数字出版物,digital publications
1)digital publications数字出版物
1.The whole progress in digital publications design is reader centered development.数字出版物是以读者为中心的设计开发。

1.Study on the Technical Measures of Digital Publications;数字出版物技术措施的法律保障研究
2.Digital Publication Copyright Legislation Home and Abroad:A Comparative Study;数字出版物复制权的中外立法比较研究
3.Electronic Publication s Copyright Protection in Digital Library Construction;数字图书馆建设中的电子出版物版权保护
4.General rules for writing numerals in publicationsGB/T15835-1995出版物上数字用法的规定
5.E-reading and Its Influence on Traditional Publications数字化阅读及其对传统出版物的影响
6.Influence from law circumstances of the right of digitalization on E-journal production数字化权法律环境对电子出版物制作的影响
7.The number of publications printed by presses increases every year.出版社出版物的数量每年都在增加。
8.The data source you have selected contains no fields that can be inserted into your publication.您选择的数据源中没有包含可插入到出版物中的字段。
9.Proofreading Quality Management of Modern Publications Digitalization当代出版物数字化、书刊电子文本化校对质量管理
10.Modernization of Traditional Publishing Industry--Combination of Digital Publishing and Traditional Publishing传统出版业的现代化之路——数字出版与传统出版的结合
11.A Proposal to Build a Digital Publishing Platform for Chinese Premium Academic Journals中国精品学术期刊数字出版平台刍议
12.See, Think & Act--Digital Publication in Book Edition看、想、做——数字出版之于图书编辑
13.Corporate Governance of Publishing Enterprises under the Circumstance of Digital Age数字化环境下出版企业公司治理探究
14.Digital publication--A new issue for journal development of institutions of higher education数字出版——高校期刊发展面临的新课题
15.Cataloguing of Optical Disc with Phrase“3 - -”关于光盘出版物著录“3 - -”字段的探讨
16.The entire number of copies of a publication issued at one time or from a single set of type.版本同期发行的出版物总印数或一种版式的总印数
17.Research on Variable Data Printing for Cross-media Digital Publishing面向跨媒体数字出版的可变数据印刷研究
18.Study on Book Publishers Company of Chongqing Improve Digital Publishing Current Situation and Strategy重庆市图书出版单位数字出版现状及发展对策研究

digital electronic数字化出版物
3)publications digitalization出版物数字化
1.The best way out is to arm the proofreaders with new skills for publications digitalization so as to improve proofreading quality.书刊的出版质量和出版物数字化,离不开内在的校对质量管理。
4)digital publishing数字出版
1.The "four advantages" in digital publishing of academic journals;学术期刊数字出版要做到“四好”
2.Improving academic journal editors computer applied ability to meet the needs of digital publishing;提高学术期刊编辑计算机应用水平,迎接数字出版
5)digital publication数字出版
1.An Analysis on the Relationship between D-library and Digital Publication;数字图书馆与数字出版之关系论说
2.Digital publication and the effects to the library;数字出版及其对图书馆的影响
3.In viewing increasing diversity for new medium,this paper has introduced an interactive environment for digital publication that should be built user-centered.针对新媒体的日益多元化,提出建立一个以用户需求为中心的数字出版的互动环境。
6)the use of numbers in publications出版物上数字用法

出版物原稿  出版物据以出版的原始载体,如书刊经过审定、编辑加工完毕的手稿、照相底片、音像制品的母本等。出版物原稿有特定的涵义。一部作品在创作过程中可能几易其稿,其余数稿可以统称为原稿或初稿,只有交付出版机构并据以出版的那一份稿子才可以称为出版物原稿。出版物原稿是著译者智力劳动的成果。著译者 (或法定继承人)对出版物原稿享有所有权和版权,并受到法律保护。