消费理念,consumption concept
1)consumption concept消费理念
1.In generally,we could direct consumer behavior through the introduction of new consumption concept,increase product value and service value for consumer through the improvement of goods quality, and raise environment value to improve customer satisfaction in an all-round way through building a harmonious consumption environment.因此探讨消费质量问题应基于顾客消费价值,可以通过引导新的消费理念来指导消费者的消费行为;通过提高消费品质量来增加消费者在消费过程中的产品价值和服务价值;营造良好消费环境以增加环境价值来全方位地提升消费质量。

1.Rational Consumption:Choice of Consumption Concept under Dual Restraints of Resources and Environment;理性消费:资源和环境双约束下的消费理念选择
2.Emergence of Deviance Consumptions and Establishment of Harmonious Consumption Idea;论离轨消费问题的产生与和谐消费理念的建立
3.The development of the mid?to small?sized housing units needs to be promoted, which would help improve more efficient land utilization.要提倡节约使用住房的消费理念,鼓励中小户型住房的消费。
4.On the Consumptive Ideal Change and Functions in the Economical Society;建设节约型社会中消费理念的变革及其作用
5.Discussion about the designing ideas of clothing material based on the development of the modern clothing基于现代服装消费理念的面料设计思想探讨
6.Rejecting the temptation of luxury and dreaming a good dream are the most trendy consumption concept.拒绝奢华诱惑,圆一个好梦,经济型,也意味着最时尚的消费理念
7.Guiding Consumption Idea Positively--One of the Modern Concept of Advertisement;积极引领消费观念——现代广告理念之一
8.On the Value Guide of College Students Consumption Culture Conception;论大学生消费文化理念中的价值引导
9.The Effects of Consumer Ethical Beliefs and Relationship Quality on Consumers Unethical Behavior;消费者伦理信念及关系质量对消费者非伦理行为的影响
10.The New Ideas of Hotel Marketing Management Based on Social Consuming Background;基于社会消费背景下饭店营销管理的新理念
11.Interpretation for Formation of Consumer Brand Trust by Psychology Concept;用心理学概念诠释消费者品牌信任的形成
12.The Sports Expends with the Economy Society Idea Conflict and Altogether Melts;体育消费与节约型社会理念的冲突和共融
13.The Research on Rural Consumption Market s Marketing Strategy Based on"New Socialist Countryside";基于新农村理念的农村消费市场营销策略研究
14.On Perfection of Legislation of the Economic Law Idea and Protection of Consumers Rights and Interests;论经济法理念与消费者权益保护的立法完善
15.Conception and Prospect Forecast of Residents Sports Consumption Requirements in Our Country;我国居民体育消费需求理念与前景预测
16.Ultimate Consumption Patterns under Concept of Circular Econony基于循环经济理念的最终消费模式研究
17.Prediction on Sport Consumptive Demands and Prospect of Residents in Henan Province河南省居民体育消费需求理念与前景预测
18.Its main feature is consumption conception.消费文化的主要形态为消费观念。

consumption perception消费理念
1.Researched on the basic reasons and the misunderstandings on consumption perception of these problems.分析了我国住宅消费存在的户型面积过大、寿命短、节能不到位、二次装修狂热等主要问题,探究其基本原因及在消费理念上存在的误区,并有针对性地指出加强舆论指导和调节市场供应等解决措施。
3)Consumption Attitude消费伦理观念
1.On the Cultivation of College Students Consumption Attitude;略论大学生消费伦理观念的培养
4)modern consumption conception现代消费理念
1.And its content includes criticizing and accepting traditional culture; development modern consumption conceptions; demonstrati.以家庭为基本受众的国民消费教育 ,内容包括批判接受传统文化 ,培育现代消费理念、传授日常购物知识、增强自我保护意识、指导科学合理理财等。
5)ecological consumption patterns生态消费理念
6)consumption concept消费观念
1.Analysis and evaluation on the consumption concept of consumerism关于消费主义消费观念的研究
2.With the continuous improvement of living standards and demanding levels,the consumer's consumption concept has an increasingly great impact on their consumption behavior.随着生活水平和需求层次的不断提高,消费者的消费观念对其消费行为的影响越加明显。
3.At the same time it expa-tiates on how to change the traditional consumption concept,establishes the relevant laws and regulations,implements the pollution source control,strengthen the recovery and reuse so as to keep within limits of excess package and promotes the proper package.本文简述了循环经济与适度包装的相关概念,以及我国包装行业的发展历程,阐述了如何通过改变传统的消费观念、制定相应的法律法规和实施源头控制加强回收利用来遏制过度包装、倡导适度包装。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。