砚砚铭的探究
4.Exploitation and Resources of Plum Blossom in Shangfeng Huaguo Mountain Area in Shexian County;歙县上丰花果山梅花资源及开发利用
5.Exploitation of Plant Resources in Mountain of Flower and Fruit at Shangfeng of Shexian;歙县上丰花果山植物资源及开发利用
6.Development of Jiang Family in Huizhou Jiyang--Case Study of Jiangcun Village in She County;徽州济阳江姓的发展——以歙县江村为例
7.The analysis of the social change from Shexian Lvhu Tongxianghui;从歙县旅沪同乡会组织来看社会变迁
8.Analysis of Injury Surveillance in Three Sentinel Hospitals of shexian County in 20072007年歙县3家哨点医院伤害监测分析
9.Rise and Development of Jiangcun Merchants in Shexian County during Ming and Qing Dynasties明清时期歙县江村商人的崛起和发展
10.Luo Pin (1733-1799), a native of Shexian County, anhui Province, was a student of Jin Nong.罗聘(1733-1799),祖籍安徽歙县。他是金农的弟子,
11.Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Setting of Ophiolites in Shexian County,Anhui Province安徽歙县蛇绿岩地球化学特征及形成构造环境
12.Study on Changes of Land-use in Shexian County Based on RS and GIS;RS和GIS支持下的歙县土地利用变化分析
13.A study of escaping trade and embracing Confucianism of Huizhou merchant during Ming and Qing dynasty Focusing on the Zheng family of Changling Shexian;明清徽商“脱贾入儒”研究——以歙县长龄郑氏为中心
14.Residents Perceptions to Use and Evolution of Huizhou Dialect in Shexian County;歙县居民对徽州方言使用与演化的感知研究
15.A Perspective of Inkstone Culture under Protection of Non-Material Cultural Heritage--Take Zhaoqing S Duan Ink Slab as an Example;非物质文化遗产保护下的石砚文化观察——以肇庆端砚为例
16.took a little fragment of @red keel@ out of his pocket,又从口袋里掏出一小截“红砚石”,
17.There's an Inkstone Pool built in Qing Dynasty at the foot of Mount Ao .在鳌山脚下有一个建于清朝的砚池。
18.The touring exhibition shows you the four treasures of the study, i.e. the writing brush, the ink, the inkstone and the paper.巡回展览展出的是文房四宝:笔、墨、砚、纸。

4)ink slab砚
1.The Distribution Features of Geo-hazard and the Classification of Areas of Its Probably Occurrence in Shexian County;歙县地质灾害的分布特征及易发区划分
2.From Price Control to Study State and Society--Taking Shexian Area during Anti-Japanese War as Example;从物价管制角度来看国家与社会——以抗战时期的歙县为个案的研究
6)Shexian County歙县
1.Residents Perceptions to Use and Evolution of Huizhou Dialect in Shexian County;歙县居民对徽州方言使用与演化的感知研究
2.Study on Changes of Land-use in Shexian County Based on RS and GIS;RS和GIS支持下的歙县土地利用变化分析
3.Rise and Development of Jiangcun Merchants in Shexian County during Ming and Qing Dynasties明清时期歙县江村商人的崛起和发展
