杂志广告,magazine advertisement
1)magazine advertisement杂志广告
1.In order to explore whether gender stereotypes existing in Chinese magazine advertisements,the study examined the portrayal of men and women in 8 categories by conducting content analysis of the central figure in the 13 kinds of the mass magazine advertisements in China.为了解中国杂志广告中是否存在性别角色定型,通过对中国13类大众杂志广告的内容分析,探讨了男性和女性在8个维度上的分布。
2.magazine advertisements.研究首先考察了当代中美杂志广告体现的文化价值的异同。

1.possible drawing magazine advertisements for clothing.可能为服装作杂志广告
2.he wanted some stills for a magazine ad.他想要几张杂志广告的照片。
3.An indepth Analyzing of China Magazine Advertising Business in 2005;2005年中国杂志广告经营的深度分析
4.The Common Patterns of Interactive Design in Magazine Advertisements杂志广告中常见互动性设计样式刍议
5.Our web sites, magazine ads, and billboards will all say @May 12 is Insanity Day.我们的网站、杂志广告以及广告看板都会刊登“五月十二号是《疯狂日》”。
6.The use of bright colors, attractive pictures, and short messages is all characteristic of magazine ads.明亮的色彩、人的图画和简短广告语的采用是杂志广告的特色。
7.Lexical Quantitative Comparison between Online Advertising and Press Advertising English;网络广告英语与报刊杂志广告英语的词汇量化比较
8.The magazine contains a great deal of advertising.这本杂志里有大量广告。
9.The magazine is interspersed with some advertisements该杂志插入了一些广告。
10.It has been advertised in the magazine.已在杂志上刊登了广告。
11.Without advertising, magazines would be much more expensive.没有广告,杂志将会贵得多。
12.I ripped the ad out of the magazine and put it in my pocket.我把广告从杂志上撕下来放进了口袋。
13.His eyes fell upon an advertisement in the magazine.他看到杂志上的一则广告上.
14.They pay for glamor magazines that are 90 percent ads.他们支付百分之90的广告的魅力杂志。
15.I suppose you advertise in the trade journals?我想你们是在行业杂志上登广告的吧?
16.an artist who makes illustrations (for books or magazines or advertisements etc.).画插图(为书、杂志或广告等)的艺术家。
17.Are we going to place the ad in the trade magazines and the newspapers?我们要在商业杂志及报纸上登广告吗?
18.Dispersed Art Treasures--Discussion of Literary Advertisements in The Crescent Moon Monthly;散落的珠玉——论《新月》杂志上的文学广告

magazine advertising杂志广告
1.Chinese magazine advertising improves rapidly with its good commencement and standardized operation.杂志广告具有传阅范围广、效果持久、容量大、目标读者群相对固定以及印刷精美等独特的传播优点。
3)directly distributed advertisement magazine广告直投杂志
4)Chinese magazine ads汉语杂志广告
5)Magazine advertising business杂志广告业务
6)Advertising Age广告时代杂志

《奥地利电力经济杂志》《奥地利电力经济杂志》Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Elektrizittswirt-schaft, OZE  该刊是国际能源委员会奥地利国家委员会的德文会刊,是一种电力科技和经营管理的综合性刊物,主要刊载奥地利及世界各国电力工业的发展水平,发电、艳电、配电技术的研究与开发成果,经营管理,有关法规,行业动态,会议活动,书评,人物介绍等方面的文章和简讯,以及国际能源委员会奥地利国家委员会和奥地利电业协会的工作简报。 该刊的读者对象是能源、电力部门的科技人员和管理人员。Aod一l一D一anl一J一ngJ一Zazhl《奥地利电力经济杂志》(Osterre念h众cheZ碗schri八furElektrizl’t血卿的schaft,OZE) 创刊于1948年,月刊,12开本,由奥地利电业协会编辑出版.编辑部地址:奥地利维也纳,Brahm口at:3,A一1040 Wien。