虚空间,virtual space
1)virtual space虚空间
1.In visual communication design elements in relation to entities (ie real space) outside the void part is called "virtual space" or "space", which is compared with the real space beyond the imagination of space, is unique in itself psychological needs and to add visual.在视觉传达设计中,相对于实体要素(即实空间)之外的虚空部分,被称为“虚空间”或者“空白处”,它是相对于实空间之外的想象空间,是人本身特有的心理需求与视觉补充。

1.Virtual Space Theory and Its Application in the Analyses of Urban Spatial Convergence-Diffusion;虚空间理论及其在城市空间聚散分析中的应用
2.From Empty to Exist--A discussion of empty space arts in book cover design;化虚为有——论书籍版式设计中的虚空间艺术
3.valid user virtual address space有效用户虚拟地址空间
4.Material Space, Thinking Space and Cyberspace --Some Thinkings about Human Living Space现实空间、思维空间、虚拟空间——关于人类生存空间的哲学思考
5.Between a Real and a Fancy Worlds--On the narrative space of fairy tales;在真实与虚幻之间——论童话的叙事空间
6.a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent.由虚拟的或真实的一维空间所定义的空间区域。
7.The Expression of Image Space in Traditional Chinese Painting-On the Relationship of Abstract/Substantial and Spac;中国画意象空间的表现——浅谈虚实与空间的关系
8.On the Application of Imaginary Space in the Design of Living - room;浅谈虚拟空间在居室室内空间设计中的应用
9.The space between the stars is not some mythical void at all.恒星际空间根本不是人们凭空想象的虚空。
10.Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.传道者说,虚空的虚空,虚空的虚空。凡事都是虚空。
11.Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.传道者说:虚空的虚空,虚空的虚空,凡事都是虚空。
12.the disk space that is set aside for virtual memory.留出来用作虚拟内存的磁盘空间。
13.Virtual Reality--Enter a Fancy Space虚拟现实——进入想像的空间
14.Research of Texture Mapping in Image-based Virtual Space虚拟实景空间中的纹理映射技术研究
15.Newly English Listening and Speaking Course Teaching Method for College Student;英语听说课程虚拟空间学习方法研究
16.Analyzing the Evolutionary Process and Virtual Nature of Network Space from A Cultural Philosophical Perspective;从文化哲学看网络空间演进的虚拟性
17.The influences of virtual geographic environment on styles of spatial cognition虚拟地理环境对空间认知方式的影响
18.Research on Motion Path of Virtual Assembly in 3D Space虚拟装配的3D空间动作路径方法研究

fictitious space虚空间
3)Imaginary space虚空间
1.Imaginary space of the many types of space in a relatively new concept,the traditional form of classification space.虚空间是众多空间类型中一个较为新颖的概念,传统的空间分类形式已不能满足如今业内的学术理论要求。
4)unreal & real space虚实空间
1.Material Space, Thinking Space and Cyberspace --Some Thinkings about Human Living Space;现实空间、思维空间、虚拟空间——关于人类生存空间的哲学思考
2.Recently, stepping with the development of internet and VR technology, cyberspace has been one of the key focuses in the space research.随着互联网普及和虚拟现实技术的发展 ,虚拟空间 (Cyberspace)迅速成为引人瞩目的焦点之一 。
6)fictitious space虚拟空间
1.Design sketch is thinking of three-dimensional space of fictitious space.结构是客观存在的构造关系,设计素描是虚拟空间的三维造型思考。

游虚空天【游虚空天】 (天名)五类天之一。日月星宿等游行虚空之天神也。见秘藏记末。