经济性原则,economical principle
1)economical principle经济性原则
1.Starting with practical chinese,the author summarizes the economical phenomena and discovers that economical principle consist of "simplified language amount"of speakers and "manifold of language informations".经济性原则在语用中不仅表现为说话者"语量的缩减",而且体现为语义"信息量的扩充"。
2.Under the influence of economical principle spoken Russian obviously shows the feature of brevity in terms of word formation and syntax, etc.语言的“经济性原则”是俄语口语的单位组织原则之一 ,在语言的经济性原则的作用下 ,俄语口语在构词、句法等方面呈现出极强的简略性。

1.To See the Economic Principle of Aesthetics from Mach s "Theory of Thought Economy;从马赫的思维经济原理看美的经济性原则
2.The Forms and Causations of the Economy Principle in Language Use;经济性原则在语用中的体现形式及其成因
3.Economical Principle of Language and Brevity of Spoken Russian;语言的经济性原则和俄语口语简略现象
4.Exploration on Yantai County Economy Oriented Principle;烟台市县域经济指向性原则选择初探
5.To Dialectically See the Unity of the Two Principles of Party Spirit in Journalism and the Socialist Market Economy;辩证看待社会主义新闻事业中党性原则与市场经济原则的统一
6.On Association Rationality--Subjective Principle on Condition of Market Economy;交往理性——市场经济条件下的主体性原则
7.principle of taxation based on economic substance按经济实益课税原则
8.New Economy Principle of Speech VS CP and PP;言语配置的新经济原则与CP和PP原则
9.The Need of Applying Spiritual Principles to Today's Economic Problems用精神原则解决当前经济问题的必要性
10.non-binding investment principles [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]非约束性投资原则〔亚太区经济合作组织〕
11.The Economics Interpretation of Accounting Conservatism Principle and It s Paradox;会计谨慎性原则的经济学解释及其悖论
12.The inevitability and principal to construct the ethic of the socialism market economy;论建立社会主义市场经济伦理的必然性及原则
13.Economic Features and Charging Setting Principles of Highway;高速公路的经济特性和收费原则的确定
14.Study on the Applicability of the Network Economy for the National Treatment Principle;网络经济对国民待遇原则的适用性研究
15.Morality in modern market economy;德性的原则——现代市场经济构成的重要元素
16.The Positive Correlation between Developing the Non-public Sector Economy and the Principle of Fairness and Efficiency;发展非公有制经济与效率公平原则的正相关性
17.The Dialectical Unity of Socialist Market Economy and Party Spirit Principle;论社会主义市场经济与党性原则的对立统一
18.6σ Management: Economy-based Modern Quality Management;6σ管理:以经济性为原则的现代质量管理

the economy principle of language语言经济性原则
1.In its long period of application and development,the business correspondence has shaped its own linguistic features,which embodies an outstanding principle—the economy principle of language.在长期的使用和发展过程当中,商务信函形成了自身独特的语言特点,这些特点体现了语言经济性原则
3)economic principle经济原则
1.During this process,economic principle and exterior factors such as network and the public media added fuel to the fire,and pushed the network language forward healthily.网络语言的产生是从个人无意识到集体无意识的渐变过程,在这一发展演变过程中,语言本身的经济原则和大众传媒等外部因素都起到了推波助澜的作用,有利地带动了网络语言的向前发展。
2.Based on the pioneers researches into the interrogative level,this paper further investigates the meanings of question in particular,and represents its two major components: the interrogative level and the interrogative scope and their source in terms of the economic principle of language,the information content questions and the yes-no answer.在前人对疑问程度研究的基础上,着重对疑问句的语义进一步深入探讨,从语言的经济原则、疑问的信息含量及疑问答语的肯否情况说明疑问句的语义存在着疑问程度和疑问范围这两种不同的疑问特性,并讨论了这些特性产生的原因。
3.The economic principle of least efforts and the communication principle of dynamic contextual adaptation explain the process of the phenomenons decoding.语用学理论框架下的关联理论、经济原则和认知语言学框架下的合成空间理论为这种超常规的搭配形式提供了理论基础。
4)economy principle经济原则
1.Enlightenment to English-learners by Language Economy Principle语言经济原则对英语学习的启示
2.After a summary of the conceptual knowledge of nominalization by systemic- functional linguistics, this paper mainly takes the cognitive approaches, illustrating the philosophical ground of nominalization and uses following theories : category、 figure -grounding theory 、iconicity、and economy principle to analyze nominalization in English advertising discourse.着重从认知的角度,阐述名词化的哲学基础,利用范畴论、图形-背景理论、象似性原则及经济原则来探讨名词化产生的深层的认知根据,并且引用具体的广告语实例来论证名词化通过反映上述认知原理在广告语篇中的重要作用。
3.Theoretically it makes it possible that the development of any word sense be accompanied by an enantiosemous(antonymous/complementary/contrastive)sense;however,controlled by the economy principle,only some such senses can fully develop to result in enantiosemous words.理论上讲,在倒反机制作用下,词的任何一个义项的形成,都应伴随形成与之相对(反义、互补或对立)义项,但在经济原则的控制下,只有部分相对义项得到发展,产生"美恶同辞"。
5)economical principle经济原则
1.On derivational computation perspective,each operation(move and merge) should be driven by economical principle.在此基础上,试图从经济原则以及Chomsky的经济性原则的相关观点探讨推导式运算,认为从语句的推导考察运算来看,句法运算的每一步(即合并或移动)都应遵照经济原则。
2.Based on broad view of language and communication,we construct the theory of economical principle in broad sense and establish the mode of describing the operation mechanism,and seek the necessity and flexibility in economical law of language to realize the optional selection of language communication and the full expression of information.经济原则作为人类语言的普遍特性体现在语言的各个层次和方面。
6)the principle of economy经济原则
1.This paper begins with "the principle of economy" of the language.本文从语言的"经济原则"入手,以德汉的新词语和网络语言的简化现象为研究内容,分析和探讨现代德汉语言的发展与变化。
2.There are various and complicated reasons for the code-mixing,such as social culture,social psychology and the principle of economy,etc.语码混合的原因很多,但是,最主要的有社会文化,社会心理和经济原则等因素。
3.This paper tentatively analyzes the motivation why Net-language follows the principle of economy and then,illustrates that the distinct characteristics in word-formation and syntax of Net-language reflect the application of this principle of economy.本文从语言的“经济原则”入手,分析了网络语言遵循“经济原则”的理据,并从词汇和语法方面论述了“经济原则”在网络交际中的运行和应用。
