刺绣文化,embroidery culture
1)embroidery culture刺绣文化

1.A Study of the Predicament of Inheriting Maliu Embroidery Culture in the Perspective of Educational Anthropology with Countermeasures;教育人类学视野下的麻柳刺绣文化传承困境及对策思考
2.On the Cultural Symbolic Implications of Miao Embroidery Patterns试论苗族刺绣图案中的文化象征蕴意
3.The Religious Cultural Meaning of Broidering Patterns and Fineries on Qiang s Habiliments;羌族服饰及刺绣图案中的宗教文化含义
4.The Cloud Pattern's Carrier and Cultural Implication on Folk Embroidery in Shaanxi陕西民间刺绣中云纹纹样的载体及文化意蕴
5.The cultural connotation and aesthetics revealed from the "eight-tiger-on-four-side" embroidery pattern of the Yi people in Wuding County;武定彝族刺绣《四方八虎图》的文化内涵和美学意义
6.The embroiderer pricked out the pattern on to the cloth.刺绣工把图案绣在布上。
7.broderie anglaiseph.1. 【法】英国刺绣
8.To embroider(something)with a design of foliage or flowers.刺绣用叶子或花的图案为(某物)刺绣
9.A Preliminary Study on the History of Xiang Embroidery and Its Regional Cultural Features;初探湘绣的历史渊源与地域文化特征
10.This emBroidery factory has produced every piece of emBroidery with exquisite workmanship.该刺绣厂的每件绣品做工都很讲究。
11.She picked up her embroidery and started stitching.她拿起刺绣活儿绣了起来。
12.Work, such as sewing or embroidery, that is done with a needle.刺绣活用针做的活,如手工缝纫和绣花
13.Post all sketches for embroidery of holy images and related teachings on-line in a file under Miscellaneous category.将所有供刺绣用的素描圣像及相关文章以其他类上传。
14.Ursula laid her embroidery in her lap and looked up, her face was calm and considerate.厄秀拉把刺绣放在腿上,抬起头来,她的脸显得文静和善。
15.Albanian embroidery阿尔巴尼亚帆布刺绣
16.multi-head computer controlled embroidery machine多头计算机控制刺绣机
17.She spread her with embroided cover.她床上铺的是刺绣床罩。
18.embroidery ,openwork, with visible ground透孔刺绣,有可见底布

the inheritance and development of embroidery culture刺绣文化的继承与发展
3)embroidery pattern file刺绣花样文件
1.Two special graphics files of different organizational structure were researched and simulated in the paper, which are the embroidery pattern files used in the computerized embroidery machine and the cutting parts files used in the NC cutting machine.论文针对两种特定的组织结构不同的图形文件进行了研究和仿真,分别是用于电脑绣花机的刺绣花样文件和用于数控切割机的切割零件文件。
4)Intelligent computer aided embroidery design智能化刺绣CAD
1.Discussing the application of embroidery in the costume design;刺绣在服装设计中的应用
2.TrueType font s automatic character embroidery knit algorithm;TrueType字体的自动字符刺绣编针算法
3.Embroidery CAD Graphics Algorithm Test System based on Visual C#.NET;基于VisualC#.NET的刺绣CAD图形算法测试系统

北魏太和十一年刺绣北魏太和十一年刺绣  北魏刺绣珍品。1965年在甘肃敦煌莫高窟125、126窟前岩石裂缝中发现。发愿文中残存部分为“广阳王慧安(元嘉)造”。纹样以男女供养人物为主题。女供养人头戴高冠,身穿对襟长衫。衣服上装饰为桃形忍冬和卷草纹。在绸底上用单行锁绣绣人物袍服边缘、花卉、枝干、叶框、魏碑字框。桃形忍冬纹和魏字、帽翅等是双行锁绣。用多行锁绣满绣叶面,用异色突出叶脉。针脚距离小,正面形成人字形锁链纹,背面为首尾衔接的顺针;花边部分用丝线较粗,针脚距离稍大;针的走向,纵向1厘米约八针,横向1厘米亦为八针;其他部分,针间距离较密,纵向1厘米约九针,横向l厘米约十一针,针针相连,十分紧密,形成较强的立体感;花边部分个别地方,是反用锁绣针法,形成正面为首尾衔接的顺针,背面为人字形锁纹。这种锁绣正反变化的针法,是在汉代锁绣的基础上的创新发展。绣品色彩以红、黄、绿色为主,次为紫色、蓝色。浅黄色为底色,朱红色主要用于服饰和表现人物鼻、耳、手、脚等肌肉部分的线条。蓝色,绿色用于花纹,紫褐色用于表现冠、靴等深色部位。绣品配色谐调,运色鲜明,锁绣针法多变,为汉绣所不及。绣品除边饰外,均用细密的锁绣法绣出,是现存最早一幅满地施绣的绣品。