功能合理,reasonable function
1)reasonable function功能合理
2)Rational function division功能分区合理
3)physiological functions生理功能
1.Extraction on natural pigment and its physiological functions;天然色素的提取及其生理功能
2.Recent development and physiological functions of lactoferrin;乳铁蛋白及其生理功能研究进展
3.The physiological functions of capsule polysaccharide produced by streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus;唾液链球菌嗜热亚种荚膜多糖生理功能特性研究

1.impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism.正常生理功能的削弱。
2.(physiology) used of involuntary bodily functions.(生理学)用于自然的生理功能
3.Produce and Physiological Function of Endogenous CO;内源性一氧化碳的产生及其生理功能
4.Effects of Copper Mine Tailings on Growth and Physiological Functions of Brassica campestris铜尾矿对油菜生长和生理功能的影响
5.Their physiological significance is obscure.它们的生理功能是含糊不清的。
6.Investigation on the Physiological Function of Chloroplastic NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase;叶绿体NAD(P)H脱氢酶的生理功能研究
7."Studies on the Preparation of Fibersol-2 and Its Physiological Functions";Fibersol-2的制备及其生理功能的研究
8.Studies on Reproductive Cycle and the Physiological Function of Reproductive Endocrine in Carassius Auratus Red Variety;红鲫繁殖周期与内分泌生理功能研究
9.Effects of Polysaccharide from Atractylodes Macrocephala on the Function of Isolated Frog Hearts;白术多糖对离体蛙心生理功能的影响
10.The Structure ,Physiological Functions and Origin of Conjugated Linoleic Acid;共轭亚油酸的结构、生理功能及来源
11.Research on the Microelement and the Human body s Physiological Function Relation;微量元素与人体生理功能关系的研究
12.Physiological Functions and Utilizing Prospect of DHA and EPA;DHA和EPA的生理功能及开发前景
13.The Role of the AQP1 and AQP8 in Hepatobiliary SystemAQP1与AQP8在肝胆系统生理功能中的作用
14.Advances in the physiological functions of plant aquaporins植物水通道蛋白生理功能的研究进展
15.Alpha-linolenic acid physiological functions and its enrichment purification technologiesα-亚麻酸的生理功能及其富集纯化
16.(pathology) involving or affecting function rather than physiology.(病理学)涉及或者影响功能,而不是生理。
17.All the functions of a living organism or any of its parts.生理,生理机能对有生命的生物或任一组成部分的所有功能
18.Physiologists are interested in the workings of the human body.生理学家对人体的功能感兴趣。

Rational function division功能分区合理
3)physiological functions生理功能
1.Extraction on natural pigment and its physiological functions;天然色素的提取及其生理功能
2.Recent development and physiological functions of lactoferrin;乳铁蛋白及其生理功能研究进展
3.The physiological functions of capsule polysaccharide produced by streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus;唾液链球菌嗜热亚种荚膜多糖生理功能特性研究
4)functional finishing功能整理
1.Application of hydroxyapatite antibacterial composites in the functional finishing of textiles;羟基磷灰石抗菌复合材料在纺织品功能整理中的应用
2.Study on interfacial binding of wool functional finishing;羊毛功能整理中界面结合强度的研究
3.Study of functional finishing on silk fabrics using silk fibroin,nano-sol,silk fibroin and nano-sol combination;丝素和纳米溶胶及其复配液对真丝织物进行功能整理的研究
5)Pharmacological functions药理功能
1.The various health and pharmacological functions of tea catechins in sum as tri-anti-effects (anti-cancer, anti-aging and antioxidative effects), tri-hypo-effects (hypoglycemic, hypolipaemic and hypotensive effects) and tri-de-effects(disinfected, dephlo.人类饮茶已有数千年的历史,饮茶有利于人体健康已被大量科学研究所证实,儿茶素是茶叶诸多保健及药理功能之首要成分,本文将儿茶素诸多的保健及药理功能总结为"三抗(抗癌、抗衰、抗氧化)"、"三降(降血糖、降血脂、降血压)"及"三消(消毒、消炎、消臭)"等十大功效并对其进行了系统综述。
6)biological function生理功能
1.Progress in researches of biological functions of Rosa Laevigata Michx and health food made from it;金樱子生理功能及其保健食品研究进展
2.The study of the natural carotenoid was introduced entirely in this article including structure,classification,physical chemistry properties and biological function,distribution in the nature,extraction methods,analysis and measure methods,post-process forms,biological synthesis paths,correlative gene engineering.综述了天然类胡萝卜素的结构、分类、性质和生理功能,类胡萝卜素在自然界的分布情况、提取和分析检测方法、后加工方式、生物合成途径、相关基因及其遗传工程的研究,最后对天然类胡萝卜素的研究做了总结和展望。
3.In this paper,the composition and property,the biochemical and biological function,the preparation method,analysis of apple polyphenol were summarized.介绍了苹果多酚的组成及性质、生化及生理功能、制备方法及分析,在医药、功能性食品、化妆品等领域的应用前景,并对苹果多酚的研究现状作了概述。

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]