六朝时期,The Six Dynasties
1)The Six Dynasties六朝时期
1.The Six Dynasties of East Wu,East Jin,Song,Qi,Liang and Chen,were once in fashion for a period.本文通过对六朝时期南京玄武湖的自然演化和人工改造。

1.On Some Problems of Jiangxi s Economic Development in Six Dynasties;六朝时期江西经济开发若干问题探析
2.The Dissemination and Reception of Wang Zhao-jun Stories during the Period of Han & Wei Dynasties and Six Dynasties;汉魏六朝时期昭君故事的传播与接受
3.A Study on "yu(於)"、"yu(于)" in Liuchao Dynasty;六朝时期的“於”、“于”用法研究
4.On the Family Trait and Family Education of Clan Zhang in Wu Perfecture in the Six Dynasties Period;略论六朝时期吴郡张氏的家学与家风
5.Gu s Family Style and Family Knowledge in Wu Commandery During the Six Dynasties;略论六朝时期吴郡顾氏的家风与家学
6.Cultural Relics and Historic Sites in Nanjng During Six Dynasties;六朝时期南京的文物、古迹(下)——研究南京六朝史的重要依据
7.The Administrative District s Changes and Regional Development of Danyang Jun during the Western Han Dynasty and the Six Dynasties;西汉至六朝时期丹阳郡政区变迁与区域发展
8.On the Communication in Lingnan and South China Sea in the Qin-Han and Liuchao Periods from the Archeological Discoveries;从考古发现看秦汉六朝时期的岭南与南海交通
9.The Emigration Tide in the Six Dynasties and the Land Exploitation in the Yangtze Delta;六朝时期的移民浪潮与长江三角洲的土地开发
10.On the Formation of Landscape as Independent Aesthetic Object during the Six Dynasties;论六朝时期自然山水作为独立审美对象的形成
11.Creation and Appreciation of Well-turned Phrases during the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties;试论魏晋六朝时期的佳句创作与欣赏风气
12.On Buddhism in the South of the Five Ridges during the Six Dynasties: Its Relation with Bureaucracy,Intelligentsia and Merchants;论六朝时期岭南的佛教及其与官僚士商的关系
13.The Han Migrants and the Economic Development in the Pearl River Delta in the Six Dynasties;汉族移民与六朝时期珠江三角洲的经济开发
14.The Formation and Variation of the Aristocratic Clans Status in the East Area of the Yangtse River during the Han,the Wei and Six Dynasties;汉魏六朝时期江东大族的形成及其地位的变迁
15.The Important Stage Within the Development History of Chinese Ancient Art of Dancing--Exploration of Yue Wu(Dance with Musical Accompaniment) in Six Dynasties from Han;中国古代舞蹈艺术发展史中的重要阶段——汉魏六朝时期乐舞探微
16.Emotion Esthetics View in Wei Jin the Six Dynasties Time Painting of a Scholar and Theory Work Manifesting;情感美学观在魏晋六朝时期文人画与理论作品中的体现
17.Development from the heteronomy to the aseity with paradox--on the track of Chinese ancient musical notion from ancient times to Wei and Jin Dynasties;“他者”到“自性”的流变及其悖论——上古至六朝时期“乐”定位轨迹考辨
18.From Instruction to Recreation: The Idea of Delight at the Time of the Six Dynasties;从志思蓄愤到遣兴娱情——论六朝时期的文学娱情观

Divination Studies in the Six Dynasties六朝时期的纬学
3)Korean period朝鲜时期
1.The Korean period(1392-1910)approximately coincides with Ming and Qing Dynasties in time when Chinese novels,especially annotated popular novels enjoyed their prosperity.朝鲜时期(1392~1910)与中国明清两代(1368~1911)在时间上大致重合,这一阶段,正是中国小说、尤其是通俗小说评点的繁荣时期,故中国古代小说在朝鲜时期的传播是以评点本为主体的,并影响了朝鲜古代汉文小说评点的产生和发展,还逐步改变了朝鲜朝文人对于小说的认识观念。
4)Qing dynasty清朝时期
5)the Northern Dynasties北朝时期
1.On the Features of Microthermal Climate in the Northern Dynasties;试论北朝时期霜雪冻等低温灾害发生的特点
2.On Flood in the Northern Dynasties;试论北朝时期水灾发生的特点
3.All the states of the northern dynasties continually took measures to encourage farming and planting mulberries,organizing the reclamation farm and building irrigation works after disaster.北朝时期国家政府在灾后采取的重农救灾措施主要有劝勉农桑、组织民屯、兴修水利,不但在很大程度上发挥了救灾的作用,而且促进了农业生产的进一步发展。
6)Ming Dynasty明朝时期
1.Polder Construction Change of Huarong in Ming Dynasty;明朝时期华容垸田的变迁
